Friday, August 11, 2023

Chilliwack Child Sexualization Protest Saturday Aug 12th

Exposing SOGI123 dot com is reporting that "Saturday, Barry Neufeld, Harm Boom, Pierre Barns, Armrit Birring, and many others are coming together in Chilliwack to raise awareness among parents about the concerning epidemic of child abuse unfolding within K-12 schools. Joined by numerous concerned citizens dedicated to shedding light on the gravity of the situation and advocating for necessary changes, these individuals are going to bring pamphlets, book examples, and the list of books within the Chilliwack school district to discuss solutions and inform the Chilliwack community about the danger of gender ideology in schools and the over-sexualization of children in School." This needs to be heard.

I interviewed Robert Wallace from Gays Against Groomers. Being anti Sogi has nothing to do with being anti LGBT. It's anti pedophilia. and Child Grooming. I interviewed Pierre Barns from Exposing SOGI123 dot com. When you look at the books they are promoting you can see what they are promoting is insane. Grooming children is not aceptable.

Yesterday I walked by a store with the windows all blocked in that had a sign out front. The sign said it is illegal to sell or give minors under the age of 18 vape products. So it's illegal to sell minors cigarettes or alcohol but it's OK to give them puberty blockers and transition them without their parents consent. Something is very wrong with that picture.


  1. Barry is another Louis Riel, has been tarred and feathered by the MSM.

  2. One of the truisms of life is that when it comes to negatives, you will always get more of what you have already proven you are willing to accept. Being "well mannered" and "fair" about things that you should not be is just that slippery slope. When someone pipes up with some BS, it needs to be called out on the spot with no ambiguity or your silence will be taken for assent, and you will get more of that BS heaped upon your plate.

    1. Yeah people have to start making some noise about this because it's not OK. I rode through a small town recently and I saw a poster promoting the new children's sex ed pilot program. I just shook mt head and thought God Damn you. I know a lot of people are homeschooling now but there definitely needs to be a huge push back from the parents. People need to see the books they are promoting and what they are doing.

  3. Talking about sex in front of someone who doesn't want to talk about it, especially in public...Becomes sexual harassment. I'm willing to take it to my grave.

  4. I was there today! Good traffic between the air show/Chilliwack Fair. I am so proud of the MEN, HUSBANDS, GRANDFATHERS, UNCLES etc who came out to support PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN, men have a special spot in this fight & you are much appreciated. I was especially motivated when truckers from the highway would give us their horns in support, thank you, thank you, thank you! We really only had one violent thug who could only call us a bunch of idiots, pulled his car over, got out & physically charged a couple ‘guys.’ Obviously a pervert or pedophile cause he’s absolutely no good at parenting! Shortly thereafter, Cops show up, implied we were the aggressive/violent ones….. sad to say, even the police don’t get it. Thanks everyone, great day, more support & honks than I would imagined. We Are Strong. We Are Canadian. AND WE PROTECT OUR KIDS! No apologies.

    1. Glad it was successful. There was a huge turnout from Chilliwack at the Truck Border Crossing in Surrey supporting the Trucker's Convoy during COVID. This is just as important.


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