Your alternate news source. Connecting the dots between politics and organized crime.
Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Monday, March 10, 2025
Google is still censoring Vaccine adverse reactions
Government spending and mass inflation
OK since the Liberals are so happy Trump's trade war is distracting everyone from their last colossal budget deficit that got Chrystia Freeland fired, let's talk about it and let's talk about Mark Carney's love of spending money. Tax prayers money.
To begin, let's dial it back to December 16 2024 when Chrystia Freeland was supposed to announce the 2023/24 fiscal budget but didn't. Instead of announcing the $62 billion single year deficit, she launched a smoke and mirrors resignation from Cabinet and the fake news ate it up.
She resigned because Justin Trudeau intended to fire her so she would take the blame for the budget overrun just like Bill Morneau took the fall for the We charity scandal.
The fake news tried to make her look like the victim and exploit the public disdain for Justin Trudeau. CBC reported that "In her spring Budget 2024 speech, Freeland laid out guideposts she said would demonstrate the government's continuing commitment to fiscal responsibility. The first was a promise to keep the 2023-24 deficit at or below $40 billion."
Isn't it amusing how Chrystia Freeland thinks going $40 billion over budget in a single year is being fiscally responsible. Remember that. "The federal government has blown past that benchmark; Monday's update posts a deficit of nearly $62 billion for last fiscal year."
That's a big deal and that fact was lost in the circus side show. Even after Justin Trudeau "resigned" and shut down parliament he kept spending more money without any accountability whatsoever. Keep in mind that Mark Carney and Christia Freeland are BFFs. They both are completely fiscally irresponsible. Some people claim that Mark Carney is getting rid of the carbon tax. He is not. He is hiding it and replacing it with more taxes that will continue to drive up inflation.
Let's not forget that Mark Carney and Justin Trudeau were also BFFs. Mark Carney became Justin Trudeau's "economic" advisor and applauded Justin Trudeau's spending.
The public has finally clued in that you can't keep printing money and running deficits forever. Eventually that will catch up with you and cause mass inflation which we have seen.
In 2015 Thomas Mulcair was the only candidate than ran on a balanced budget. That's why I voted for him. Justin Trudeau came right out and said no, we're not going to balance the budget. He's been spending his kids money ever since.
Stephen Harper talked the talk but he did not walk the walk. Harper would have austerity measures on one hand and mass spending on the other. Harper was not a Conservative. He was a tax and spend pork barrel politician just like his idol Lyin Brian Mulroney. As Edward Snowden pointed out Harper was an enemy of civil liberty. Right wing extremists use false flag attacks to rob your freedom. Conservatives don't.
The fake news claims that Canada chose Mark Carney to lead them in their trade war with Trump. That is not true. Canada didn't chose Carney. The corrupt Liberals who didn't let Ruby Dhalla run did. Canada wanted an election.
The fake news is also grossly misrepresenting Mark Carney saying he is more right wing. That is a bold faced lie. Ruby Dhalla wanted to bring the party back to left of centre. The corrupt party that Klaus Schwab said he owned didn't want that to happen. That's why they let their two favorite leftist extremists run, Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney. Two peas in a pod.
The fake news is still fake. They're still misrepresenting the truth and are pushing Agenda 2030, the UN's New World Order of Communism driven by fake environmentalism.
Having said that, we don't need to go from one extreme to the other. We don't need to go from reckless spending to reckless cuts. We need to balance the extremes and stop wasting so much money on stupid things. We need to stop sending money to the Ukraine. The money isn't going where it's supposed to go. That war never should have happened.
We spend a lot of money on stupid thing. Like promoting transgenderism in Pakistan. Those are the kind of things we need to stop funding. We need to once again admit that deficits are bad and start working towards balanced budgets.
Conservatives will do that. Right wing extremists like Harper and Mulroney won't. The sad thing is, the fake news billed the Reform party as right wing extremists. That was not true. The Reform Party was left of Harper. The Reform Party were Conservatives. Harper was not. Harper was a Globalist.
If what the fake news said about Mark Carney was true that would be awesome. Only it isn't true. Mark Carney has the exact same agenda as Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau only he's a better liar. Don't be fooled by another distraction.
Another way we can reduce spending deficits is by stop giving SNC Lavalin government contracts. We all know their MO. They under bid and over charge government contracts. Then they give politicians kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions.
