Saturday, July 8, 2023

More Fake News about a Reactor in Eastern Ukraine

Speaking of fake news and Russian propaganda, CBC is reporting that "Living next to a nuclear power plant seized by Russian forces in the early days of their invasion of Ukraine is exhausting, one Zaporizhzhia resident said. Denys Vasyliev, who lives in the city with his wife and two sons, told CBC News all he can do is try to focus on the positive — but he's also always on guard for a potential disaster to strike. But in remaining optimistic, he's prepared for the worst. He told CBC's Neil Herland his family purchased masks, about six months ago, to protect them from radioactive dust should an accident or attack happen at the plant."

"Concern had heightened in recent days as both Ukraine and Russia have accused one another of planning an attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which has previously endured numerous missile strikes and power cuts that have made it impossible to operate the plant safely. Its six reactors have been shut down to minimize the threat of a disaster."

OK so lets put the facts to the test of believably. CBC is not credible. It is Justin Trudeau's State run media. However, one of their admissions proves they and the other fake news outlets were lying previously about who was bombing the reactor.
If we look at the ethnic divide of the Ukraine and compare it to the 2010 election results, we can see the conflict in it's proper perspective. Zaporizhzhia is in the Eastern side of the Ukraine which is predominately Russian speaking. Unlike Crimera which is over 50% Russian speaking, the county Zaporizhzhia is in has 20-50% Russian speaking but just like Crimera they voted over 70% in favor of the Russian president that was elected before the coup.

So Zaporizhzhia is on the Russian side of the divide. CBC states that "Concern had heightened in recent days as both Ukraine and Russia have accused one another of planning an attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which has previously endured numerous missile strikes and power cuts that have made it impossible to operate the plant safely. Its six reactors have been shut down to minimize the threat of a disaster."

OK so CBC is reporting that both sides are accusing each other of planning an attack on the reactor but CBC admits that the reactor is already controlled by Russia. Russian would't bomb the reactor if it already controls it and generates power to an area it controls who voted over 70% in favor of the Russian president in the last real election back in 2010. Just like they wouldn't cut off the water supply to Crimea after they seized it. Zelensky did. This is relevant because that reactor was shelled November 2022 when it was under Russian control. Russia didn't do it, Zelensky did.

Last year Ukraine scattered Petal bombs in civilian areas of Donbas when it was under Russian control and blamed the Russians. Russia wouldn't do that in an area it controlled that is predominately Russian speaking. That is the area Zelensky was bombing because they objected to the coup. Those are the civilians Russia went in to save from the bombing. When you put the facts to the test of believability, the truth becomes crystal clear.


  1. Nuclear weapons don't exist as described. How do people live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki if what is said about radiation is true? There are photos of busy markets taken in radiation. Millions of people live in these areas. Chernobyl is a wildlife refuge, life exploded when (most) people left.

    Not only that, there were something like 30 (!!!) Cities in Japan that were more damaged than both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    It's all a hoax.

    Further info:

    1. That is somewhat ridiculous like the flat earth theory. It's simply not true. Chernobyl wasn't a hoax, it was very real but that was an accident. Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't. Neither is Zelenskyy's shelling of the reactor in Zaporizhzhia.

      The TV series Departures visited Chernobyl and had to wear suits for the radiation. The fallout from Hiroshima and Nagasaki was horrific. Denying that is as offensive as is denying the holocaust. It's false.


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