Saturday, November 10, 2012

Political Pedophiles in the UK

A growing political scandal in the UK has just exploded. BBC's Newsnight claimed that a 'leading politician from the Thatcher years' was embroiled in a widespread pedophile ring - and repeatedly raped boys from a children's home in Wales. Alleged victim Steven Messham told reporters he was raped 'more than a dozen times' by the man, described on the program as a 'shadowy figure of high public standing'.

Mr Messham, now 49, was one of hundreds of children horrifically abused in children's homes in North Wales during the 1970s and 1980s. He lived at the now closed Bryn Estyn boys home, Wrexham during the 1970s. Allegations of abuse at the homes began to emerge in the 1990s and the Waterhouse Inquiry Report in 2000 looked into the claims.

OK let’s pause there for a moment. The BBC produces a witness who claims he was raped numerous occasions when he was young at the Bryn Estyn boys home in Wales. That’s pretty significant. Yet the allegations are not new. Numerous allegations were made back in the 1990’s and an inquiry was held.

William Hague, the then Secretary of State for Wales, announced in 1996 a judicial inquiry into abuse in North Wales children's homes, he described it as one of the "saddest chapters" in the history of social care and insisted there would be "no cover up". Yet it was. He announced that a "senior figure" would investigate "truly dreadful" child abuse claims some of which involved a senior Tory figure who was prominent under the Thatcher regime. But he didn’t.

In steps Sir Jimmy Savile. A media personality from the BBC who was knighted in 1990. Last month, a year after his death, a TV documentary about Sir Jimmy being involved in child sexual abuse allegations was aired and triggered Scotland Yard to begin a criminal investigation of child abuse allegations that covered six generation. Now we have more witnesses come forward and David Cameron promises to get to the bottom of it as he runs off to do some arms dealing in the Arab world.

BBC names the shadowy politician to be Lords a leaping Robbie McAlpine. Robbie denies it, threatens to sue and heads start to roll at the BBC. Sad. Very sad. Sounds like Alfonzo Gagliano and Jim Brown. You can’t sue someone for telling the truth.

The fact is, there were many real victims in a widespread pedophile ring. That needs to be investigated before we run off and do any more arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. We’ve seen where that road leads.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Director of the CIA resigns

David Petraeus, the retired four-star general who led the U.S. military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, abruptly resigned today as director of the CIA after admitting he had an extramarital affair. "Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours," the retired general said in a statement.

Wow, that’s shocking. That he resigned. Maybe he’s going to make a run for the presidential bid just like Newt Gingrich. Rumors are swirling that the Evil Hilary is stepping down to prepare for her presidential bid when Obama’s second term expires. Isn’t that frightful. I’d vote for John McCain before I’d vote for Hilary Clinton. She was tied to the drug smuggling and money laundering out of Mena, Arkansas along with Mr. Bill.

The thing that bugs me is that Obama goes on about David Petraeus’s extraordinary military service. Let’s see, the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie that incurred trillions of tax dollar debt for war profiteering like Dick Cheney's Halliburton and who knows what else since the Pentagon can’t account for half of what it spends.

Petraeus was also involved with the invasion of Afghanistan reversing the Taliban’s end to opium cultivation there and returning Afghanistan to become the largest opium producing nations in the world. That’s extraordinary alright. Obama’s blind support of the CIA including Operation Fast and Furious is a huge concern. Looks like we just got a better spin doctor.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The State of the Union

Although I’m relieved Obama won the election, I’m not celebrating. In his victory speech Obama said the best is yet to come. I’m not so sure. Operation Fast and furious is a huge concern. Guantanamo bay is still open. The Patriot Act was bad enough. The National Defense Authorization Act was even worse. Wall Street and Bank bail outs from investment fraud continue to choke tax payers unconcious and builds a dangerously consuming debt. It’s a dark road ahead.

I do see the obsession with off shore accounts and large scale tax evasion as not healthy for a free republic. No one wants to be over taxed yet the fact that Warren Buffet pays less tax than his secretary shows there is something wrong with the system. Over taxing the rich or the large corporations isn’t the answer but letting them pay no or very little tax isn’t the answer either.

Obama is a great orator. Yet my concern with Obama is the same as my concern with any other politician, that is of saying one thing and doing another. We know when Romney started talking about lowering taxes for the middle class he was full of it. Yet in many ways, so is Obama.