The Site C Dam is billions of dollars over budget because they gave the contract to SNC Lavalin. Now SNC Lavalin has a new partner that does the same thing called Acciona. They went $3 billion over budget for a North Vancouver Wastewater Treatment Plant. That is organized crime. That is what we need to address.
Trans mountain pipeline overruns are because of SNC Lavalin. Ottawa light rail overruns are because of SNC Lavalin. We don't need to fire all the government workers. We need to fire all the politicians that keep giving SNC Lavalin new contracts. That will help balance the budget.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Where we want to be: peace and prosperity
We've talked about where we were and where we are. Now let's talk about where we want to be. Most people don't like drama. They don't want unnecessary conflict. They prefer peace. Not peace at any price just inner peace and if at all possible the basic prosperity that goes with it. People care about the economy and people don't want unnecessary wars.
Canadians are known for standing up to bullies but they have been know as peacekeepers. We all know where there is no justice there will be no peace. That means real peace is a reflection of justice. What's happening in Gaza is not just. The Oslo accord was just. Greed assassinated the peace process.
In my opinion, the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights are blueprints for a just society where civil liberty is protected by law. So is the Irish Proclamation and the South Africa Constitution. The United States does not have a monopoly on freedom. Martin Luther King once had a dream.
His dream was that the US Constitution would one day be more than a nice piece of paper hanging on the wall. His dream was that one day the Constitution would become a reality not just a verbal pledge. The same with Communist China.
China has a Constitution. China even calls itself a Republic just like North Korea does but neither are free Republics where civil liberty is protected by law. Yet. China has made considerable process. Article 36 of China's Constotution states that "The People's Republic of China has freedom of faith and religion. No state organization, social group or individual may force a citizen to accept or not to accept a religious faith, nor can they discriminate against either religious or non-religious citizens. The state protects normal religious activities."
Right now that's just a nice piece of paper hanging on the wall. It's not practiced but it's pledge is a definite step forward. China recognizes five official religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism, and Catholicism. These religions are state-sanctioned but are subject to government supervision.
The Falun Gong are Buddhists and that is state sanctioned. Unfortunately China designates them as a cult and uses that designation to justify violating their own Constitution.
Why is the freedom of religion important? Wait 'till I tell ye. The freedom of religion is important because that's the first freedom they take away before they take away every other freedom you have or want. The freedom from unlawful arrest. The right to legal representation and a fair trial.
Free speech and lawful assembly. Mobility rights and the freedom to move. These are all rights and freedoms the World Economic Forum want to take away from us peice by piece like a frog in warm water.
They used Covid to rationalize taking away many freedoms we never thought they ever could take away. They also use Climate Change and fake environmentalism to do the same thing. So Mark Carney is bad but so is Stephen Harper.
We want to balance the extremes so we can find peace and prosperity. That's where we want to go. Donald Trump's recent mental breakdown has left many feeling bewildered and discouraged. We thought he was going to save us. Instead he betrayed us. Are you really that surprised? He's a politician. That's what politicians do.
Some people get so discouraged they quit. It's no use. They're all bad. I'll never vote in another reflection again. That's exactly what the bad people want. They want you to feel discouraged and they want you to give up so they can have complete control over you. Some people say I'm going to start a new political party. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.
If you start a new political party the powers that be will try to infiltrate and take that over too. I started Green Justice because I was unhappy with Dianne Watts' fake Conservative tax and spend pork barrel politics. At first I was going to run candidates. Then when I saw Doug McCallum was running a full slate, I endorsed him and simply became a third party sponsor.
That's where I'm at. I don't have the time or resources to start new political parties. I'm simply an online third party sponsor. I support candidates on the left and the right who share my values. There's a difference between right wing and Conservative. Hitler was right wing but he was not conservative. Conservatives believe in small government and more freedom. Hitler's Nationalism believed in big government and limited freedom. Extremists on the right crush civil liberty just as much as extremists on the left.
Stephen Harper was an enemy of the Charter of Rights. I found that shocking because he was supposed to be conservative. He obviously was not. His tax and spend insider trading rivaled his idol Lyin Brian Mulroney.
Justin Trudeau was an enemy of the Charter of Rights. That shocked me too because his father gave us the Charter. That's why I called Justin Commodus. He was not a man like unto his father. So let's balance the left and the right and protect civil liberty by law. That would establish peace and prosperity based on justice. That's where we want to go.
