Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Ontario junior hockey player dies during tournament

Update: Runner collapses and dies at Comrades Marathon

CTV is reporting that "Flags at the community complex in Ayr, Ont. have been lowered to half-mast after the sudden death of a 19-year-old hockey player during a game. In an emailed statement, the Ayr Centennials said they were devastated to announce their captain Eli Palfreyman died on Tuesday. Palfreyman was a three-year veteran of junior hockey, about to enter his fourth year. “Our Centennial’s organization and the community of Ayr are in mourning,” the team said. The Centennials were playing the Boston Jr. Bruins as part of an invitational pre-season tournament on Tuesday evening. According to a member of the Ayr Centennials organization, Palfreyman collapsed in the dressing room during the second intermission."

This is an absolute tragedy. An athletic young man mysteriously drops dead. Doesn't that sound strange? Two years ago it would have but that's become the new normal. Earier this month Dr Leslyn Lewis reported that "The past couple of years have been incredibly traumatizing for so many Canadians. People have lost so much: financial devastation, the loss of so many dreams, losing loved ones. And now at a time when we are hoping that we might finally be returning to normal life, we are being confronted with a new faceless fear: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”

"This recently emerged mysterious affliction, manifests itself in healthy young adults who suddenly drop dead. Did you know that in Alberta, the leading cause of death is now “Unknown.”? Meanwhile in Toronto over the past few weeks, six young healthy doctors all died suddenly and with no explanation as to why. We were quickly told that this wasn’t vaccine-related. But that is not good enough. If three young women go missing in your neighbourhood, and the police response was 'Well it is probably not a serial killer', that wouldn’t be good enough. We would demand answers, which is what we should do now." Science examines evidence.

The number of athletes with heart problems since the RNA rollout has skyrocketed.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Jury finds Larry Amero guilty of murder

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Hells Angel Larry Amero, accused of conspiracy to commit murder in both the targeted execution of Duhre and the fatal shooting 11 months later of Duhre’s associate Sukh Dhak, was convicted on both counts."

"Amero’s co-accused Rabih (Robby) Alkhalil was convicted of both conspiracy and first-degree murder in Duhre’s death. And he was found guilty of plotting to murder Dhak. The next court appearance in the case is Wednesday to fix a date for sentencing."

This is a landmark decision and is the first semblance of justice we have seen since the Surrey Six. Larry Amero was behind the Surrey Six as well as many other murders. We can talk about how IHIT completely screwed up the Surrey Six by having threesomes with witnesses then letting Jamie Bacon into witness protection for doing virtually nothing. Well today is redemption day. Somebody finally did something right. Know Justice, Know Peace.

Larry Amero has been involved with many murders. Forrest Schab owed him money, where is he? Larry Amero was behind the Surrey Six. Kim Bolan lied and said when Larry Amero was shot with Johnathon Bacon in Kelowna, that was a new alliance. She knew that the Independent Solders, including James Riach, met with the Bacon Brothers in Kevlar at the Castle Fun park BEFORE the Surrey Six. She knew that so when she said it was a new alliance, she lied.

Larry Amero was friends with Jonathon Bacon long before the Surrey Six. Everyone knew that. Larry Amero was the driving force behind their break from the UN and was the direct cause of all that subsequent violence involving the hostile take over of the Red Scorpions.

In addition to that, Larry had two co accused brutally killed from that big drug bust in Montreal. Robby and Damion Ryan killed one of them after he came to them for help in Greece, the other one was killed and dismembered in Colombia. Larry Amero has lost his mind. Those were brothers not informants. If they were informants, they wouldn't have left the country.

Larry Amero's murder trial

Update: Jury finds Larry Amero guilty of murder

The jury in Larry Amero's murder trial is in deliberations.
Deo & Khun Khun are in courtroom 55 today. Deo claimed he accidentally shot his ex. Bullsh*t.

While we wait for the jury's verdict on Gumby's case, let's review the facts. Robby and Dean were already convicted of the murder of Johnny Raposo. Dean worked for Robby and Robby worked for Larry. Robby referred to Dean as hit best hitter meaning this team of misfits have been involved with many murders. Multiple conspiracies as the crown would say.

Robby was arrested with Larry in the penthouse they shared in Montreal. That ties Larry to Robby and Dean. Robby and Dean were both on video surveillance at the Wall Centre and across the street at the time of the murder. After the murder, Robby texts Larry and says Dip's dead.

Gina Carano: How I pissed off Hollywood

'Canceled’ Star Clifton Duncan: No Regrets for Refusing Vaccination

What You've Never Heard About McCarthyism in Hollywood.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

BC Government ramping up free Rapid Tests

Speaking of the Agenda, I was at the store today, I think Walmart, and they announced they had free rapid tests available in the pharmacy as prescribed by the BC Provincial Government. What a freaking farce. Those are our tax dollars they are throwing away. The tests don't work and flooding the field with more rapid tests reveal their agenda. You test more you have more cases, only cases without symptoms are not cases.

This is so completely ridiculous it is absolutely astounding. The said Omicron was going to be worse than Covid but they were wrong. It wasn't it was less than the seasonal flu. Locking down over Omicron was a criminal act. China launched a brutal lock down of Shanghai over Omicron. That was straight up Communism.