For Canada, letting a Communist country take over our oil rights is absolutely insane. The bizarre compensation awards under NAFTA chapter 11 has shown us that chapter 11 has to go and has shown us how insane these over reaching trade agreements really are. These new trade agreements, like the recent one with China, are not about free trade, they are about giving up our freedom and liberty. A dark road indeed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hells Angel Associate charged with murder

Ryan Wolfson, a man with ties to the Hells Angels has been charged with two murders and three attempted murders carried out in the Laurentians, north of Montreal in September and October. One of those murders was of Antonio Pietrantonio. Oddly enough, Tony Suzuki has the exact same name. However, this news outlet claims they are different people so I’m going to have to sort through who’s who.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Joe Di Maulo gunned down Sunday night

It's all over the news now. Rizzuto advisor, Joe Di Maulo was gunned down Sunday night in Blainville, 50 km northwest of Montreal. He was 70 years old. He is also the brother-in-law of Raynald Desjardins, charged with the 2011 murder of former Bonanno crime family boss Salvatore Montagna.

Di Maulo was of Calabrian origin and was linked to the clan Cotroni and Violi before they were eliminated by the Rizzutos, which he then joined. Former Montreal police investigator Richard Dupuis said Di Maulo might have angered Rizzuto for failing to strike back following the murders of Vito's son Nick Jr. in 2009 and his father, Nick Sr. in 2010.

It’s interesting to note that he is Calabrian and the Calabrians are making a come back with the help of the Hells Angels. I’m going to have to sit down and do the math on this one. He could have been taken out by either side. Either way, shooting a 70 year old man is pretty lame.

Meanwhile, the Montreal mayor steps down amid corruption allegations.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Niagara drug bust tied to Montreal and Vancouver

Kim Bolan is reporting that the new drug bust in Niagara tied to Vancouver is also tied to the Montreal bust through Larery Amero’s pal Rabih Alkhalil who is still at large. Police claim this drug ring was supplying 400 kilos of cocaine a week through the exchange of BC bud for cocaine in the States.

We know that the Niagara Hells Angels did nothing but sell drugs. We know the BC Hells Angels use violence to control all the grow ops here. Clearly the root of the problem remains unchanged. According to Neil Hall’s book Hell to Pay, David Giles was implicated in the 2 1/2 tonnes of cocaine seized on the Western Wind but was never charged.

$5 Million for Surrey City Hall furniture

The Surrey Leader is reporting that City council plans on spending $5 million on furnishings for the new building. Although there is no need to move the existing City Hall to Surrey Central, I do think it’s a good idea. It makes City Hall more accessible and it helps continue the upgrade of what was once infamously known as Whaley Exchange.

My concern is the ongoing huge expenditures and out of control spending that is resulting in a continued raise in taxes both property tax as well as hidden taxes on everything else. Gas in Surrey is already insanely more expensive than it is in Aldergrove or Abbotsford. That difference isn’t because of provincial or federal taxes it is because of municipal taxes and the ever increasing sky train tax.

Surrey is borrowing $97 million from the Municipal Finance Authority to pay for the building, but will pay $37 million of that back through the lease of its existing building at 142 Street and Highway 10. Yet once source claims the real cost with interest is $200 million and no one has leased the old building yet so the $37 million isn’t there.

Diane Watts' desire to toll and tax everything is absolutely insane and clearly shows what happens when you let one political parry get completely out of control with their spending. I do think the new library at Surrey Central looks nice. I am concerned about the huge costs involved and the frenzy of out of control spending that is seriously affecting our taxes. Fiscal responsibility isn’t pork barrel tax and spend politics. Yet that is all we are now seeing and that needs to change.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

More details in Larry Amero’s Montreal drug bust

The Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province and the CBC are all reporting that Larry Amero’s recent drug bust in Montreal had the capacity to import and distribute about 75 kilograms of cocaine per week. Police seized 400 firearms, explosives, $255,000 in cash, marijuana, cocaine and other drugs. Kim Bolan reported that seized explosives were like 1,486 sticks of dynamite. Police reported that "The group did not hesitate to use violence to take control and expand their territories."

