Saturday, June 1, 2024

Greg Martel accused of fraud in Victoria

CTV is reporting that "The trustee appointed to manage the bankruptcies of a Victoria mortgage company and its owner has concluded that they committed "numerous offences" and operated as a "massive Ponzi scheme." PricewaterhouseCoopers shared these conclusions in a document(opens in a new tab) submitted to the B.C. Supreme Court and the federal Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy this week. The document, known as a "Section 170 Report," details the trustee's reasons for opposing the discharge of Greg Martel from bankruptcy."

"It also indicates that more than 930 creditors have come forward to claim Martel and his company My Mortgage Auction Corp. owe them a total of more than $317 million. Martel operated MMAC under the name "Shop Your Own Mortgage." Last year, he and the company became the subject of multiple lawsuits from parties claiming millions of dollars owed to them."

CBC is reporting that "Bankruptcy proceedings for disgraced Victoria mortgage broker Greg Martel found he was operating a massive Ponzi scheme that helped fund a lavish lifestyle."
Here's an interesting twist. I knew I heard that name before. Remember that famous picture of Jason Zailo holding a knife posing with Lindsay Buziak? Well the third person in the picture is Greg Martel. Greg Martel knew Lindsay and was friends with Jason. He was there to celebrate her last birthday before she was murdered. Greg Martel was also the mortgage broker Greg Haney used when he ripped off the Pacific Rim resort for the BCMI.


  1. This isn't the first time something like this has happened in B.C. You'd think people would learn. Just because some one is nicely dressed and charming doesn't mean they can't be a crook.
    As a sibling used to say, "you only buy water front property with disposable income" and the same went for "investments".
    B.C. has a fairly "interesting" history when it comes to "investments" and the Vancouver Stock Exchange. There used to be a reporter, think his last name was Bains and he wrote a lot about it. Jack Wasserman sometimes had cracks about it also. Never trust anything.

    1. Yeah the VSE was full of fake pump and dump stocks. That's why it was shut down.


    1. Investment fraud brings in more money than drugs:

  3. Nice job of linking that guy to his past.

    1. I didn't realize he was the one in the picture with Jason and Lindsay. Someone sent me an email. I misunderstood something before. Lindsay told her father she saw something she shouldn't have seen. That wasn't gang stuff because her former boyfriend was a gang member. That was nothing new. I believe it was money laundering through real estate.

      Greg Martel has been filing a lot of take downs. Thankfully, no lie can live forever:

  4. Everyone knows who killed Lindsay - Leo 'Rojo' Beltran and his sister match the descriptions exactly.

    1. That is a lie. Opinions are like a*sholes. Everyone has one. Lindsay dated Matt who was an associate of Del Alcazar. She missed what she had with Matt and was leaving Jason. Stabbing her that many times was not a gang hit. It was Dr Phil like the Cynthia Garcia murder. Jason's brother was the one who originally wanted to date Lindsay but Jason was the one that won her over. Jason's brother had been rejected by her.

      So what does that mean? Absolutely nothing because no one will testify in this life. It means when this life is over everyone will know the truth. Justice will not sleep forever.

    2. You tell me who it was then that matches the description? Did you even look at the sketches and how they match the woman Hermila almost exactly? Or did you just see the title and not even read the content?


      Look at the damn sketch and tell me that isn't Hermila.

    4. Cynthia Garcia is an example of why some people shouldn't be allowed to breed. The only victim is her children. No loss to the world.

    5. Re Cynthia Garcia: Donnie McWhiter - you are a freak. The fact that you are on the police's payroll shows the world how corrupt law enforcement in BC really is.

      As for the sketch, this is what I mean about a cult following making accusations they can't prove. To claim that the Mexican cartel had anything to do with Lindsay's murder is ridiculous. There was a dirty cop from Saanich that leaked out false information about the location of a cell phone that pinged. A lot of cops in Saanich are dirty.

      I have no loyalty to the Del Alcazars. They are gang bangers who were little sh*ts when they were kids. I just don't believe they had anything to do with Lindsay's murder. Neither did the Hells Angels. If you read Bill Majcher's affidavit, the police corruption goes right up to the lawyers, judges and court staff:

    6. It seems pretty obvious that the Saanich police are very corrupt, hence no arrests for Lindsay’s murder. They have to be covering for the murder of Lindsay. Do you have a theory on this?

    7. I have a theory as do many others. I think merging Saanich Police with Victoria PD would be a step forward but even letting IHIT take over the case won't be any less corrupt. Bill Macher's affidavit says it all. Now he is facing false charges just like Cameron Ortis. That's something I can't fix.

  5. Are you suggesting it was the other Zailo brother? Boy that picture on LB birthday. Birds of a feather flock together!

    1. I'm not saying anything. Jason had a motive but it obviously wasn't him. He had an alibi. That doesn't mean he didn't plan it. If his brother and a druggie friend actually stabbed her, Jason contaminated the crime scene when he performed CPR on the bloodied body. His DNA would be almost the same as his brother's. It would take careful testing to distinguish the two.