You know that Green Day song Good Riddance and the poem Desiderata? The universe is unfolding as it should. In the end it's right. The pendulum swings from the left to the right based on the pride cycle. When one side gets too proud the pendulum starts to swing the other way until that side gets too proud. Then it swings back the other was again. That is natural justice. That is a democratic system which I support.
Mark Carney chosen as new Liberal leader
Where we were: the Convoy and Covid Death rates
While we wait the results of the rigged Liberal leadership convention and find out who our new interim Prime Minister will be, let's review where we were and what caused Justin Trudeau's approval rating to drop below 16%, the lowest in recorded history. Let's start off with the Convoy.
Police on Guard recently put out a video about the third anniversary of the convoy. That video has a clip of former police officer and Police on Guard co founder Chris VandenBos driving to Ottawa in support of the convoy. He gets emotional as he shows you a familiar sight. The side of the freeway and the overpasses were full of Canadians holding signs and waving flags in support of the convoy. This is what we all saw.
We also saw how the mainstream media misrepresented the Convoy and their massive public support. Justin Trudeau erroneously claimed the Convoy represented a fringe minority as he boldly disregarded any concerns they expressed.
The mainstream media did everything in their power to misrepresent the Convoy and promote that false narrative. On one occasion a Convoy supporter saw a CBC reporter and news camera set up at the edge of a Convoy support protest pointing away from the protest. The guy pulled out his phone and started filming.
He said look at this everyone. This is CBC doing a report on the Convoy pointed away from the rally claiming they have no support. Then he fanned his phone in the other direction and said this is what I see here that they don't want to you to see. It was a huge support rally CBC was intentionally trying to misrepresent.
In my interview with Tamara Lich, I said that is when the light went on for Canadians. People saw how the media misrepresented the Convoy and said if the media lied about that, what else have they lied about. A lot.
Let's talk about death rates during Covid. Local YouTuber Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson was kicked off of YouTube for telling the truth. She quoted a CTV report that said at that point 10,947 people had died from Covid in Canada.
Then she crossed referenced that stat with another stat. CTV also reported that the number of seniors in long term care who died of Covid at that same time was 10,781. That's when Laura Lynn started to do the math.
The intent of the news report was to say seniors are dying of Covid in long term care facilities. We need to do something about that. Yet in so doing, they let the cat out of the bag.
If 10,947 people in Canada had died from Covid and 10,781 of those deaths were seniors in care homes, why on earth are we having lock downs which destroy lives and our economy for 166 deaths across Canada?
Her observation made complete sense and for making that observation she was kicked off YouTube. Which tells you all you need to know about YouTube censorship and the mainstream media.
Did CTV make an error or did they lie? Who knows. The point is the media consistently lied about and misrepresented Covid cases and deaths throughout the entire pandemic.
Since seniors were at the highest risk to die from Covid or the flu, it would make sense that the largest number of people who died from Covid were seniors. Yet the same number of seniors died that year as did each year previously. One would assume that if we were in a pandemic and seniors were dying from Covid not with Covid, then more seniors would have died that year then in previous years but that was not the case. That science based data showed something fishy was going on.
The same with overall death rates. All cause mortality did not rise during Covid. The same number of people died during Covid as did in each year previously. That was the smoking gun. One doctor boldly declared that Covid does not cure cancer and lock downs don't cure heart disease.He noticed that during Covid overall deaths did not increase but deaths from Cancer and heart disease dramatically decreased. He then said that shows you they were labeling deaths due to cancer and heart disease as Covd deaths. Clearly demonstrating the difference between dying with Covid and dying from Covid.
Dr Vernon Coleman made a similar observation. He said during Covid there were virtually zero deaths from the flu. Every year many seniors die from the flu but during Covid they did not. That also shows how they were attributing deaths from the flu to Covid. On Saint Patrick's Day 2020 I reported that in the winter of 2018 80,000 people died of the flu in the US.
So they clearly falsified the death rates but they also falsified the case numbers. Dr Simone Gold explained the confusion about case numbers. The PCR tests were unreliable. Renowned UK Virologist Dr Alan Mordue declared that for a case to be a case to you need two things - symptoms and a positive test result. One without the other is not a case. There is no such thing as asymptomatic cases.
During Omnicron we saw a ton of people who had a positive test result but had no symptoms. Yet the media kept using those fake numbers to promote a false narrative. When viruses mutate they get weaker not stronger. Omnicron was weaker than the seasonal flu. Locking down over Omnicron was a criminal offense. Yet during Omnicron the media intentionally misrepresented hospitalization rates.
