Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kamala Harris wants to ban AR-15s


  1. Fake news. Ar-15s will still be used to kill russian invaders, as they should. Now go cry to lauren chen about how i’m being mean to you.

    1. That's actually a good point. The purpose of the second amendment isn't just to hunt. If every family owns a AR 15 that makes it harder for a foreign enemy to invade them. Switzerland has lots of guns. That's one of the reason they weren't invaded during the war. However, your girl Kamala does want to ban AR15's watch the vid.

      I don't know who Lauren Chen is that you keep obsessing over. Hillary Clinton claims everyone who disagrees with her is spreading Russian disinformation and should be put in jail. Including her political opponents within the party Hillary is evil.

  2. It's worse than that.

    "Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that locked home and check to see if you're being responsible".

    There is a clip of her saying this posted by Rep. Andrew Clyde on

  3. The Swiss were some fake neutral cowards who got rich laundering Nazi wealth.

    1. Oh wow. One could argue they were neutral on a cause they shouldn't have been neutral on but my point was since the citizens have access to guns, it would make them harder to invade.

  4. Russia invaders... Lol. I be more worried about China as they already own alot land and have many foreign nationals here already. Both Canada and USA.

    1. Yes but China has no need for a ground invasion when they own our politicians.

  5. It's not Russia or China, it's your own government and the people who want to turn it into a WEF paradise. More people have always been killed by their own government vs an invading army, it's not even close, like 10:1 odds if I remember correctly.

  6. What's next? Start a ban on Super Soakers and Sling Shots? God bless this mess in North America.


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