Saturday, September 21, 2024

Ben Shapiro is a vile POS

I don't want to hate but I just want to state that Ben Shapiro is a vile POS who hates Edward Snowden. We really need to see through this Mosad bullsh*t. Mossad is evil but Israelis aren't just like the CIA is evil but Americans collectively aren't. The US Constitution is a sacred document. One that Mossad and the CIA oppose. Netanyahu is a globalist just like Klaus Schwab. Mark my word. Joe Rogan Calls Israel-Hamas War a Genocide because it is.

I realize that many of the university protests have been hijacked by extremists. However, what Netanyahu is doing is wrong and Israelis oppose it. Jews in Israel have been having mass demonstrations and even general strikes demanding Netanyahu resign calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Netanyahu has consistently ignored that public outcry. That's because he has an agenda. One that was hatched when Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated.

The October 7th attack was heinous but it could not have happened unless Netanyahu facilitated it. Jews in Israel understand this. Netanyahu took all the soldiers guarding the border off that assignment and issued a stand down order letting the Hamas operatives in and out with hostages. That attack was not possible without Netanyahu's help.

Mossad created Hamas after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated to drive Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza. The PLO agreed to a ceasefire and the Oslo accord but Mossad didn't. They replaced Fatah and the PLO with extremists they controlled to justify this Gaza genocide so they can steal their natural gas and build the new canal to the red sea. Now we have exploding pagers.

This is why Mossad and the CIA oppose civil liberty and the Constitution. They oppose due process. People have the right to a fair trial without being tortured or assassinated. That is a basic human right. One that Mossad and the CIA refuse to recognize. That puts them on the wrong side of the American revolution. The people Mossad and the CIA are torturing aren't terrorists. Mossad and the CIA are the terrorists. They created Hamas, ISIS and ISIS K. The people Mossad and the CIA are torturing are patriots who believe in civil liberty and the Constitution.

9/11 was an inside job. So was October 7th. The Patriot Act is not patriotic.


  1. You're absolutely right on this. As much as I criticize, I also give credit where credit is due.

  2. Well stated and bang on point.

    People also need to realize that the almost 25000 page Patriot Act document was signed into law Sept 12, 2001.

    It is not conceivable that a 25000 page document was written overnight.
    It was written long before and 911 was planned for the implementation of the Patriot Act.

    Similarly the PNAC Project for New American Century was written long ago and the final Middle Eastern moves are currently being implemented now to fulfill the prophecy of that agenda as well.

    1. Actually, 26 October. And 342 pages, not 25000 pages.

      "The truth is bad enough, there's no need to make stuff up".

    2. I don't even think it was released that soon. The report was a farce but it wasn't released the next day. It claimed the third tower collapsed at free fall speed into it's own blueprint due to heat and fire. It was unscientific nonsense.

    3. The body of the Patriot Act encompasses many preexisting Surveillance and Terrorism Acts. I believe when factored in it is much larger than 342 pages.
      I stand corrected on the date it was entered into Congress and then PASSED a few days later.

      I do agree the truth is bad enough and accuracy of point of fact critical to maintain legitimacy.

    4. The entire thing is a crock of sh*t.

    5. "Accuracy of point of fact (is) critical to maintain legitimacy." Excellently put. We can't give them any room to catch out out inaccurate on our facts. We know the truth and so do they, the battle is for those that are unsure and have believed most of the codswallop they've been fed. We owe it to those folks not to sound like we don't know what we are talking about, because it prevents them letting go of what they previously believed true.

    6. Again I agree.
      An indoctrinated mind will use any mistep to revert to their pre-existing paradigm of thought.
      It's a tough spell to break.

  3. Speaking against Edward Snowden or what he did is a huge indicator. Huge. Few have sacrificed more to do the right thing than he has.

  4. I never liked Ben Shapiro, I guess my gut instinct was right. He kind of reminds me of Hitler with his stupid haircut.

    1. He's just a very short, arrogant prick. He's 5' 4.5" and has small man syndrome.

    2. You probably aren't the only one who never liked him from the start, there's definitely something irritating about that guy.

  5. Ben Shapiro puts Zionism first. He is impressive to study for his quick response arguments and debates but it is the content and purpose that are telling.

    1. There's nothing wrong with Zionism. Bob Marley was a Zionist and so am I. Evicting Palestinians out of their homes and committing a genocide is NOT Zionism. That's Satanism. Ben Shapiro is anything but impressive. He's an argumentative dick with small man syndrome. That is all.


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