During that outbreak they started testing again. If you start testing when you weren't testing at all prior to that, you're obviously going to get an increase in the number of test results simply because you weren't testing anyone before that.
My daughter got Covid early on. She had all the symptoms but when she called the line they said they were only testing health care workers. Just assume you have it and self isolate.
I dropped off some groceries to her basement suit and she said aren't you afraid of dying from Covid? Nope I said. I did get Covid and it was a very bad cold. A cold mist vaporizer helped me sleep at night. I also got Omnicron and that was virtually insignificant. During Omnicron they started testing again.
They gave an unreliable PCR test to everyone in the hospital who was admitted for any reason. If you had no symptoms and went in for an unrelated surgery, they would test you for Omnicron. Since the test gave a huge percentage of false positives, many people with no symptoms texted positive. Not only did they count those asymptomatic results as cases, they also counted them as hospitalizations.
That shows you how the media intentionally misrepresented the numbers. They lied and said Omnicro hospitalization rates have increased. They made it sound like people were put in the hospital for Omnicron symptoms when that was simply not true. They had no symptoms and were in the hospital for something completely unrelated.
So here's my point. If the media lied about that, what else will they lie about? If the media misrepresented that, what else will they misrepresent? That represents the difference between where we're going and where we want to be. On that note, no other media outlet has reported that the fake charges against Bill Majcher have been stayed. Ask yourself why.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Gays Against Groomers interviews Dr. Simone Gold
The Dark Side of the Rainbow Episode 39: Unmasking the Medical and Ethical Battles Within the Transgender Movement with Dr. Simone Gold
— Gays Against Groomers (@againstgrmrs) January 8, 2025
This is Robert Wallace from the Arizona chapter of Gays Against Groomers interviewing Dr. Simone Gold. I interviewed Robert June 2023. This new interview helps us remember where we were with all the Covid lockdowns and gender ideology being pushed on kids. We really don't want to go back there but that is exactly what the WEF wants. Mark Carney is conflicted.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Woman and dog shot dead in Markham Ontario
CBC is reporting that "A 20-year-old woman is dead and a man is badly injured after a double shooting inside a Markham home that police say was targeted and shot at multiple times in the past year. The shooting happened around 6:30 a.m. Friday at a residence on Solace Road near Highway 48 and Castlemore Avenue, York Regional Police say."
"Officers who responded to the shooting found the two adults with gunshot wounds, according to Const. Kevin Nebrija.The female victim has been identified as 20-year-old Nilakshi Raguthas. Police say she was taken to a trauma centre and pronounced dead a short time after. The other victim, a 26-year-old man, was taken to hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries, Nebrija said."
"A German Shepherd dog was also fatally shot during the attack, Nebrija said. Police say two suspects were seen speeding away from the home in a newer-model, black, four-door Acura TLX sedan.Police were previously sent to the home five times since 2018, including three calls last year, he added. Several of those incidents involved suspects shooting at the residence from a distance, Nebrija said."
It's pretty pathetic people are more outraged about the dog being shot than the woman.
The Fake News is still Fake
I just want to point out the obvious. The fake news is still fake. Despite the fact that Donald Trump has lost his mind over Gaza and the Canadian Trade war, it's important to remember how absurd the fake news was before he was elected for a second term. As I said in a previous podcast, we need to look at where we were, where we're going and where we want to be because those are three different things.
The fake news is rambling about "Trudeau reduced to tears after ‘colourful’ phone call with Trump over tariffs Canadian prime minister urges nation to ‘stand up’ to US in one of his last public appearances as leader." STFU and resign. This it your fault. Justin Trudeau's far left World Economic forum insanity created an overkill push back. Trump's an a*shole and Justin Trudeau is an idiot. Sit down, shut up and leave. We hate you and Trump.
As they say in Quebec je me souviens. I remember. I remember the Convoy and how that power hungry wannabe dictator froze bank accounts of single parents who simply donated to the convoy. I remember how Justin Trudeau had Tamara Lich and Andy Lee arrested right before the Calgary Stamped just so they couldn't ask him any questions at his press conference in Calgary. That was deplorable.
So as for Justin Trudeau's departure, get lost. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Thanks for nothing you selfish freak.
