Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Court action to seize Kelowna and East Van Hells Angels clubhouses

On the brighter side, big news about how the government has filed court action to seize the Kelowna and the East Vancouver Hells Angels clubhouses. Oh happy day. I have a lot to say about this but will write more tomorrow. I have to clarify some details. It sounds like they have just filed legal action. In Victoria the police seized it. The Hells Angels then went to court trying to have the action undone and thrown out and the courts said it wouldn’t throw it out and may proceed. From my understanding the seizure of the Victoria clubhouse hasn’t been to trial yet. Just the adjournment was denied. To my knowledge.

Which means I’m going to have to clarify just who in fact seized the Victoria clubhouse. Was it the police, the gang squad or the government? This action of the government seems to be new. Three cheers. Historically the Campbell government has done SFA about organized crime in BC. Better late than never. Seizing the Kelowna clubhouse is a must. With the David Giles drug bust and the fencing stolen cars ring and all. Not to mention the Vernon Greeks. Much.

Ricky fat ass Ciarniello is still spewing bullshit. He claims it’s so much easier to seize civilly where the police don’t have to prove any criminal activity. That guy is really offensive. Not just to look at but to listen to as well. You can’t seize property under criminal organization legislation until you have proven the parties involved have been convicted of criminal activity. How do we know Ricky fat ass is lying? His lips are moving. How about those videos Tony Terezakis made of him beating the life out of crack addicts in east van that owed him money. He was selling drugs for the Hells Angels. What does the fat ass have to say about that?

Instead of hearing from an obese idiot, why don’t we here from Randy Jones? Let’s hear from the Walrus himself. Let’s ask him why he registered Tbarz in his mothers name and let’s ask him who the “new” owners really are. So the police can seize that bar which was implicated in the US cross border drug trafficking indictment. Let’s hear what he has to say about that. Oh, Randy doesn’t talk to the media? Well maybe Rainbow Ricky should stfu too.


Kim Bolan is reporting that Revenue Canada is also involved in the court action to seize the clubhouses. That's an interesting development.


  1. you mean Nanaimo H.A has never had a Victoria chapter

  2. And by Victoria you mean Nanaimo

  3. Yes of course but the Nanaimo chapter's clubhouse was in Victoria wasn't it? Kinda like how the Whiterock chapter's clubhouse is in Langley.

    1. Nope..........Nanaimo clubhouse was in Nanaimo

    2. Thanks for the correction. Obviously it services both areas but I thought the clubhouse actually was in Victoria. My bad. I still have to dive into who actually seized it and what the status is.

    3. I'm told the Nanaimo clubhouse was on Old Victoria road in Nanaimo. I guess the name of the street added to my confusion. Thanks for the clarification.

  4. it was seized by the nanaimo rcmp and is still in their possession

    1. I thought it was the police not the government. Pretty soon there's gonna be a line up of agencies to divide up the spoils of war.

  5. The club house still sits boarded up, decaying, with some fresh tags on the outside. Lol

    1. I'd love to get a picture of that. What do the tags say?

  6. Tony Terezakis has everything to do with this. Saying it doesn't is absolutely absurd. Tony Terezakis is just one of many documented cases of how the Hells Angels and their associates use violence to control the drug trade and use violence to collect drug debts. That is their primary order of business. The Jones brothers indictment implicating Tbarz is another example. Civil forfeiture legislation involves criminal organizations. The police or the government just can't seize the proceeds of crime if they aren't the proceeds of crime.

    Ricky is full of shit. He claims the Hells Angels aren't a criminal organization when they are. He claims their drug dealing associates aren't their associates when they are. He claims that the civil forfeiture act means the government can take anyone's stuff when it doesn't. I am focussed thanks. Some people just don't get it. Claiming that Tony and Randy aren't part of this is claiming you can't see the forest among the trees. Once again this reinstills my concern that I don't have time to argue with everyone. If people want to create their own blog about how the Hells Angels aren't a criminal organization and how they aren't torturing people for drug debts and how they aren't murdering rival drug dealers in the Vancouver gang war then feel free. Just not on my dime.

  7. "Ricky is full of shit..."

    But what do we expect from this creepy thug...? The HA usually have spokesmen, in most provinces, who can read and write (!) and even speak. Every bust, we gotta hear from this guy, how they just luv bikes, the toy ride, blah blah...

  8. Kim B. expounds on the seizure/forfeiture of HA premises;

    " appears to be suggesting that the Kelowna clubhouse may have had a link to the June 2012 slaying of local resident Dain Phillips. Two full-patch HA are facing a murder charge, along several others."

    (Great; if Mr. Phillips sees some posthumous revenge)

    "I went by the East End clubhouse Tuesday evening, but no one was answering the door. There appeared to be people inside. There was just one Escalade parked outside the nearby Nomads’ clubhouse in the 3900-block of Grant in Burnaby."

    "The bikers will no doubt fight this attempt to take their precious clubhouses, meaning a long drawn out legal battle is likely." (VSun)

    Drive a D-8 Cat thru the front door of Nomads'; and out the back wall...


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