Sunday, September 22, 2024

Side effects of Fentanyl are harmful

Aside from turning human beings into literal zombies, one of the side effects of Fentanyl that we observe is a strange propensity to fold the body at the waist. This video from the Hodge Twins shows a less common example of how someone is flooded in half sideways. We often see addicts folded in half at the waste standing, sitting or lying down. It is very sad. These are sons and daughters and we are literally killing them with harm promotion. This is not social justice. Social justice is helping them get off these harmful drugs not helping them stay on them.

SF doctors observe fentanyl side effect that causes people to be completely bent over after use

Align Recovery centers state that "Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin, making it extremely dangerous. As its abuse increases, a peculiar and disturbing behavior has been observed among users: bending over or hunching."

"This phenomenon, often referred to as the fentanyl fold, occurs because the drug’s potent effects on the central nervous system cause intense muscle relaxation and loss of motor control. Users lose the ability to maintain proper posture, resulting in the characteristic bending over. Fentanyl induces extreme muscle relaxation, making it difficult for users to hold themselves upright. This relaxation affects the central nervous system’s signals that control muscle tone. As a result, users may bend over or slump as their muscles lose strength and tone."

"One of the most dangerous effects of fentanyl is respiratory depression. The drug significantly slows down breathing, sometimes to a life-threatening level. Reduced oxygen intake can make users feel dizzy and lightheaded, causing them to bend over as a subconscious attempt to stabilize themselves and breathe more easily. "

"Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, sometimes without the user’s knowledge. For instance, there have been reports of purple fentanyl, a form of the drug mixed with other substances that give it a distinctive color. This contamination increases the risk of overdose and other adverse effects because users may not be aware of the potency or the presence of fentanyl in what they consume. A concerning trend is the presence of fentanyl in weed."

"Some users unknowingly consume marijuana laced with fentanyl, leading to unexpected and dangerous effects. This contamination can cause severe reactions, including the bending over posture, as the powerful opioid takes effect. Users who are not accustomed to opioids may experience intense and dangerous side effects, even with small amounts."

Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana on the Rise

"Fentanyl is most often combined with other opioids to create a more intense high, but recently fentanyl-laced marijuana has been showing up on the scene as well. According to NBC News, a 16-year-old high school student in Connecticut was hospitalized after an overdose from suspected marijuana contaminated with fentanyl."

"The Connecticut State Department of Public Health issued a warning about the possible dangers of fentanyl-laced marijuana after several reports were received indicating opioid overdose symptoms in patients who claimed to only have smoked pot. In one instance, the marijuana was tested and found to have contained fentanyl."

WARNING: Marijuana Laced with Fentanyl

Weed-Laced Fentanyl: What You Need To Know

Smoking heroin with cannabis versus injecting heroin


  1. As usual posting misinformation. Lies vs Facts. Fentanyl is destroyed when burned by an open flame; when people are smoking fentanyl, they do so through foil or a pipe to prevent this. So no weed is not being laced with fentanyl. It would be totally pointless and harmless if you smoked weed laced with fentanyl. You really should do some fact checking when you cut and paste your info for your posts. If for no other reason then self respect.

    1. Donnie McWhirter you are a lying POS. Everyone who disagrees with me is not Blaze but this is an old profile Blaze has used for years. You are a liar and a false accuser. Fentanyl is a horrible drug. Smoking it does not make it safe. That is a ridiculous lie.

  2. Also what they said isn't logical. The weed could buffer the fentanyl just like the foil does and boom you've fatally overdosed. There's a good reason why dispensary pre-rolls are selling like hotcakes - people want to make sure their weed is fentanyl-free.

    1. Pot can be laced with anything. Back in the day it was PCP.

    2. it was also laced with opium back in the day, 50 years ago but it was sold as that. e.a.f.

  3. As many enemies as that guy has, why is he still breathing? Other guys "they" want x-ed out don't seem to last long. And it's not like he'd be hard to find. Maybe that was the deal, he gets to live as long as he f**ks with you?

    1. He's in bed with the PoPo and trashes the club behind their back. He trolls me and the Teletubbies will give him a bonus. Blaze knew about my lawsuit before I was served. The CFSEU wanted to be able to take my legally obtained guns away. Thanks to the Ninja, that never happened.

  4. Damn that's dirty. They wanted you unarmed, defenseless probably so they could take you out dude.

    1. The cops on the take wanted to take my legally obtained firearms away. I don't think they would have shot me but they would have told those that would that I was unarmed. Just like they took their guns away before the Surrey Six.

  5. Whos guns were taken away before the Surrey six?

    1. The people who were shot. Anton wouldn't do the hit but he confiscated their guns so the shooters knew they were going in against unarmed victims.

  6. A medical professional suggested that the ‘fenty fold’ everyone has noticed appear over the last couple of years is from all the tranquilizers and other substances they are cutting fentanyl with. These guys have to poison their with poison. If it where any other product that this was happening to the government and police would take immediate and harsh actions to stop it like they did in Covid. Really, who would complain if the police delivered a beating to Fentanyl traffickers, especially the ring leaders. I am sure they could crowdfund the legal defence for the police if they actually targeted the people responsible for the fentanyl misery.

    1. The Hodge Twins quoted that claim about the tranquilizers. I don't know if it's true. Everywhere there's fentanyl you see people fold over. The problem is when dealers lace their drugs to unknowing customers like that guy in Shakerz. He sold a nurse cocaine but it wasn't cocaine it was fentanyl and she died. That was sleazy.

  7. You're absolutely right - same tactic used.


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