People aren't afraid of Omicron anymore so they went back to calling it Covid to try and resurrect the fear factor. When viruses replicate themselves they get weaker not stronger. Handing out more rapid tests is part of the Agenda. It's summer for f*ck sake. Give it a rest.

The Vancouver Sun is now trying to bombard us with false numbers again. The Vancouver Sun is now owned by Post Media News just like Global television making them both completely worthless. The local media maliciously misrepresented the Omicron hospitalization rates.

They tested everyone in the hospital for Covid with the same PCR tests that have a huge false positive rate. Then they lied and said all those people were in the hospital for Covid when they weren't. They were in the hospital for other things. They weren't even in the hospital with Covid because if you have a positive test result but have no symptoms, you don't have Covid. The media is still lying to us and the Vancouver Sun is front and centre of that deception.

A coworker's relative died of cancer. They tested positive for Omicron so they listed that death as Covid when it was not. This has happens continuously. So much so that Dr. Hodkinson clarified "Covid does not cure cancer and lockdowns do not cure heart disease. So the fact that those statistics have dropped ramatically is clear evidence that these deaths are being misclassified."

The Vancouver Sun used to be reliable. Now it is absolutely ridiculous along with the CBC. If you want the facts about Covid subscribe to the real science the coalition of health care practitioners are posting to expose the lies the Media is bombarding us with.

CHA - Robert Malone - Canadian Covid Care Alliance - The Hart Group - Police on Guard

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Fatal shootings in Kamloops and Surrey

Castanet is reprting that "The Kamloops RCMP Serious Crime Unit said that a drive-by shooting that left one man dead and another injured on Friday night is believed to be a targeted incident and is considered a homicide. Police responded around 10:45 p.m. at Ord Road near Singh Street for a 911 call involving two men who had been shot while inside a red Toyota Matrix. Neighbourhood residents reported hearing multiple gunshots that night."

"RCMP said that the driver of the vehicle was pronounced dead shortly after, while the second victim was taken to the hospital in stable condition. Several hours later, around 2 a.m., police were called to a vehicle fire on Frontage Road in Rayleigh. Police are looking into whether the incidents are related, which is part of the ongoing investigation."

One man in hospital after shooting in Surrey Saturday night

South Surrey shooting now fatal, homicide team called

The Road Ahead: Examining the Agenda

It's time for me to release another paper explaining the evolution of Gangstersout and the road ahead. The Hells Angels aren't the problem any more. Justin Trudeau and the World Economic Forum are. The media has become absolutely ridiculous. Everyone can see that now. The Agenda behind fake environmentalism has become clear. This new paper talks about how the blog has changed over the years and addresses the agenda we all now face.

The Evolution of Gangsters Out: Examining the Agenda

Friday, August 26, 2022

Joe Biden admits election fraud

So Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton can ramble about election fraud as much as they want but as soon as anyone else mentions it, it's a crime against the state. The double standard is ridiculous.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Australia's fentanyl shipment came from Vancouver

Update: TBM posted a video on this from the Mob Reporter

The National Post is reporting that "The largest ever fentanyl seizure in Australia arrived from Canada inside military-style ammunition boxes hidden in an industrial lathe, Australian police said. Australian authorities issued a public warning Monday about the dangers of the potent opioid because it is not previously known to be in the country in such purity and bulk."

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Vancouver DTES is a failed social experiment

I rode into Vancouver tonight to check out the Italian long sword school on Hastings and rode past Main and Hastings on my way home. That place is such a toilet. It has gotten completely out of control. What we are doing there is wrong. What we are letting happen there is wrong. That's not freedom. That's not social justice. That is slavery and misery. That's all that is.

Recently the fake news was going off about how the police were struggling to dismantle a drug addicts crime fest of tents and anarchy in plain sight on the public sidewalks of the DTES. This is a remix of the Oppenheimer rape camp that went to Strathcona then came back to stay.

Kennedy Stewart is not a bad guy. He means well. He is NDP so he's coming from a left wing perspective. He's the one that gave up his seat for Jagmeet Singh who is the son of Satan. Jagmeet is a bad person not because he's Sikh but because his polices contradict the Sikh faith and mock that religion. Just like Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney isn't a bad person because he's Mormon. It's because he's a bad Mormon. That's the problem.

Kennedy Stewart opposed the Oppenheimer rape camp for good reason. It was a cesspool of crime and exploitation. Just like the lawless camp at Main and Hastings. Now Kennedy Stewart wants to legalize all drugs and I can't accept that. What we are doing in the DTES is wrong. Everyone can see that. Even Snoop Dog.

The cost of housing is completely out of control but open drug use is not the answer. Drug abuse is called abuse for a reason. The Portugal model succeeded because they made drug treatment mandatory. Promoting addiction is wrong. It just promotes crime and violence.

Fatal Calgary shooting tied to the Hells Angels

Update: Michael Tyrel Arnold has been arrested and charged

CBC is reporting that "Talal Fouani, left, was on bail for organized crime and money laundering charges when he was shot while sitting in his parked Bentley outside his southwest Calgary home. Fouani's wife, Nakita Baron, 31, was killed in what police have called a targeted attack."