Police are still looking for four of the six men they considered leaders of the operation: Mihale Leventis, Frédéric Lavoie, Rabih Alkhalil and Timoleon Psiharis. Before Thursday, police seized 153 kilograms of cocaine and 46,100 units of methamphetamines, along with 161 guns, 291 prohibited weapons, 1,486 explosives and 50 detonators in a sweep connected to the latest raids.

So here we have another cross border drug operation involving BC bud and the Hells Angels bringing cocaine back into Canada that has resulted in a violent drug war murdering rivals over territory and ruthless torture and murder of addicts for drug debts. That makes three strikes for criminal organization status. Rob Shannon and Jody York in Weird Hal’s dumb video. Tbarz which is NOT under new management, connected to a huge cross border drug ring involving the Hells Angels implicating Randy and Trevor Jones.

Now Larry Amero from the same Whiterock chapter Randy Jones, the real owner of Tbarz, is from is charged in another cross border ring tied to the Hells Angels in BC and the Montreal drug trade. That’s three strikes to criminal organization status.

We know the Whiterock Hells Angels have been involved in the Surrey drug trade ever since the Surrey House of Horrors. Now we hear the Whiterock chapter is expanding and starting it’s own Surrey chapter. So when they say Tbarz is under new management, does that mean it’s under the Surrey Hells Angels management not the Whiterock Hells Angels management any more?

The Vancouver Province is reporting that although Larry Amero was from the Whitercock Hells Angels, whose clubhouse is in Langley, he now belongs to the West Point Hells Angels. What an offensive joke. What they don’t want to call themselves the Surrey Hells Angels because they don’t want everyone to think they are LOSERS from a toilet? These guys are everything the real west point stands against. They’re better off sticking with the Jesters name and logo because clearly they are still a bunch of clowns who just don’t get it.

It’s actually pretty funny Larry Amero is telling people he’s from the Surrey chapter now when he can’t show his face in Surrey. I guess they’ll have to build the Surrey Hells Angels clubhouse out in Abbotsford with his friends the three little piggies. Sorry, two little piggies now. One’s dead. The Bacon brothers are hated in Surrey. That’s why the suburban princesses had to move out to Abbotsford where they have police protection. If Larry Amero and the Hells Angels supported the Bacon brothers, then they are hated in Surrey too. Larry Amero and the cub pack on Gilligan’s Island. Good luck with that Silicone soldier. Gangster You Not. Let's Give it up for NYC.

Jim Brown the freak sues Cameron Ward

Not only is that freak Jim Brown still working with the RCMP after posting pornographic bondage pictures of himself with a knife and RCMP boots and a naked woman, not only did the RCMP search the whistleblowers home and seize his computers, but now Jim the Freak is suing Cameron Ward for defamation. When will the offensive insanity end? At least now we can subpoena ALL the evidence and finally make this a public inquiry once and for all. Cameron Ward can’t have his day in court unless ALL the evidence he has been asking for is finally produced. Otherwise it would be an unfair trial.

The RCMP have obviously completely gone off their rocker in supporting a known deviant on the force. The defamation claim likely revolves around the anonymous claim that one of the pictures was of Jim Brown in a threesome with Dave Pickton. Is that the photo the RCMP seized and destroyed from the whistleblowers home? We sure had hoped for more from the RCMP, not this. Very sad. Jim Brown should have been fired a long time ago. If he has sensitive information about the Pickton case and is blackmailing the force then fire him and let that information come public. Don’t help this disgusting freak bully the public any longer.

Bomb found on Surrey Sky Train track

Oddly enough, a "makeshift" bomb was spotted by a passenger on an elevated SkyTrain track in Surrey yesterday afternoon, and later removed and exploded by an RCMP bomb squad. The confirmed bomb threat is believed to be the first ever involving SkyTrain infrastructure.

The bomb was spotted between Gateway and Scott Rd. SkyTrain stations in Surrey at 2:15 p.m. Police found that it was strapped to three empty cylinders. The cylinders, which looked like propane tanks according to police, will be kept for forensic investigation. Three empty cylinders doesn’t sound like a Halloween screecher bomb. Strange. Empty propane cylinders wouldn’t do anything.

“When you looked down on the device you could see what appeared to be some sort of red canister; it looked like possibly a fire extinguisher or an oxygen tank,” transit police spokeswoman Anne Drennan said.