Now that he's finally out of the way, we do need to look at the clear agenda the fake news had so we're not decided by their subsequent propaganda campaigns because it's all tied to the same Agenda 2030. Fake environmentalism, mass inflation and global poverty. Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh are primed and pumped to bring crazy back.
Fake environmentalism is a big part of Agenda 2030. I'm not talking about Climate Change deniers. I'm talking about straight up fake environmentalism that Michael more talked about in his documentary planet of the humans.
Powering electric cars from electricity generated by Industrial coal is not Green it's obscene. Blowing up the Nordstream pipeline was an attack on the environment.
Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. Industrial coal is the largest source of CO2 emissions on the planet. China is a big offender. If China and Germany replaced with Industrial coal plants with natural gas that would create a huge reduction in air pollution and greatly improve air quality around the world.
Joe Biden tried to ban gas stoves. Locally various City councils have or have tried to ban the construction of new homes heated by natural gas. Why is that? Because heating a home with natural gas is a lot cheaper than electricity.
Agenda 2030 strives to drive up the cost of energy through manufactured shortages. That was another reason for the provoked conflict in the Ukraine. To justify boycotting Russian oil and gas to jack up the price through the Saudi monopoly.
When that provoked conflict created a manufactured energy crisis in Europe Iran released some oil reserves to bring the price down. That's why Saudi lost it and the CIA started to defame Iran to start another oil war. Now we see Tucker Carlson's CIA whitewash trying to start another war with Iran to cut oil production and jack up the price at the pumps.
Speaking of fake news, There are tons of video clips of Chrystia Freeland nodding her head continuously and erratically like she's on drugs but Google and YouTube have buried them.
I distinctly remember one during Covid of her bobbing her head with a mask on beside a chicken doing the exact same thing. It was bizarre similar but that video and almost all the others have been completely buried. We all saw how Chrystia Freeland resigned in a huff when Justin Trudeau fired her trying to lay the blame for a $61.9 billion deficit for 2023/24.
Justin Trudeau's approval rating fell below 16% for just cause. Chrystia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh were tied directly to that deficit and every insane act Justin Trudeau did to drive the Canada economy into the ground. History has recorded that. The fact that the fake news actively strives to rewrite history and paint her in a positive light is absolutely insane and once again reveals how real the WEF's Agenda 2030 is.
Chrystia Freeland was the finance minister who approves such an outrageous budget because of her agenda. She had no fiance experience. She simply exploited every opportunity she could he participate in World Economic forum events.
When inflation hit she told workers they need to take a roll back. Why? Because she wants everyone to be poor. Leftists are supposed to support trade unions that raise the standard of living for workers not roll back their wages and enslave them with poverty. Chrystia Freeland is not an advocate for workers neither is Mark Carney. Mark Carney is another World Economic Forum clone. All the fake news calling the Convoy Nazi's while Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a literal Nazi in the Ukraine. All that true information is still being buried by the fake news. Ask yourself why.
The Oath Keepers exposed the UN's Agenda 21 and Anonymous have exposed the UN's Agenda 2030 of Global domination. They keep coming back with the same agenda.
Processing Trump Tariffs calmy and rationally
I just wanted to have a heart to heart about processing the anger over Trump's on again off again tariff threats. We need to calm down and think about it rationally not emotionally. Daniel Smith and Scott Moe understand that counter tariffs are not the answer. Counter tariffs hurt American farmers and Canadian consumers. It also forfeits our legal recourse to sue Trump for breaking the legal contract he signed while he was in office.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
16 year old male shot dead in Hamilton
CP 24 is reporting that "A 16-year-old boy critically injured in a shooting in Stoney Creek early Thursday morning has died, Hamilton police say. It happened in the area of Highway 8 and Fruitland Road at around 4:20 a.m. Police say multiple shots were fired during the incident, and “several vehicles” were involved, including two that remained on scene."
"A male victim suffering gunshot wounds was transported to the hospital, where he later died. His identity has not been released. The homicide unit is now investigating. It is not immediately clear what led to the shooting. Police say they will provide an update on Friday."
Scott Moe and Daniel Smith understand that counter tariffs are not the answer. Supply and Demand is.
Theo Von and Candace Owens on Pedophiles and Gaza
Candace Owens and Theo Von talk about the inhumanity of Gaza and Trump's support of it. This is the whole interview. 42:49 talks about pedophiles. Gaza starts at 38:35.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Balancing the Extremes and Dialing back the crazy
Today we're going to talk about where we were, where we're going and where we want to be. We are going to talk about the need to debate issues honestly without being blindly partisan. Rand Paul gets it. Zombies don't.