"In 2020, Fouani testified against his former friend and business associate Cem (Jim) Can at an Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) hearing. Can was arrested in 2003, along with two Hells Angels associates, accused of extortion and kidnapping related to a stock deal gone bad. The charges were later dropped because of concerns about the reliability of the alleged victim."
OK so Talal Fouani was on bail for organized crime and money laundering charges when he was shot in Calgary on August 18th. "In June, Fouani and two siblings were arrested on charges related to money laundering. Fouani is accused of laundering money obtained through drug trafficking in both Calgary and Halifax." Calgary and Halifax, things that make ya go hmm...

"Of the 23 people Fouani is banned from having contact with, 10 are men and women who have faced drug trafficking charges in recent years following cocaine busts in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. One of those people is Ricco King, who has faced several sets of charges including an arrest in connection with an international cocaine trafficking ring in 2016."

Obviously all that organized drug trafficking tied to murder is run by a specific criminal organization. I submit that this doesn't involve the Calgary chapter it involves those from another chapter who are financially benefiting from that drug trafficking organization. Just like the Wolf Pack in Vancouver and the Edmonton HAs in Surrey.

When the FK were beefing with the FOB in Calgary that involved the Independent Solders who work for the BC Hells Angels. They have been predominately replaced by the Wolf Pack. I guess Jody York was left high and dry when his pal Donnie McWhirter started working for the PoPo along with Jamie Bacon. What's with CBC? Are they trying to resurrect their lost credibility?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Canada signs energy deal with Germany

Update: Rex Murphy: Yes, Trudeau, there is a case for exporting LNG to Europe

What a freaking circus. I was at the gym today and while I was doing cardio the fake news was going off about how Justan Idiot signed an energy deal with Germany. This is a complete scam. The WEF Globalists think that we will support sanctions against Russia if Canada can profit from them. Not. We support what's right and oppose what's wrong. Money has nothing to do with it.

Germany needs to twin it's existing natural gas pipeline to Russia. Natural gas is far better than industrial coal. Twinning that pipeline and phasing out industrial coal will be a colossal step forward for air quality in Europe and for reducing Global C02 emissions.

If Canada sincerely wants to step up they should send natural gas to England to offset their manufactured energy crisis and I'll explain why. Last year I reported on the new Hydrogen plant in Edmonton. Now I am most certainly not opposed to hydrogen. I'm just concerned about how it's produced and what it's phasing out as to whether or not we are creating more work and more emissions than it's worth. For example, how is it being produced?

The state run fake news claims that there are many ways to produce hydrogen - hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear, fossil fuels with carbon capture, natural gas with carbon capture - bingo. This is all very Michael Moore. Let's go through the list.

Hydro, wind solar - nope . you're not getting hydrogen from that. When they say hydro, they're not getting from Dams, they're getting it from electrolysis which is something you can do and is what I suggested all along. Nuclear? AYFKM? Nuclear is NOT green.

Nuclear is very dangerous and nuclear waste is practically impossible to dispose of. That stuff just doesn't decompose. The radioactive half life is very long. Nuclear power also gives countries the means and materials to make nuclear weapons. That's why they're pushing nuclear. Carbon capture - you can make if by burning natural gas but why would you? That's so counter productive and labour intensive. Why not just use the natural gas for natural gas?

So how is the Edmonton plant making it? The Communist Broadcasting Corporation is reporting that Edmonton plant will "produce the clean-burning fuel from natural gas." AYFKM? They're going to phase out the natural gas pipelines making our heating bills skyrocket so they can burn natural gas to produce clean burning hydrogen. That is utterly ridiculous. Why not just burn the natural gas to begin with. Phasing out Industrial coal is a far bigger priority.

That is fake environmentalism. Michael Moore explained this in his controversial documentary Planet of the Humans. He talked about how unreliable wind and solar are. He also talked about how burning coal to melt coal so they can make solar cells is not green. He talked about ruining electric cars from a grid that generates electricity by burning industrial coal is not green.

Michael Moore talked about the complete hypocrisy in the fake environmentalism that upset the fake environmentalists. Phasing out natural gas so you can burn it to produce hydrogen is no different. We should be promoting natural gas not phasing it out. Net Zero 2050: I'm out.
Speaking of crazy, did you hear about Justin Trudeau's Climate Police Armory? The Counter Signal is reporting that "The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, controlled quiet rooms, and intelligence facilities. The plans, which were drawn up by a firm in Winnipeg, open a window into Trudeau’s future plans for Climate Enforcement." These are fake environmentalists with guns ready to seize everything you have and throw you in jail if you don't comply.

Environment and Climate Change Canada is recruiting for Environmental Enforcement officers. That's pretty psychotic. Remember how Alan Brough of the Canada Health Alliance warned us about the not so subtle name change of Environment Canada to Environment and Climate Change Canada. Well now they are arming climate change enforcement officers to stop Canadian from farming so we all starve. That has nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with Communism remixed as Globalism and Climate Change Enforcement.

Closing arguments in Larry Amero's murder trial

Update: Dr Spin is reporting that "On her second day of providing instructions to the jurors prior to their deliberations, Maisonville said they didn’t have to accept that every single email or text was written by either Amero or Alkhalil in order to convict one of both of them. She said during the search, police seized a number of BlackBerry PGP (pretty good privacy) devices. Police were able to recover messages from some of the devices. She recounted how evidence led by Crown showed that Vancouver Police, along with a SWAT team and local officers executed a search warrant at a Montreal penthouse shared by Amero and Alkhalil in August 2012."

