Thursday, September 14, 2023

NDP Diverting water away from farmers in BC

Anita Krishna is reporting that "There is an eye opening documentary circulating called Stolen Water. It's about government imposed watering restrictions on BC farmers. The Natural Resource Officers and Government representatives aren’t providing answers or showing up to meetings, only making illogical demands. These restrictions ruin crops, raise grocery prices and destroy farmers. The filmmaker is Simon Hergott. Here's part 1 of my interview with Simon."

This is very timely. In my interviews on Sunday at the Khalistan referendum in Surrey we learned that India is diverting water away from farmers in the Punjab. This is the next stage after fertilizer bans in the New World Order's attack on farming on their quest to create mass starvation and mass inflation. The BC NDP is part of that insane Agenda.

The Government Wants to Control Our Food - The Coming Eco-Totalitarianism

This is the actual documentary:

Stolen Water Part 1 - Waging War On Water Rights and BC Food Security

Stolen Water Part 2 - The Battle For Water Rights Is Escalating

Stolen Water Part 3 - The Slow And Systematic Ruination Of Farmers


  1. Yeah, this is "order of magnitude" more important than what the HA are doing, we pretty much know that anyway.

  2. Replies
    1. I think it goes far beyond that. These are the lunatics that want to ban fertilizer and natural gas.

    2. And their BS excuse is "for the environment". You would think people would see through that.

    3. I think most do now. They overreached when they attacked farming in the name of the environment. Farming is the greenest thing you can do for the environment.

  3. We have prosecuted people in the past for genocide and crimes against humanity. Is there a reason why we can’t arrest and prosecute them for attempting those same crimes?

    1. People keep calling for that. The most important thing we do is vote them out of office.

  4. Well, that will be great if it works, but we always seem to get more of the same. Not saying I have a solution to that, so yeah voting them out is the first step. "Hope dies last".

    1. That's because politicians need to be held accountable to the people who elect them. All politicians. That's why constitutions need to bind governments and force them to protect civil liberty. Giving up on democracy is not the answer.

  5. The Globalists think the ideal population of the earth is 3.5 billion. Just ask Bill Gates, the interview is on YouTube, if it hasn’t been removed. We are currently at 7 billion plus. All the previously attempted methods of getting rid of large numbers of people have been proven problematic and inefficient but one. Chairman Mao did not intend to kill off 50-60 million of his own population, but how that happened is a matter of record. “Starvation”.

    1. Yes. Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum firmly believe in depopulation. Accepting any mRNA genetic vaccine from him or them is somewhat high risk.

      That is why they are attacking farming with fake environmentalism.

      I'm not so sure that was not Chairman Mao's intent.

    2. Geogia Guidestone [gates/WEF] wanted 500 million pop. Tops. Not 3.5B


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