Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Adam Schiff explains the reality behind Trump Tariffs

As I said in my podcast about Trump's Tariffs, Canada doesn't pay those tariffs American consumers do. Tariffs raise the price of everything you buy. I don't want to tariff Guinness because it raises the price of Guinness. Tariffs are taxes. 

They drive up inflation and the cost of goods and services. Just like raising the price of fuel. Trump understands the importance of affordable energy. Someone just needs to explain to him about the Globalist Tariff trap he has fallen for. 

Justin Trudeau is an idiot. What he says doesn't matter. Our response to Trump's Tariffs is no response. If Trump tariffs Canadian goods American consumers pay that we don't. 

If he tariffs Canadian goods we simply sell our products to other countries. We don't impose counter tariffs because that drives up inflation and makes things more expensive for us. 

That is a globalist trap Justin Trudeau is eagerly wanting to jump into head first just like he eagerly cut energy production to drive up fuel costs and inflation. Globalism sucks. Don't fall for their next trap like Donald Trump has. 



  1. Trump Zombies won't even listen to the words coming out of his mouth because he's a Democrat. This time what he's saying is true. Tariffs are taxes and raise the price of goods and services. Tariffs drives up inflation just like fuel costs do. Trump Zombies can't see that because they're too busy talking when they should be thinking. Rand Paul gets it:

  2. Elon Musk: "We will make mistakes, we're not perfect, but we will fix them as soon as we realize that.

  3. It's not that they're zombies.
    People know Adam shifty is a corrupted soul and care not what very few truths he speaks.
    For you to use him as a source really says a lot about your understanding of who he is.

    1. For f*cks sake man listen to the words that are coming out of his mouth. If you can't do that then you are a zombie. Blind partisan politics is blind. Abraham Lincoln said stand with any man as long as he stands right but part with them when they go wrong. We have to be able to debate issues without being brainless partisan zombies.

    2. Adam Shchiff's record of spouting absolute falsehoods is such that listening to him at all is the act of a fool. If he told you the sky is blue you should run to the nearest window to check.

    3. STFU. No really. You are a delusional Zombie. I don't care if Adam Shchiff is a flat earther. The things he said in that video clip are entirely true. Rand Paul and Ron Paul, are saying the exact same thing. You refuse to see that. That makes you a fool.

  4. I agree 100%, counter tariffs only make things worse. Why aren't more people saying this?

    1. I think it's because people are impulsive. They get angry and want to stick it to the man without thinking it through. Counter tariffs will hurt us. It's shooting ourselves in the foot jacking up food costs even more than they already are.


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