So once again, the evidence for this trial came from the Montreal police not the CFSEU in BC.

2nd Update: I stopped in again Thursday morning. Larry Amero was there as well as the jury. I didn't recognize Larry at first. He wore black rim glasses, had his hair in a bun and wore a Mr Rodgers sweater. He looked like a total nerd. I guess that's part of the courtroom theatrics. The judge continued reading 275 pages of evidence to the jury and said she probably wouldn't be finished until Friday where upon the jury would then begin their deliberations.

The judge's instructions to the jury were lame. How can a preplanned, premeditated murder not be referred to as an execution? She is an inferior judge. That's a term the Supreme court judges use for the other judges of the lower courts. It is arrogant, derogatory and false. Peter Leask was an idiot. When this judge refuses to administer justice she becomes an inferior judge.


I stopped in at Larry Amero's murder trial yesterday and noticed something dodgy was going on. The jury wasn't present and they were arguing about instructions to the jury before the final verdict. Turns out the defense had submitted an application for a mistrial and the crown had just received it 8:30 AM that morning and asked to argue it 9:00 AM today so I came back today to check it out. Thankfully the application failed and the jury was scheduled to reconvene 11:30 AM today. Sounds like it was just a Hail Mary by the defense before the conclusion of the trial.

There is a publication ban in effect and I have to search through their website to find the publication ban and see what it covers. The Registration desk won't give it to you. We have to obey it but they make it pretty difficult for you to find it.

While I look for it, I'm going to make a comment because it falls within the realm of Natural Justice. After all, the court bows to natural justice or at least it's supposed to. If the judicial system fails to uphold justice then it is like salt that's lost it's flavor. It's good for nothing. It's to be cast aside and trodden under foot by man.

The crown or the defense may not necessarily agree with the judge's instructions to the jury just like they may not necessarily agree with the judge's decision or the jury's verdict. That's why they're in court. They don't agree on something and the matter needs to be adjudicated.

It is common knowledge that Robby and Dean have already been convicted in the murder of Johnny Raposo. Robby was already serving a life sentence before he "escaped." That is public knowledge. Unless the jury has been living under a rock, they already know that.

It would be an absurd miscarriage of justice if the crown was not allowed to mention that fact in their closing argument to the jury. When my kids were in grade seven they used to be peer mediators. The school would get the grade sevens to break up fights between the younger kids. One time my kids did something and I was harping on them about it. All of a sudden they get in my grill and said you can't say that, that's past history. I was like say what?

Then they explained that they were taught in Peer Mediation that you can't bring up previous events in an argument because that's past history. That's when I laughed out loud. I understand the intent of what they were trying to tell the kids. They were trying to say, in relationships when people get in an argument you can't keep bringing up past events. We're not talking about that now. Now we're talking about this.

However, as I so eloquently pointed out to my kids at the time, if you're in court because you stole a car and you stole 15 cars before that, you can't say to the judge you're not allowed to bring that up because that's past history. The judge is allowed to bring that up because it's called a criminal record. Likewise in this case, the crown most certainly is allowed to bring up the murder of Johnny Raposo. It's their duty because in any criminal trial the judge always lists the accused's previous criminal offenses in their judgement.

It is also an obscene miscarriage of justice that the crown never submitted the encrypted blackberry evidence they had on Larry Amero from the Vincent Ramos case. They were forbidden to do so by the US Intelligence Agency that convicted their CI instead of the criminals that were using his encrypted blackberries. Yeah I went there because that matters.

It is also an obscene miscarriage of justice that Larry Amero hasn't been charged in all the other murders they had evidence of his involvement in from the encrypted Blackberry including but not limited to the Surrey Six which they have completely screwed up beyond any semblance of justice. All I'm going to say is that Larry Amero is a b*tch and so is his little donkey Jamie Bacon.

Although it's hard to notice, I've been trying really hard not to trash Larry because I know his Godson. His Godson is a really good man. Larry Amero is not. I'm not going to kick the cat but it's not the entire club. Larry Amero is a bad apple. He doesn't even ride. He just sells drugs, takes juice and hires people to kill rivals. That's all he does. Well that doesn't impress me. Larry Amero is a suburban princess from Walnut Grove. F*ck him. He's just a Surrey Jack.

Publication ban update:

OK the court registry gave me a hack to find the publication bans on Larry Amero's trial and I'm going to post it before I forget it for future reference. When you're at the court there's a sign posted that says publication ban in effect and gives you their website to find them. So I go to the website which redirects you to Go to the left drop down menu and click on Media, Publication Bans & Policies. Then you click Supreme court.

After that you click, Publication Bans and then Publication Ban Search. That takes you to the search page. Only the search box wouldn't work. I typed in 6011 which is the Vancouver registry. Then I typed in R. v Larry Amero just like the example and it says no results found and i'm like WTF. How the hell am I supposed to find it?

This is the hack the registry gave me:

Remove the dates in the to and from sections. Leave them blank. Just like how you leave the location blank in the CSO search. Then in the Registry box, instead of putting the number for the Vancouver Registry, put in the file number which in this case is: 27393 Leave the case name blank and click search - voilà. All the publication bans are then listed.

