Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland meet with Holocaust denier in Ukraine

Rebel News is reporting that "On the weekend, Justin Trudeau made a trip to Ukraine, and he was greeted by a Ukrainian politician named Andriy Melnyk. He's the Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine. But he's much more than that. He's a notorious Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer. For real. I mean, a real Nazi. Not a Nazi like Trudeau calls anyone who disagrees with them,"


  1. These imbeciles is F**kd. What is wrong with this picture? There are so many Trudy scandals out there that I just can not understand why he’s not under “investigation” for treason. Why do I feel that MAID is an option for my existence? Its stuff like this that makes me believe Canada is falling into a deep, dark hole that we will not be able to recover. If not MAID than I want to leave this country and live somewhere peaceful and NORMAL!

    1. MAIDS?! These two clowns literally are imbeciles. Don't let those idiots ruin your day. It's an easy fix next election.

    2. There is the saying that "The Past Was a Different Country". I'm not sure where you plan to find peaceful and normal these days, but I do wish you luck. All of us actually.

    3. For the most part, it's a global conspiracy. We didn't fight a war in the trenches on foreign soil to bend over for the same tyrants here at home. No guts, no glory. "Those who never fought for freedom shall never know the taste of it."

  2. Yeah, that "holocaust denial" thing is a real trip wire. People can lie and glibly explain away their political idea's as "Not fascist", but the moment they say the Shoa never happened, the rest rest of their lies and intent stand revealed.

    1. No two people agree on every issue but no two people disagree on every issue either. The thing that makes it so dangerous is that they do say many things that are true, like Chris Sky. Then they throw in the tin foil hat sh*t just to lead people astray.

  3. So clearly Russia was fighting NATZI in Ukraine... And the. Buyden administration loves to launder there money and support the facists! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. 🤡 World is getting worse!

    1. The world's not getting worse it's just getting easier to read : )


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