Sunday, January 7, 2024

Stand up if you've had enough


  1. I'll stand up proudly for what this great country represents. No better place on earth then Canada-----B.C.

    1. Yes for sure , bc is so great and that’s why they call it bring cash and anti pipeline Green Party and NDP policies kill the economy ideals but hey I think the price of fuel there should help their narrative and they raise the price of gasoline to $5/litre and help out the world

    2. BC is a beautiful place. The Globalists have destroyed it.

    3. It's all going to play itself out in 2024.
      Bank on it.
      This will be the year of transformation, for good or evil has yet to be determined.
      What side are you on folks?
      Remain silent while your mouth is stuffed full of bullshit?
      Or stand up for what is right and benefits mankind?
      You are not powerless.

  2. It certainly has the sound of truth to it.


  3. OMG! That was inspiring to say the least. Listen, I'm an old fuddy-duddy - 66 to be exact. Can't say at my age I'm a rapper fan, but this one made me stop what I was doing (distracted) and LISTEN to these words! I actually got goose-bumps and I think my patriotism was shinning thru. I'd protest with this guy! Absolutely. Thanks for that.


    The Turd and his number 2 Pig in Heels and their gestapo goon squad have embarrassed this country to a point of almost no return.

    It's so disgusting those thugs would even try to pull this gestapo shit off knowing full well they are being filmed. That is the most troubling part.

    1. That's what Justin Trudeau wants to turn a federal police force into. It is disgusting.

    2. "It's so disgusting those thugs would even try to pull this gestapo shit off knowing full well they are being filmed. That is the most troubling part."

      What this tells you is that they have no fear of any consequences.

    3. The National Post picked up on the story and MSN linked to Rebel News' video about it. That's a first. Maybe the MSM is rewarding Rebel News for their Israel and Iran coverage.

  5. What a lying pu**y that RCMP dude is. You can see him deliberately block Menzies way, then the moment that Menzies bumps into him, grabs him and start telling him he's under arrest.

    Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?".


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