To condense that list just cut and paste Larry Ronald Amero into the Case name box then click search again. Voilà. All the publication bans that specifically apply to Larry Amero are now listed.
That was easy. Once you know what to do. From there you just click on the hyperlink that says what kind of publication ban it is and it tells you exactly what it covers. My point is that since the mainstream media is so completely biased and so completely useless, any citizen has the right to attend a trial and tell either myself or 6ixaktv what they heard.

We can then look up the publication ban to determine what we can and can't post on social media. That is everyone's right and if people start doing that, the courts will be more accountable to the people who pay their wages. Peter Leask was an idiot. History has recorded that.

A few years ago Dr Spin claimed criticizing court judges was illegal. I said bullsh*t and did it anyways. Neil Hall mentioned that in his book. David Toner and his wife Sandra had a trauma support group for families of victims of criminal violence called FACT - Families Against Crime and Trauma. They had a retired court judge on their Board of Directors named Wallace Craig. Judge Wallace Craig said that not only is if legal for a tax paying citizen to criticize a bad decision from a court judge, it is their moral duty. So here we are.

Back to the publication bans that specifically relate to Larry Amero. If you click on the links to each specific ban under ban details in the final column, you will see exactly what they do and do not cover. The first one, which was the most recent made ban, states that "The identity of a juror or any information that could disclose the identity of a juror shall not be published in any document or broadcast or transmitted in any way." That's pretty simple. Why would I do that? I wouldn't. I'd never publish the identity of a juror.

The second one states that "The evidence taken, information given or the representations made and the reasons given at a show cause (bail) hearing shall not be published in any document or broadcast or transmitted in any way until a preliminary hearing is held and the accused is discharged, or if the accused is ordered to stand trial, the trial has ended." That one specifically applies to a bail hearing and expires when the trial has ended.

Most publication bans, except those protecting the identity of witnesses, expire. That's why I was able to post the Janice Edwards transcript about Diane Rock being gang raped on the Pickton Farm. Gang raped implicates more than one suspect which is why the judge changed his instructions to the jury and said the jury could convict Pickton even if he wasn't the only suspect or even the main suspect, just an active participant. Which they did.

The third ban sates that "Information including evidence taken, submissions made and rulings or reasons given in this proceeding including during any voir dire applications or pre-trial conferences shall not be published in any document or broadcast or transmitted in any way until further order of the Court. For more details about the specific nature of the publication ban, please contact the Criminal Registry."

That one just applies to the voir dire or pre-trial conference. Everybody knows that. Everyone knows you can't publish evidence the jury hasn't had a chance to see. For the most part, evidence the jury hears and arguments the crown or the defense makes may be published by anyone. This is why it's so important to look up the ban and see what it actually says.

The final ban which was the first one made states that "The evidence, representation made and the reasons given at a show cause (bail) hearing shall not be published in any document or broadcast or transmitted in any way until a preliminary hearing is held and the accused is discharged, or if the accused is ordered to stand trial, the trial has ended."

Once again, that specifically applies to the bail hearing which happened a long time ago. You can't publish any evidence, arguments or reasons given at a bail hearing until the trial has ended. So there you have it. All those doom and gloom publication ban signs at Larry Amero's murder trial basically mean nothing. Any evidence the jury hears and any arguments the crown or defense makes while the jury is present may be published now. So mote it be.

Several fatal motorcycle accidents in BC

Infotel is reporting that "A 45-year-old Kelowna man was killed in a motorcycle crash in West Kelowna this past weekend. On Saturday, Aug. 20, at about 5:35 p.m., officers responded to a serious single-vehicle motorcycle accident in the 2100 block of Horizon Drive, according to a press release from RCMP. The motorcycle was driven by a 45-year-old Kelowna man who had veered off the road, striking a tree, RCMP said. West Kelowna firefighters were able to recover the driver from the bottom of a steep embankment where he was pronounced dead."

Castanet is reporting that "A witness told Castanet the motorcycle was travelling at a speed that was unsafe to the driver and other people on the road." Single vehicle accident when the roads are dry with perfect visibility makes you wonder. Some people freak when they see me riding my motorcycle in the snow. They claim I'm going to kill someone. My response is no I'm not. If I'm going 30 K on the side of the road on my way to work, I'm not going to kill anyone. The young kid wearing shorts and sneakers weaving in and out of traffic in summer, he's going to kill someone.

Summer time there's a lot more bikes on the road. Out comes the summer soldiers and the sunshine patriots so to speak. Most are responsible. Some are not. I always slow down before a corner and speed up as I come out of the corner so i'm always in control. That's because I also ride when it's wet and icy. I don't brake hard going into a corner because I'm not racing I'm riding.

Some guys hop on and go full throttle on a bigger bike than they can handle and get into accidents. Most accidents occur because other drivers just don't see you. You have to assume no one sees you and drive accordingly. You never ride in someone's blind spot. You're cautious in blind intersections. Yet some things are completely​ out of your control. Like when someone else runs a red light. If you're riding scared, your dangerous but it you're overconfident, you're more dangerous. Be cautious and observant but enjoy the ride. It is what it is.

There's been several other fatal motorcycle accidents recently as well.

