Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Classified - Slippin from Luke's View

Classified put out a clip that mentioned a main road near his parent's house that has been unusable for a year. Maybe it's because Trudeau's crew said they aren't going to build new roads after they force everyone to EVs. Classified is still putting out new beats and they're all positive.

Jully Black is a Canadian-born Queen of R&B. She's putting out new music as well in NYC.

The reason why I support Classified is because he's positive and authentic. He's not a plastic yuppie trying to pretend to be something he's not and he's not trying to support a stupid life. He's says you think I'm corny because I'm not into brand names but I think you're corny because you are. Obsessing over brand names isn't just corny, it's shallow and fake.

Classified says he's not into battle rap. That's a good thing. He remembers a fried who was killed over a stupid rap beef. Recently he put out an album called Retrospected. It's really positive. He's uploading a ton of positive sh*t. Classified smokes a lot of weed but he doesn't do any hard drugs. I don't smoke pot but I recognize a huge difference between pot and meth or hard drugs.

He recently put out a track called Make it Make Sense talking about how pot has been legalized after some of his friends did more time for pot than repeat sex offenders. He has a point. It ties in with the recent demonization of Marty Robert's wife and mother in law. Cops burning his mother in law's house down because it had a legal dispensary and they want a monopoly on the market.

Classified isn't political. He say's he doesn't care if your Gay or Trans and neither do I. I have a coworker who has become a bit cynical of the extreme agenda that's being crammed down our throat. He said several years ago he had a coworker that told him we was Gay. He was like OK. Then the coworkers said you didn't know. He said no, I didn't know and I don't care. For real. He just doesn't care. I don't care who you sleep with. Why are you making a big deal about it.

Classified did a collaboration with Jully Black who is a Canadian born R&B Queen making her mark in New York. She's very good. R&B is another genre. It's like Lawrence in New York. Their background is blues, jazz, R&B, soul with a little funk. So they are making their own music. They have really powerful singing voices as does Jully Black.

CBC used some of Jully Black's music to promote Black Lives Matter. Now if we just take a step back it's OK to say Black Lives Matter because they do. All lives matter and every child matters. We have every right to pause and say Black Lives Matter out of respect for the past struggles they have risen above. The problem is when we refuse to process the past and dwell on it.

The new world order wants to divide us and victimize us. If we process the past we can move forward. As I've said before, revenge is toxic. We need to unite. We don't need to fight each other. We need to be positive and resist evil. The UN's NWO doesn't want us to move forward. They want to victimize us so they can enslave us. All of us - black, white and everything in between.

Classified also did a collaboration with Merkules. That shows he's trying to be inclusive. I didn't like Merk's part in that track. It didn't seem real or genuine. It seemed fake and weird. I don't want to hate. I just have a different taste in music. Merk is trying to promote bad things and I don't support that. It's like TI in Rihanna's song Live your Life. The whole point of that song was to leave the gang life not promote it. Promoting crime and addiction isn't positive.

TI has a verse in the song that says "I got love for the game but I'm not in love with all of it. Rappers nowadays are comedy. The hooting and the hollarin back and forth with the arguing. Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in. Seems as though you lost sight of what's important when depositin' them checks into your bank account, and you up out of poverty. Your values is a disarray, prioritizin' horribly. Unhappy with the riches cause you're piss poor morally. Ignorin' all prior advice and forewarnin'and we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?" That was 15 years ago and the new kids just never grew up.


  1. I met Classified at a bar in Toronto. Super nice guy

  2. he made a whole song directed at the government and went about it pretty limp wristed. Morally the government is a total abomination that needs to be replaced by something that serves the people instead of the rulers. speaking as someone that did time for weed. and continues to have a criminal record for it while the government gets rich with their monopoly.
    Morally the government doesnt care about right and wrong, they care about money and power and that is it.

    1. That's a little tin foil hat for me. Politicians are shysters. One party gets proud and arrogant so they are replaced in the next election. We have the Constitution, we have the Charter of Rights. Getting rid of those documents would be insane. Can't you apply for a pardon? I know someone who had a pot charge when he was young and couldn't cross the border but now he can.

    2. the constitution and charter are words on paper with little power in reality. that should be apparent the last few years to those paying attention.
      i can in like 15 minutes write up a constitution that would far surpass that joke of a document.

      Pardons, another thing that are just words on paper, ive applied three times since 2017, the government doesnt want me to have it and keeps coming up with reasons to deny it.
      you can get record suspensions, but they show up on background checks and its almost pointless, u cant even get a job as a taxi driver before or after getting a record suspension...for cannabis trafficking.

    3. No you can't. The Constitution and Charter of Rights are important documents that protect civil liberty by law. Statement like that are coming from Agent Provocateurs trying to destroy those important documents so we have no legal protection for civil liberty.

      Applying for a pardon is a separate matter. Denying people entrance into the US for pot charges is punitive. I think Biden was going to fix that. He must have got side tracked with his Alzheimer's.


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