Saturday, June 22, 2024

BC Gangster arrested in Newfoundland

The RCMP is reporting that "RCMP Federal Policing – Eastern Region, in collaboration with the RCMP-RNC Joint Forces Operation West (JFO West), announced today that it has seized the province's largest non-pharmaceutical (illicit) quantity of fentanyl earlier this week on the province's west coast. As a result of Project Beamline, charges have been laid against 25-year-old Abishake Lohia, who recently moved to Newfoundland and Labrador from British Columbia."

Abishake Lohia was busted beside Kyle Latimer and Jamie Bacon back in 2018.

There were a few things pretty shady about that Project Territory bust. They did nail Kyle who was a high ranking member of the Red Scorpions. In fact, Kyle and Lolo Lanski both ended up betraying Gary' Kang's BIBO faction after he was killed and have taken over the leadership now that Jamie Bacon is in Witness Protection. So the project Territory bust was real.

However, the dramatic press releases about pressure cooker bombs were fake as f*ck. It screamed foreign intelligence. The CIA are the only ones who know how to make pressure cooker bombs. The average citizen doesn't. I sure don't and I have experience with chemistry sets. John Nuttall didn't. John was panicking because he couldn't figure it out after the police agents downloaded the instructions for him. He was afraid Mr Big was going to kill him and his family if he couldn't make one. So he says you know what would really make this thing work - C4. Then when they showed up with C4 he sh*t his pants. That's why it was entrapment. Without the Police agents' pressure and assistance there was no means or motive to commit the crime.

Likewise, it's pretty obvious that the police planted the pressure cooker bombs in Project Territory. However, there was another anomaly. The police seized some really tacky giant black Scorpions. As soon as I saw that I said WTF is that? The name of the group is the Red Scorpions. It's as though the foreign intelligence agency didn't read the memo.

Let's not forget, the Hells Angels were grooming Jamie Bacon because he was an easy mark to tax. While Gary Kang was active with his BIBO faction the Hells Angles hired the Brother's Keepers to kill BIBO members of the Red Scorpions but they left Jamie Bacon alone. That's because the club wanted him there. Shrek was a long time associate of Jamie Bacon.

As we recall, Kyle Latimer and Lolo Lansk both recently betrayed the BIBO faction cementing their leadership under the Hells Angels. Lolo Lanski's trailer trash GF finally read the memo and is keeping her mouth shut after she tried to start drama with Kyle's GF at a nail salon. That was ridiculous. She wasn't even Lolo's baby mamma. She was a nobody trying to be somebody by starting stupid sh*t that interfered with them all making money.


  1. What ever happened to the John Nuttal case? Do you have any updates?

    1. They won their entrapment appeal. I saw in the news they were suing the government but I haven't heard how that's going:

    2. Good for them another shit show from the Government.

    3. It's good the entrapment was finally called out.

  2. I remember them running the Mr. Big sting out of the No. 8 Billiard Hall off Lower Lonsdale for the Burns & Rafay case. They were acting like big time gangster drug dealers. I wonder how many young people watched it and believed it was real?

    1. I wasn't aware of the appeal in that case. Interesting:

      The inherit problem with the Mr Big sting is that the mark thinks they are talking to a Big Organized Crime figure and will often make a fake confession just to impress them.

    2. Hey Dennis, do you have a source on Jamie Bacon going in protective custody? I always thought Jamie looked like the disfigured man from the movie the goonies that says “heeyyyy u guys!” It’s amazing that Jamie has made it this far. he has the intelligence of a potted plant.

    3. Indeed. Jamie Bacon was not the brains of that operation. The confession came from his own mouth. IHIT recorded Jamie Bacon trying to convince Mathew Johnson to join him in the program and cooperate with the police. In that tape he rationalized why he was going to rat out a list of people. Lolo Lanski apparently was one of them.

    4. I also have confirmation on the street that Jamie Bacon is no longer a member or leader of the Red Scorpions. Kyle Latimer is in charge now.

    5. That is crazy. I listened to the tape a few times, but I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Jarrod must of gone crazy when he heard that tape and trashed his apartment in Manitoba or wherever he is now. I’m guessing Jarrod is out of RS too.

  3. He only got caught with 3 ounces of fentanyl and a pound of coke lol. They are calling it a big bust but it’s a joke. I live in this dump called NL.

    1. A pound of coke is a fair bit and if he's a street dealer 3 oz of fentanyl is a fair bit. You act like it's not a big deal but it is. Fentanyl is killing a lot of people. Especially if he's lacing the cocaine with fentanyl and not telling anyone. NL is awesome. It's the drugs that are turning it and everywhere else into a toilet.


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