Motorcyclist fatally collides with machinery on Pitt River Bridge

Motorcyclist dies in Fraser Canyon crash

Motorcyclist killed in 2 vehicle crash in Mississauga

Monday, August 22, 2022

Bryce Dallas Campbell charged in Surrey Homicide

The Indo Canadian Voice is reporting that "Bryce Dallas Campbell, 25, of Surrey has been charged with two counts of second-degree murder in the homicides of Jordan Krishna, 19, and Robeen Soreni, 20, on July 30 (at the South Surrey Athletic Park) in Surrey. He has also been charged with one count of attempted murder in connection with Harbir Khosa, 26."

Bryce Campbell has quite the criminal history including a publication ban.

Massive Energy Hike in the UK

Anna Breese is reporting that consumers in Wales are facing massive energy hikes. Only it isn't just Wales, it's all of the UK. If we ban natural gas, we will be next. CNN is reporitng that "UK household energy bills set to rise by another 40%." CNBC is reporting that "UK energy bills to rise by over 50% in April as regulator announces hike."

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, Bloomberg is reporting that "The 150% Energy-Price Shock Waiting for the Next UK Leader. That’s the dramatic situation Boris Johnson’s successor, either Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak, will face as soon as they take over in September. Energy bills are set to soar weeks later when a price cap is raised by more than 60%, taking the increase this year to about 150%. For many, it will be too much to handle, leaving them unable to power, or heat, their homes. According to charity National Energy Action, one in three households — more than 8 million — are expected to be pushed into fuel poverty." This is a colossal fraud like Enron.

This is why Victoria's pledge to stop the construction of new homes powered by natural gas has absolutely nothing to do with saving the environment and everything to do with promoting the Great Reset turning consumers into slaves. If you increase demand on electricity, prices will rise.

Privatizing power is always a bad idea. Especially when you give them a monopoly on the market. That's Corporate Communism. A private company's quest is to make profit. More and more profit. In fact, there is no limit to their greed. That's why they have to be regulated. Hydroelectric dams are built with tax dollars. Privatizing their profits is a fraud.

"British Gas was privatised in 1986 under Margaret Thatcher's government, while the first parts of the electricity sector were privatised in late 1990, when the 12 regional electricity companies in England and Wales were sold." That is the problem. Just like how Gordon Campbell privatized the Independent Power Producers that sell power to the public company at above market rates. That colossal fraud is still a ticking time bomb of deferred debt. Terasen Gas doesn't have that problem. BC Hydro does. That's why they want to ban natural gas despite the fact that it's clean burning. It's also cheap. That's their concern.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Fatal shooting in Calgary

CTV is reporting that "A man was shot and killed early Sunday inside a Calgary restaurant. Police responded to a call of shots fired at 4:40 a.m. inside the Ambassador Restaurant and Bar, at 3504 17 Ave. S.E. in Radisson Heights. They discovered a man in distress, from what appeared to be a gunshot wound. Life-saving measures were enacted, but the man succumbed to his injuries. His age and identity have not been released at this time."

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Alexander Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb: Update

BBC is reporting that "According to state media, Darya Dugina died after her car exploded in flames while she was driving home. It is thought that her father, the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin who is known as 'Putin's brain,' may have been the intended target of the attack." The New York Post is reporting that "Her father was supposed to take the car but got in a different vehicle at the last moment, violinist Pyotr Lundstrem told the outlet." Very sad.

Well, we know Putin didn't do it. The CIA strikes again. Blackwater sucks.
This is the worst thing a father can experience. Darya Dugina was obviously a wonderful daughter. She was attending a traditional music and literature festival in Moscow with her father. She didn't OD at a Rave. The CIA had no right to murder her father because they have been lying about the conflict in the Ukrainian from Day one. The CIA is supporting the WEF. They are not the good guys here. Killing someone's daughter isn't collateral damage, it's further evidence of their wrongdoing. US biolabs in the Ukraine - Hunter Biden and Metabiota

CNN describes Alexander Dugin as a Conservative nationalist with roots in the Orthodox church. He's not a Communist atheist like the WEF and the CCP. Yet the CIA claims he is the most dangerous philosopher in the world. His real crime is being tolerant of Donald Trump and for opposing the Great Reset. That's why they consider him dangerous and want him dead.

A father mourns...
The New York Post is reporting that "Officials with FSB have identified Darya Dugina’s alleged assassin as 43-year-old Natalia Vovk, who they said was acting as part of a criminal plot orchestrated and perpetrated by Ukrainian special services, according to Russian state news agency TASS." Ukrainian special services means CIA. Natalia's not the problem, her employer is.
This is what happens when you smoke too much weed. You lose your moral perspective.
Vovk Natalya Pavlovna
Darya Dugina was a journalist reporting on what was really happening in the Ukraine so they killed her. How is this any different than when they killed the Saudi journalist? It's not. It's worse. The Washington Post is Liberal trash. The CIA were the ones that killed him for speaking out against their arms dealing regime. Victory to the rebellion against the WEF and their Great Reset.

