Friday, August 11, 2023

Chilliwack Child Sexualization Protest Saturday Aug 12th

Exposing SOGI123 dot com is reporting that "Saturday, Barry Neufeld, Harm Boom, Pierre Barns, Armrit Birring, and many others are coming together in Chilliwack to raise awareness among parents about the concerning epidemic of child abuse unfolding within K-12 schools. Joined by numerous concerned citizens dedicated to shedding light on the gravity of the situation and advocating for necessary changes, these individuals are going to bring pamphlets, book examples, and the list of books within the Chilliwack school district to discuss solutions and inform the Chilliwack community about the danger of gender ideology in schools and the over-sexualization of children in School." This needs to be heard.

I interviewed Robert Wallace from Gays Against Groomers. Being anti Sogi has nothing to do with being anti LGBT. It's anti pedophilia. and Child Grooming. I interviewed Pierre Barns from Exposing SOGI123 dot com. When you look at the books they are promoting you can see what they are promoting is insane. Grooming children is not aceptable.

Yesterday I walked by a store with the windows all blocked in that had a sign out front. The sign said it is illegal to sell or give minors under the age of 18 vape products. So it's illegal to sell minors cigarettes or alcohol but it's OK to give them puberty blockers and transition them without their parents consent. Something is very wrong with that picture.

Tucker Carlson interviews Former Capitol Police Chief

Star Gazing

I find gazing up at the stars on a clear night away from the city lights very humbling. A babbling brook. A gently ocean tide. A shooting star. Soothing reminders that life is good away from the insanity. There are a lot of crazy things on TV. Sometimes all you need to do is change the channel. Metaphorically speaking. There are a lot of crazy people out there. They have the right to be crazy but you have the right to ignore them. We control what we listen to.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

January 6th set up and Misrepresentation

Update: Tucker Carlson interviews Former Capitol Police Chief

Brandon Straka is reporitng that "Geri Perna is any normal American citizen, just like you and me. But what she and her family have gone through is anything but normal. Geri’s nephew, Matthew Perna, walked inside the Capitol on January 6th through the open doors on the East Side. He committed no vandalism, no violence, no theft, and no destruction."

"Shortly after January 6th Matthew saw his face on an FBI wanted poster. He turned himself in. After that, the DOJ charged Matthew with felony charges, and refused to drop any of them. Emotionally beaten down by the anxiety and anguish of his case being dragged out over a year, Matthew was advised to plead guilty so he could end his case, knowing that he’d likely be sentenced to up to a year in prison."

"After Matthew pled guilty, the DOJ informed him that they would then seek a TERRORISM ENHANCEMENT to his sentencing, which would take his sentencing recommendation to up to 9 years in federal prison. That day, Matthew went into his garage and hung himself."

This is a link to a video of Mathew's Aunt on WalkAway Social. Mathew walked "through the open doors on the East Side. He committed no vandalism, no violence, no theft, and no destruction." They added charges after his plea deal. He walked through open doors. It was a complete set up and the way the Fake News has completely misrepresented that event is mentally deranged as is the punitive over reaction from the partisan Department of Justice.

The US Sun is reporitng that "In the obituary, the author states Perna entered the Capitol through an already-open door, 'ushered in by police,' and insists he did not break, touch, or steal anything." We saw the videos of people walking in through open doors being ushered in by police. It was a complete set up. In one video a skeptical protester said watch they're probably going to lock us in after they opened the doors for them. 2000 Mules Trailer.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A Heretic’s Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable

In Tara Henley's recent podcast she interviews Brendan O’Neill who is is the chief political writer for Spiked, and the host of The Brendan O’Neill Show. His new book is A Heretic’s Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable. Tara Henley consistently brings reason back to the table. I certainly don't believe she is an agent of CSIS like Sam Cooper is. She's not driving CSIS' narrative. She's bringing back reason and common sense. We are allowed to think and we are allowed to question the narrative. We are allowed to hold and express our opinions.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Riley Gaines Keeping it Real

Riley Gaines on Twitter. What ever happened to woman's rights? Don't they matter any more?

