Thursday, July 6, 2023

White House cocaine was found near the Situation Room and NOT in the West Wing visitor entrance

The Daily Mail is reporting that "A new twist has emerged in the investigation of the cocaine discovered at the White House on Sunday - it was actually found in a different location. The bag of powder was found in a cubby near the White House's West Executive entrance, not the formal West Wing lobby, NBC News reported citing multiple sources. That entrance - which is in the West Wing but on the floor below the lobby."

"Numerous details about the investigation have been changed. Originally, dispatchers sent to the White House on Sunday to investigate the substance said it was found in the library. Then it was reported to be in the West Wing lobby. Now it's reported to be a floor below the lobby, in an area used by staff, officials, visitors and VIPs." Sounds like the secret service it trying to set up Kamala Harris because they want their senile puppet to run again.


  1. Sounds like Hunter the gatherer is on the white again.

    1. I’m snorting here with my Daddy beside me. Let me say in no uncertain terms “Send more money before our stash becomes low. Period!”

    2. Even the fake news admitted that Hunter is a recovering cocaine addict.

    3. LOL, good one.....

  2. You mean the MSM is lying to us? Shocking.

  3. The evolving details surrounding the cocaine discovery near the White House raise concerns about the integrity of the investigation. Shifting locations and inconsistent reports cast doubt on the accuracy and intentions of those involved. It is crucial to ensure a thorough and unbiased investigation to uncover the truth and maintain trust in the security of our government institutions..

    1. We know that's not going to happen. Releasing the information had an agenda from day one.

    2. Absolutely correct and where agendas and hiding of facts become apparent then the freedom of unbiased democracy goes straight to the trash along with it.

      Is there any reasonable chance of Canada voting JT out of power with electronic voting machines? Can we expect our charter of freedom to be upheld with dishonest government and politicians paving the path to our democratic future?

      If Canadians and Americans don’t put their foot down now and before the next elections will any hope of democracy exist? Ask yourselves these questions and make a decision.

      You’ll find the only legitimate answer is step up and protect our rights. Move and wait until your new Country of residence follows suit or do nothing and hope for a miracle. What is your choice?

    3. Our choice is to inform ourselves and declare the truth. Trailrunner's spook sh*t doesn't fly. The reason the CIA is so obsessed with controlling the mainstream media and infiltrating any and every truth movement is because they are obsessed with sowing seeds of disinformation. Telling the truth matters.

    4. I agree completely Dennis but I have even read a post you made speaking of a “Plan B”. So what exactly would that entail? At the time I read it I got the feeling you were considering moving somewhere outside of Canada? Maybe I’m incorrect or assuming?

      It feels like Canada is phase one. If successful (and I’m sure arrogant JT told WEF he will succeed) then the wave would progress through other countries.

      Your take?

    5. I do agree that Canada and the US are phase one. If freedom falls here, others will follow suit. Yes I was implying with my plan B of leaving Canada. My kids did and they aren't seeing the same problems in the countries they reside in as we are here with regards to stripping away medical freedom and brainwashing children in school.

      When Covid first hit, Justan Idiot said come home. He advised world travelers to return to Canada. That was bad advice. My son had friends in Vietnam and they never experienced the same draconian lockdowns and restrictions that we did. I find that somewhat ironic. Nevertheless I am determined to give it a go. We did not fight several wars in the trenches on foreign soil to bend over for the same tyrants here at home.


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