Francois Gauthier's Sentencing

OK this is where I was going with my musical introduction. 6ixaktv is reporting that Francois Gauthier's sentencing has been released. My interpretation of that decision will be very different than his. First and foremost, I will clarify that nowhere in that decision does it state that Francois Gauthier was hired by the UN. The fact that he was from Quebec would imply he was hired by the Hells Angels. I find it somewhat ironic that the judge cited Regina v. Powery-Hooker, 2021 BCSC 2005 in his jurisprudence. That was the decision about the two kids from Edmonton that were hired by the Edmonton Hells Angels to kill Ali to have their debts to the club forgiven.

Ya see the young kids think I'm a crazy old man. Maybe I am. They say times have changed and the bikers day is done. They say the other guys are ready to wipe out the Hells Angels in BC. I say bullsh*t and I'll tell you why. I may be old but, I've seen this all before, so I have.

Now, before I get into who ordered the hit, let me dive into the mechanics of the hit and how that doesn't relate to gun control. This was a professional hit. Francois used a .22 pistol with a silencer and left it at the scene. He left it at the scene because it was an unregistered illegally obtained firearm that the police couldn't trace. We quite often read of professional hits leaving the murder weapon at the scene. That's because it's not traceable and they don't want to be caught in possession of it after the hit. That way they can say not me, not my gun.

Now a .22 is not my weapon of choice. I was at the gun range once and a guy beside me was shooting a .22 rifle for long range target practice. Every time it went off I kept looking over wondering what is that, a pellet gun? It was so quiet it barely made a sound. A .22 with a silencer would be very quiet which means it could be used and the person could leave without causing too much attention. In Ali's murder they used a .40 cal pistol and an AR 15. Young kids who made a big bang and got caught before they were able to get away. We had a spook on here that said the .22 pistol was often a weapon of choice for CIA assignations because it's quiet and acurate.

The sentencing decision explained that Francois had an extensive criminal record. Which means he was not able to legally buy a registered gun in Canada. In 1991, after using a gun for several criminal offenses, Francois was given a 10 year firearm ban which did absolutely nothing to prevent him from committing further criminal acts with firearms.

Kind of like how Donnie McWhirter was under a firearm ban while he committed an additional criminal offense with a firearm. The firearm bans are just pieces of paper criminals don't care about. It only stops them from buying legally obtained registered firearms which is what they don't do for criminal acts. They use unregistered illegal guns for criminal acts.

Blaze is pretty anxious to convince us that the UN hired Francois Gauthier not the Hells Angels. That makes me suspicious. He claimed the same thing about Ali's murder and now we know he lied. Initially Blaze claimed that Cory Vallee killed Jonathan Barber when we all knew it was K-9. K-9 was dead and Blaze couldn't get paid if he blamed the murder on him. Lying is what Blaze does so whatever he claims is suspicious. Now he's paid to lie for the Teletubbies. Blaze is still spamming this blog with bullsh*t. That's what he admitted in court he does.

As I previously said, I don't support an escalation in violence. If the UN did hire Francois, I wouldn't support that. However, I sincerely don't believe they did. I've seen this all before. The Hells Angels lie about all the criminal activity they are involved with. Not all the members, just the ones that are involved with criminal activity. They even lie to other members and attend funerals of people they killed. I corresponded with the wife of a member who claimed the Hells Angels would never have anything to do with someone like Robert Pickton. I thought to myself, does she actually believe that? Dave Pickton was an associate. They had a grow op on sight. Bog Tony ran Piggy's Palace. You can't lie to us because we know. We live here.

Regardless of who now controls the Red Scorpions, we know that the Wolf Pack and the Brother's Keepers are mayor players on the field here. The Wolf Pack is run by Larry Amero and Damion Ryan who are members of the Hells Angels. There's no disputing that.

The Brother's Keepers were hired by the Edmonton Hells Angels along with the Driftwood Crips because they were given jurisdiction over Surrey as a reward for getting Redd Alert to take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. Then they betrayed Redd Alert because that is what they do. That's their MO. The Brother's Keepers have always had internal strife that was fueled by the Hells Angels in their quest to take them over and maintain control over them. Almost all the Hells Angels members in BC who have been killed, have been killed by the club.

The young kids don't understand the nature of the octopus. The octopus was a term for organized crime an investigative journalist named Danny Casolaro used before he was murdered by a spook. He used that image to explain that the tentacles of organized crime penetrate all levels of government. As soon as you cut one tentacle off, another one grows back to replace it. As soon as you try to shut it down, the whole thing disappears only to resurface elsewhere. Just like the Hells Angels persuasive control of the drug trade. They have infiltrated the CFSEU in BC.

As for the Red Scorpions, Gary Kang was a founding member of the Brother's Keepers. He's in the original picture with the gang tat he had to get covered when he left. He left before the Hells Angels killed him just like they did the other BK founder Gavinder Grewal. The Hells Angels took over the leadership of BK just like they did the Independent Soldiers and the Death Riders.

People claim when Gary Kang went over to the Red Scorpions, he broke off of the Hells Angels but that's simply not true. He broke off of the Edmonton Hells Angels and went over to the Wolf Pack which was still run by the Hells Angels just a different chapter. Yes he formed BIBO - Blood in blood out, and yes he had his own distribution contacts but he was still tied to Jamie Bacon who was a red and white puppet. Jamie's erogenous claims of standing up to the bikers were ridiculous. They taxed him and he resented it.