Canadian rapper sentenced to 10 years in prison for Megan Thee Stallion shooting

Reuters is reporting that " Canadian rapper Tory Lanez was sentenced on Tuesday to 10 years in prison, more than seven months after he was convicted of shooting fellow musical artist Megan Thee Stallion during an argument in 2020, local media reported.

"Judge David Herriford handed down the sentence to the 30-year-old rapper, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, during a hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court that had been pushed back by delays, USA Today reported. On Dec. 23, a jury found Lanez guilty of carrying a loaded and unregistered firearm in a vehicle, assault with a semiautomatic handgun and discharging a firearm with gross negligence."

Lanez was accused of shooting Grammy-winning rapper Megan Thee Stallion, 28, injuring her feet after a pool party in the Hollywood Hills in July 2020. The shooting was preceded by an argument that became heated when the two began attacking each other's music careers, she told the court during the two-week trial. He shot a girl he was dating in the foot because they got in an argument and she insulted his career. Yo man you are a f*ck up. That is some serious Dr Phil sh*t right there. Real men don't shoot girls. Own it.

Ryan Reynolds's cannabis and magic mushroom comercial

I just saw a commercial on Youtube that featured Ryan Renolds. It was an add for cannabis and magic mushrooms. I thought it was a joke but when you click the link it takes you to a store where you can buy cannabis online as well as magic mushrooms. When were mushrooms legalized?

Police officers wire tapped for the wrong reasons

Donald Best is a retired police officer that runs a blog with a lot of insightful information on it. In his most recent post he reported that Detective Helen Grus was wiretapped for investigating nine Sudden Infant Deaths where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers in January 2022. Charging her for disreputable conduct for that is bat sh*t crazy. It is a politicla ploy that validates every Canadian concern about lockdowns and Synthetic RNA.

Former Ottawa Police Sergeant Rob Stocki Was Also Wiretapped

In that article Donald Best also reported that "Rob Stocki is a former Ottawa Police Sergeant turned New Blue Party candidate in the 2022 Ontario Provincial election. He too received notice that police had wiretapped him during the Freedom Convoy under an ‘Urgent’ Section 188(2) from February 18 to 19, 2022. Just as with Detective Grus, the Section 188 ‘Urgent’ wiretap was not followed up with a ‘real’ wiretap authorization."

In the article before that Donald Best reports that "Legendary New York Police Detective and Medal of Honor recipient Frank Serpico has slammed the Ottawa Police Service for covering up an investigation into the potential connection between mRNA ‘vaccines’ and Sudden Infant Deaths." He also reports that Frank Serpico was a whistle blower set up for blown gthe whistle on New York City police corruption. That was back in the /70's. Michael Dowd was busted in 1992. The documentary called the Seven Five is worth watching.

Donald Best also wrote that moving article about Lois Cardinal's adverse reaction to transitioning.

Shingles Vaccine - Moving Forward

I'm back from a road trip and just got my shingles vaccine. My mother got shingles when she was older and I always thought getting the shingles vaccine was a good idea. Until all this Covid rna genetic vaccine nonsense. So I asked Dr Steven Pelech if the shingles vaccine had rna in it and he said no. Since the shingles vaccine didn't have rna or use live viruses I decided to get it.

A coworker who is also anti rna genetic vaccines also got his. It's about informed consent and the freedom to choose. I was at the gym today doing cardio and the View came on. That show is absolutely ridiculous. The View is the Spew. It is a toxic sh*t hole of partisan puke. Watching the View is like digging for gold at the bottom of an outhouse. You're not going to find anything good there. It is unhealthy. Tulsi Gabbard however, is a breath of fresh air. She should be RFK's Vice.

I've been working on a new project that I'll be ready to launch next week.

It's time to turn the page and move forward.