Sunday, September 10, 2023

New York Supreme Court reinstates teachers fired for the Covid Vaccination status

The Canadian Independent is reporting that "New York Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio has ruled in favor of ten New York City school teachers who were dismissed for their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds. The ruling ordered the immediate reinstatement of these teachers with back pay, benefits, and compensation for their attorney fees. Justice Ralph Porzio, in his ruling, stated, “This court sees no rational basis for not allowing unvaccinated classroom teachers in amongst an admitted population of primarily unvaccinated students.”

This is a copy of the court ruling.

NYC municipal workers were reinstated October of last year. "More than 1,750 city workers were fired for refusing to get vaccinated, including 36 members of the NYPD and more than 950 Department of Education employees. In his 13-page ruling, Porzio said then-city Health Commissioner David Chokshi’s Oct. 20, 2021, order violates the separation of powers doctrine enshrined in the state constitution." As we recall, there were a large number of New York firefighters and police officers who refused the Covid RNA vaccine.


  1. Awesome. And yet those plotting our enslavement are already beaking off about the next COVID variant we should "be afraid, be very afraid" of, and getting their minions in media to float the idea of new mask mandates to see how we react when they know very well masks don't work anyway.

    1. All we have to do is "Refuse to Comply".

  2. The name of the next Covid variant is; ... "BS 24/7"

  3. Hallelujah! There’s justice in America, now Canada needs to step up! Do you think that will ever happen?

    1. I don't think our courts are honest enough but this decision becomes jurisprudence.


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