Former NATO Сhief Blasts ‘Shameless’ Trump and Calls for a European Nuclear Deterrent - that is literally mentally deranged. This is why we should withdraw from NATO. It's been hijacked by wackos. Elon Musk publicly supports call for US to exit NATO, UN. He's right. This is what I talked about in this podcast.
Suddenly, Leaving NATO is on the Table!
— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) March 4, 2025
David Brooks uses his brain. Trump is not a Conservative.
Adam Schiff explains the reality behind Trump Tariffs
BREAKING: Adam Schiff just released this video exposing how Trump’s tariffs are raising prices for families. Republicans are already fuming.
— Democratic Wins Media (@DemocraticWins) March 4, 2025
As I said in my podcast about Trump's Tariffs, Canada doesn't pay those tariffs American consumers do. Tariffs raise the price of everything you buy. I don't want to tariff Guinness because it raises the price of Guinness. Tariffs are taxes.
They drive up inflation and the cost of goods and services. Just like raising the price of fuel. Trump understands the importance of affordable energy. Someone just needs to explain to him about the Globalist Tariff trap he has fallen for.
Justin Trudeau is an idiot. What he says doesn't matter. Our response to Trump's Tariffs is no response. If Trump tariffs Canadian goods American consumers pay that we don't.
If he tariffs Canadian goods we simply sell our products to other countries. We don't impose counter tariffs because that drives up inflation and makes things more expensive for us.
That is a globalist trap Justin Trudeau is eagerly wanting to jump into head first just like he eagerly cut energy production to drive up fuel costs and inflation. Globalism sucks. Don't fall for their next trap like Donald Trump has.
Dow tumbles 650 points as Trump confirms tariffs on Mexico and Canada will start Tuesday
— rattanjournalist (@RattanNews) March 3, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
Surrey RCMP grabs a coworker's a*s
The Dirty News posted a surveillance video of a cop in Surrey grabbing another cop's a*s in uniform. Notice the yellow stripe. Looks like the Surrey RCMP are passing on their long-standing tradition of inappropriateness to the SPS. The more things change the more they stay the same.
The Dirty News also has a video of that Langley/Surrey House fire caused by an explosion which implies it was a drug lab.
Two arrested in stolen car loaded with drugs near Surrey park via @surreynowleader
— Surrey Now-Leader (@SurreyNowLeader) March 3, 2025
Fatal shooting in Surrey
Update: The Dirty Newz is reporting that the victim was Jaskaran Minhas which has been confirmed by the IndoCanadian Voice. The Dirty Newz is also reporting that "Some have alleged that he was affiliated with the brothers keepers, and that this may have been a retaliation hit for Uppal (innocent DJ who was shot to death)"
The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "One man is dead after a shooting near the intersection of Scott Road and 80th Avenue in Surrey on Monday afternoon. According to Surrey Police Service spokesperson Staff Sgt. Lindsey Houghton, emergency services received several calls from the “very busy” location at around 5:30 p.m."
"Houghton said that one person was shot while inside a vehicle in the outdoor parking lot at the southeast corner of the intersection. Article content Photos from the scene showed a grey VW SUV with several bullet holes in the windshield crashed into a small tree in the parking lot. A person’s body was laying behind the vehicle covered by a blanket."
"A red Dodge Charger was later found on fire on Westview Drive in Delta. The blaze was extinguished by firefighters." The Dirty Newz has pictures and videos from the scene.
— Joe Right (@joejoerighty) March 3, 2025
Merica ? No wait it’s only Surrey nothing to see here folks……
Robert Crimo and MK Ultra
UPI is reporting that "Robert E. "Bobby" Crimo III, pleaded guilty Monday at the start of the trial accusing him of carrying out a deadly mass shooting in Illinois on July 4, 2022. Crimo, changed his plea to guilty on 21 counts of first-degree murder and 48 counts of attempted murder in a surprise move at the start of the trial as opening statements were due to begin."
When I saw the suspect's picture the first thing that came to mind was MK Ultra and I don't even know what that means. The kid looks crazy. His mother doesn't sound like she's playing with a full deck either. Some of this looks staged.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to ascertain that something fishy is going on. I'm not going to fuel conspiracy theories on this I'm just trying to make sense of it because there's no sense to be made. Every crime has a means and motive.
