Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Crack pipe vending machines and home delivery do not reduce harm - Fire Bonnie Henry

The National Post is reporting that "The B.C. government is backtracking on two controversial harm reduction programs that distribute free drug paraphernalia — such as syringes, crack pipes and snorting kits — through vending machines and online home delivery. This new scandal is yet another reminder of how the province, under the leadership of Premier David Eby, has mishandled the overdose crisis and prioritized enablement over recovery."

Online home delivery? AYFKM?! The BC NDP has lost their mind.

"Concerns about the reckless distribution of harm reduction supplies arose last month, when it was discovered that Fraser Health, one of the province’s five regional health authorities, had launched a website where drug users could order free harm reduction supplies delivered directly to their homes." Fraser Health? That's Surrey. Bonnie Henry is a maniac.


  1. This is what you get when you vote in communism. The ALberta NDP destroyed Alberta’s economy.

  2. Bye, bye Eby! No one voted for you to begin with.
    You”ll be remembered as the Civil Rights lawyer who stripped parents of their rights & go on to advocate for harming children by supporting the mutilation and disfigurement of their bodies. Rather despicable considering you’re a “young” father yourself. Just to help you along with your duties as a parent…. You are to PROTECT your children, not sacrifice them to the evil predators. Shame on you!

  3. I have a solution:easy easy
    Shoot 3 high level dealers a month.
    Confiscate everything from dealers!!
    Mandatory detox for people thru criminal system then follow up with work camp/mental health help.

    1. Shooting drug dealers without a trial is somewhat problematic. The former president of the Philippines condoned that. The problem with that is anyone can shoot anyone and say they are a drug dealer when they aren't. That's the purpose of due process. The WEF will create manufactured emergencies like this do justify doing away with due process. As soon as we agree to that, they'll start using it against their political opponents. The same thing with proceeds of crime.

      However, mandatory detox would work. If you commit crimes because of your addiction, detox should be part of your sentence. 3 months in jail WITHOUT drugs would be in everyone's best interest.

  4. Prisons give out clean needles.

    1. I don't believe that is true but they do give out mega doses of methadone.

    2. They do needles AND “safe” supply. They comply with ideology.

  5. It'd be nice to see see a class action lawsuit against the government enablers, on behalf of all us victims. Crack/ meth psychosis induced nutters are the lowest life form on the planet. Better yet, a blog to warn our fellow citizens about the potential threat they pose to the community

    1. They're all sons and daughters. Treatment saves lives. Addiction robs life.

    2. CSC PNEP. Prison Needle Exchange Program. Already up and running. Prison safe injection sites are next, already piloted.

    3. "They're all sons and daughters". THIS. "Compassion". For the victims. Not the dealers.

  6. Find the root cause driving addiction.

    1. The root cause of addiction is the prolific availability and the governments promotion of addiction. Remove Justin Trudeau and the NDP and addiction will decrease. That's a root cause.


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