Gary Kang led a Red Scorpion faction that wanted to be independent from the Hells Angels and Jamie Bacon supported that desire but was never able to pull it off. That's why the Hells Angels hired BK to kill Gary Kang's independent contacts within the Red Scorpions but left Jamie Bacon alone. He was their b*tch and they knew it.

When Matt Johnston knocked out Robert Thomas in prison that was not a Red Scorpion break from the Hells Angels. Robert Thomas f*cked up by bringing the club bad press so the East Vancouver chapter put a bounty on his head. They offered anyone $5,000 to beat up Robert Thomas in prison. If the East Vancouver Hells Angels hadn't approved that beating, Matthew Johnston would be dead. It's that simple. Just like Chenier Dupuy.

The young kids don't understand the pervasive nature of the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels in Quebec have been around a long time. They have survived and thrived controlling the drug trade there for decades. Mom Boucher used Greg Wooley to supply all the crips in Montreal with drugs.

In 2012 the Hells Angels killed Chenier Dupuy. He was a leader of the Bo Gars short for Beau Garcons. They wore red and were equivalent to the Bloods. There was a big meeting in Montreal. Through Greg Wooley, the Hells Angels supplied all the crips in Montreal with drugs but they wanted to supply all the bloods as well. Greg called the meeting. He wanted the Bo Gars to work for him. Chenier Dupuy said no and slapped him in front of everyone. Shortly after that, the Hells Angels had Chenier Dupuy killed. It really is that simple.

Key members of the Hells Angels are still the problem in BC and the CFSEU are part of it. Riding motorcycles isn't the problem, selling drugs is. IHIT and the CFSEU want the business so they get the budget and can use the events they fostered as an excuse to take away our civil liberty.

Still Rocking the Free World

I have two weeks off work: who-ah! I'm just staying local. Gonna bust some caps and get sh*t done here at home. So here I am. Ready to rock the free world. For free. It's not about the money.

Boomers, Boomers, 6 White Boomers. A shout out to the land down under. I actually enjoy a Vegemite sandwhich so I do. You can't get them around here. I may not be young but I am wild and I am free. I suppose two out of three aint bad. At least I have a message - Remix that.

A couple of weeks ago at the gym they were remixing a lot of old songs with techno rave crap. It was horrible. If you're going to remix something, make it better not worse. All that techno rave crap is heartless, soulless and meaningless. The only way you can listen to it is if you're brain dead whacked out on Molly. I've talked about millennials a bit before. I'm not going to hate but I am going to set the record straight. All youth are not bad but milenials suck. They have no work ethic. They're soft, they're weak, smoke way too much pot and complain about everything.

Thankfully my kids aren't like that but they had to leave the country to find youth that wanted more out of life than to get drunk and blaze every day. A lot of kids here think that's normal when it's not. They have nothing else to compare it to. There are still kids out there who have goals and are very hard working. Yet there are many here who aren't so it's a struggle.

I'm not going to say my generation is better than your generation because it's not. It's just different. Very different. I will admit that kids today have it tougher than I did when I was a kid. The price of land here is completely out of control.

When I finished High School, I could rent an apartment on my wages a lot easier than you can now. I admit that. However, ya'll smoke way too much weed. Pot is not good for you. Pot does not cure cancer. It didn't cure Bob Marley and it didn't cure my brother. I will agree that pot is way better than crack or crystal meth. That sh*t will eat you alive.

However, when I was in High School, if someone smoked pot every day we called them a stoner. Now ya'll think it's normal. Well it's not. It's holding you back. Pot is way stronger now than it was when I was a kid. Smoking high grade every day several times a day messes you up.

Now back to the music. Several years ago, my son was a leader at a youth music camp. They broke off into groups and were tasked with remixing an old pop some with some classical music. There were some instructors from New York that would add some hip hop to the mix.

My son's group did a remix with Carry on my Wayward son. It was awesome. I asked him who picked that song? He said one of the younger kids in the group from junior high. I was like where did that kid learn that song? From Guitar Hero.

When I was young we used to joke about four cord rock and roll. Yet when you look back at some of those old songs in Guitar Hero, a lot of those electric guitar solos were quite technical. When the Scorpions remixed rock you like a hurricane with the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra, it was a surprisingly balanced production. One didn't overpower the other. That's when we got into TSO - the Trans Siberian Orchestra. Turns out the Vancouver strings were actually from Vancouver.

A few years ago I came across a young brother and sister on YouTube called Lawrence. They had soulful skills and remixed it into something new of their own. It was awesome. I loved their song it's not all about you. Millennials do suck but there are a lot of young people out there who have a brain and aren't millennials. They are the hope us old timers are hanging on for.

Lately I've been having a bit of a spiritual struggle. Notwithstanding my metaphysical concerns, the song carry on my wayward son speaks to me. Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. I also like Len: Steal my Sunshine. Me father was right so he was.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Fatal shooting in Calgary

CTV is reporting that "Calgary police are investigating a shooting in the community of Evergreen on Thursday that left one person dead and another fighting for their life. Emergency crews were called to the 100 block of Everwoods Court S.W. around 8:20 a.m. Police say officers found a man and woman in a parked car, suffering from what appeared to be gunshot wounds. Police say the woman, identified as 31-year-old Nakita Baron, was declared dead at the scene. Paramedics transported the second victim, a man in his 30s, to hospital in critical, life-threatening condition.