The world is full of crazy extremism on both sides of this issue. The fake fact checkers pushing for more and more gun control are quick to quote QAnon and Alex Jones but does QAnon even still exist? The CIA created that insane movement for a purpose.
I recently made a podcast about mass shootings after a heartbreaking incident where a mother killed her kids then shot herself. My concern was the availability of guns to people with mental health issues. Although I do believe many mass shootings are orchestrated, I don't think they all are.
Mental health is a very common problem. If one in four people have a mental health problem, should they have the right to own and carry a firearm? That is debatable. In my podcast I talked about Sonny Barger's ex Noel who was on bipolar meds and had a permit to carry. When we saw how she behaved with a firearm common sense would argue that wasn't a smart thing.
When I look at the mass shooting at the 4th of July parade I'm forced to ask myself why? Even Wikipedia can't come up with a motive. I'm not saying it was a hoax and didn't happen. It was horrific. Like the Las Vegas mass shooting which was highly suspicious. He didn't target a specific race or religion. He shot women and children. It was insane.
Alex Jones got in trouble for saying Sandy Hook never happened. That was crazy. That's like saying 9/11 never happened when we all saw it. Just because Anderson Cooper used a green screen in one of his interviews doesn't mean Sandy Hook never happened. It means he pretended to be on scene when he was actually in the studio which isn't a big deal.
A lot of things Alex Jones has said is crazy. He put out a very good documentary on the attack on the USS Liberty. Yet some of his other stuff is a bit too extreme for me to digest. That's why the fake fact checkers love to use his name whenever they are trying to discredit gun control concerns.
One fake fact checker on the 4th of July Parade shooting mentioned Marjorie Taylor Greene then said "An adjacent theory is that the Crimo was a product of MK-ULTRA, a secret (but real) government program from the 1950s until 1973, in which unethical experiments were conducted on participants to explore mind control, often involving exposure to LSD, psychological torture and more. MK-ULTRA theories also followed the May 2022 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas."
OK so since they brought it up, what the hell is MK Ultra? They claim MK-ULTRA is a secret (but real) government program that ended in 1973. OK so it was secret but real. What was it?
NPR is reporting that "During the early period of the Cold War, the CIA became convinced that communists had discovered a drug or technique that would allow them to control human minds. In response, the CIA began its own secret program, called MK-ULTRA, to search for a mind control drug that could be weaponized against enemies."
Here we go again, during the early part of the cold war the CIA... These same clowns again. Allen Dulles, Felix Rodriguez and Operation 40. The CIA claim that "Ultimately, Gottlieb concluded that mind control was not possible" and MK-ULTRA shut down in 1973.
Kind of like China's organ harvesting program. Oh we don't do that any more. Oh really? So MK Ultra was an era where the CIA would conduct mind control experiments on unsuspecting patients using LSD and torture.
That's what we know. We don't know that it actually stopped and we don't know that it wasn't actually unsuccessful. That is what we don't know.
We do know that there are an insane number of mass shootings in the US. A coworker was arguing with an American about the Hockey series who was mocking Canada for becoming the 51st State so my coworker said don't you have a mass shooting to attend? Again the number of mass shootings in the US is concerning.
I do believe the Orlando mass shooting and the Las Vegas mass shootings were both orchestrated because of the number of rounds fired. I believe there were more than one shooter in both of those incidents and the motive for those shootings was gun control.
Yet this 4th of July parade shooting appears to have been once crazy kid and the only known motive for that shooting is gun control so we're forced to ask ourselves does MK Ultra still exist? Did the CIA influence this kid or any others to conduct a mass shooting?
Montreal MKULTRA Experiments - evidently the CIA conducted some of these experiments in Canada. The BBC mentioned the program as did the CBC. The CBC produced a podcast called Brainwashed a six-part series co-produced with The Fifth Estate that investigates the CIA's covert mind-control experiments.
"It’s the story of how a renowned psychiatrist used his unwitting patients as human guinea pigs at a Montreal hospital, and the ripple effects on survivors, their families, and thousands of other people around the world. It also examines the cultural impact — how the CIA brought LSD to America and inadvertently created counterculture influencers such as author Ken Kesey and poet Allen Ginsberg. It’s an exploration of what happens in times of fear, when the military and medicine collide."
"The CIA brought LSD to America." Isn't that interesting. Just like they created the Golden Triangle and created the US crack epidemic in the /80's. It's time to disband the CIA.