Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who’s killing the Rizzutos?

Last night the Fifth Estate ran a segment on the Montreal mafia murders called Who’s killing the Rizzutos? It was an interesting background but cut short before they answered the question. They ended it with the murder of Sal the Iron Worker and the arrest of Raynald Desjardins without a word said about the other Hells Angel associates arrested with him.

In fact the Hells Angels involvement with the Rizzutos and subsequent conflict with them wasn’t even mentioned. Sad. The question is, when Vito Rizzuto gets out of jail in 2012, will he wage war against the Hells Angels for teaming up with his enemies to murder his family? Time will tell. It always does.


  1. The connection wasn't reported on because there is no proof it exists. There is no evidence that suggests that the HA are responsible for the coup-d'etat of the Rizzutos. Where is the evidence that supports a connection between Sal the Iron Worker and the HA?

  2. lol keep saying that over and over again. Someone will believe you if you say it enough times. Raynald Desjardins, and those with links to the Hells Angels, charged with the murder of Salvatore Montagna:

  3. Are you saying that about your reporting..? That link did not suppost your posistion. Though it was a little better than that poorly translated D'Amico / Granby Biker angle you used a few posts ago.

    Where is the article that supports a connection between Sal the Iron Worker and the HA? That they collaborated with eachother to kill the Rizzutos and take over as you are suggesting?
    Sal Montagna was the enemy of the Rizzutos!

    To date no Hells Angel has been implicated in any of the Rizzuto murders. Bikers have not been getting killed or shot at. Seems very much mafioso based violence. Raynald Desjardins is not a HA, despite the fact he used the HA to distribute coke for he and Vito.
    I have no doubt that those with "with links to the HA" are being used as hitmen but to say that they are looking to usurp the position of the Rizzutos is absurd.
    All theories pointed to Montagana not the Hells as the leader of those trying to oust the Rizzutos.

    When Vito gets out of jail he will hire the HA and/or Rock Machine and their associates to get to do his killing. Just as he will need to work with them to distribute cocaine. As they have a proven history of doing.

    Your theory is sensationalist and as of yet unsubstaintiated. Seems many of your readers agree with me given the comments left on related articles.

    1. That link quoted the New York Post which said:

      Those arrested included senior figures in the Montreal mafia -- as well as those with links to the Hells Angels, the outlaw biker gang that is heavily involved in organized crime and drug trafficking in Quebec, sources told the New York Post. "The organization that we dismantled today was linked to traditional organized crime groups, but also to motorcycle gangs," Forget said. I can't make it any clearer than that.

    2. Nobody could take over the Rizzuto's except someone who is married into the family. The old style Sicilian inter-marriage system goes back nearly 100 years keeps the family insulated, loyal, close and quiet. The Sixth Family will live on with or without Vito. When he gets out of jail this year, the Italian government is next in line for a warrant for his arrest. The family will continue quietly, guided by the lawyer wing, headed by his son, Nicolo, and about 30 other dedicated and loyal lawyers.

  4. Perhaps but what I'm seeing is an awful lot of denial. He says there is no evidence that the Hells Angels had anything to do with the murder of Sal the Iron worker and that totally untrue. The documentary didn't say a word about the Hells Angels involvement with the Rizzutos as outlined in the book the Sixth family. Nor did they say a word about the Rizzutos giving the Hells angels the heroin trade on condition of them getting a cut. Nor did they say a word about the Hells Angels subsequent beef with the Rizzutos and their direct involvement in that kidnapping and ransom of a Rizzuto associate.

  5. You are way off, the HA did not kidnap a Rizzuto associate it was the D'Amico clan. Show us one piece of evidence indicating the HA were involved. I guess we shouldn't expect accurate info from you though considering you stated Domenico Macri was the Rizzuto underboss when in fact he was nothing more than Frank Arcadi's driver and not even a made man.

  6. The D'Amico's of Granby had the backing of bikers and it wasn't the Rock Machine. With regards to Domenico Macri, I simply quoted another article that made that claim. Underboss appears to be inaccurate. Vito Rizzuto had been extradited to the US. Macri's ties to the Rizzuto organization were directly through the 52-year-old Montrealer who took over for Vito in his absence.


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