Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Canada condemns China after court sentences Michael Spavor to 11 years in prison

Castanet is reporting that “Canada condemns China after court sentences Michael Spavor to 11 years in prison.” We know this person is innocent. We know Communist China has prisons full of political prisoners who they execute to order for organ harvesting.

These are the people that launched the pandemic out of Wuhan and rebranded the virus as Covid19. These are the people telling us we need to lockdown and destroy our economy while they throw pool parties. These are the people that lobbied for Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to become director of the World Health Organization. Tedros is not a medical doctor. He is a leader of a violent Communsit paramilitary organization in Ethiopia.

These are the people telling us we need vaccine passports. These are the people telling us we need to give up our civil liberty. These are the people that control our media and are bombarding us with false Covid numbers daily. The PCR test is worthless. These are the people who own Disney. They fired Gina Carano and have turned Captain America into Captian Communist.

These are the people rewriting history claiming that Chairman Mao did great things and the Tiananmen square massacre never happened. These are the people trying to teach us to hate Canada and to hate America. These are the false accusers that fund ANTIFA. They are the ones who built the Berlin Wall. Open your eyes. I can confront evil but I can’t fix stupid.

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