      However, this is all speculative. This is how everyone got into trouble and what triggered several lawsuits. Everyone has a theory on who done it but the bottom line is that those are all just theories. The problem arises when people make accusations they can't prove on social media.

      People say, hey you're a suspect in Lindsay Busiak's murder. They've never been charged but they have that unproven allegation hanging over them. That's defamation. When Chris Horsley exonerated the Zailos on day one that was a huge red flag. You can't say for sure someone didn't do it or plan it when you don't know who did.

      Now Shirley has done what Chris Martel did and filed several legal actions. Friends are no longer friends because people won't take responsibility for what they themselves say. Everyone's running for cover because right or wrong court fees are expensive. I totally support free speech but you can't accuse people of things if you can't prove it and you can't prove it if witnesses won't testify.

      I faced legal action for accusing someone of ordering a murder once. I could prove it but I wasn't willing to put my witness' life at risk so I cut a deal. In the end, karma bit the guy in the a*s so all's well that ends well.

      The Lindsay Buziak murder literally has a cult following. This blog broke off of that blog. This camp thinks it's these people. That camp thinks it's those people. Lindsay's murder was a brutal tragedy. When this life is over all the lies will vanish and those responsible will be known for what they did.

      The problem with BC Rail was money laundering from drug trafficking through BC Real Estate. William Majcher submitted an affidavit for the Pacific Rim Resort case describing the corruption he witnessed in Canadian courts. He said a lot of lawyers launder drug money through investments. Now he's facing false charges himself:

  6. It's so true that bad people eventually meet their karma. That's why I don't bother with the justice system or seeking vengeance on people.

    Is this why there are no arrests?

    1. The person who does that blog is very sincere and hard working. However, I have two concerns. The first comment said everyone knows who killed Lindsay. That is not true. Everyone has their own theory and all the theories contradict each other. Any blog that links Lindsay's murder to the cartel has been drinking Chris Horsley's Kool Aid. The claim is ridiculous. It is disinformation and that is what Chris Horsley does.

  8. Why oh why are these characters not under investigation? Wheres the UNEXPLAINED WEALTH police? CRA? Millions of dollars in real estate holdings, on realtors commission? Does the “wealth” fit the picture? Lawyers fees? Mega lawyers being busted for using proceeds of crime (money laundering) for their services. Organized crime using the courts to laundry money. Wheres the law enforcement? Are they corrupt, involved like BC Rail scandal? Who are the dirty cops, politicians covering up? Where’s the one GOOD person to blow this crime right out of the water?

    1. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. BC is the most corrupt province in the country. That problem is bigger than you and I.

  9. While I'm here I'm just going to ad this. I have always supported Lindsay's father. In situations like this, that's what we do. We support the family. That's not to say I don't support Lindsay's mother. I don't know her. Some people suffer in silence. Some people vent out loud. We all grieve at our own pace. Losing a child to a violent murder would really f*ck me up.

    I saw a comment on the other blog criticizing Lindsay's mother for being friends with Shirley. I would never do that. I would never trash Lindsay's mother or her father. Personally I don't like the Zailos. That's no secret. Yet I would never criticize Lindsay's mother for befriending her. That's none of my business. People are free to be friends with whoever they want.

    I really don't think trashing Lindsay's mother or her father honours Lindsey's memory. When expressing opinions we should be mindful of Lindsay's legacy and be respectful. A lot of people are vocally outraged over her brutal murder. That is understandable. Yet a lot of people have gone too far in expressing hateful opinions online.

    I don't think this murder will be solved in this life but I do think it will be solved in the life hereafter. At that time everyone will know the truth and the brutal murderers as well as all their co conspirators will wear that mark for everyone to see. At that time they will be separated from the rest of society. Until then, the wheat and the tares will grow together until the wheat's roots are strong enough to survive the harvest.

    As for Shirley Zailo's multiple lawsuits, it is my hope they can all be settled by mutual consent so that everyone pays their own legal costs and everyone can move forward with life. These are hard times for everyone. No one can afford to waste money on punitive lawsuits. Life is too short. There are a lot better things to spend your money on. Peace.

  10. Any time I've asked about the killing most of the responses were that Ziggy either did it or had someone do it.
    My own theory is that Lindsay was going to leave Jason, but he had probably exposed her to more than he should of with his friends and associates, and so perhaps other people were aware that Lindsay knew about the drug money laundering through real estate(amongst other things) and were worried she might expose that. So, they used the trip to Alberta as coincidental timing to call in a "anonymous tip" leading to the major drug bust. Placed her at the blame, then used specific parameters to make her choose the De Sousa house to show setting everything in motion. It's plausible that it was a group effort to make it happen, which is why it has been difficult to bring people to justice along with how much time has passed.
    Lastly, I also heard a rumor that certain Saanich P.D. officers were paid off early on in the investigation.

    1. I do think Ziggy was with Jason's brother at the time and that Jason was the CI for the Calgary bust. However, we really need to stop replaying possible scenarios over and over again. This case isn't going to be solved in this life and all we have is a lot of toxic infighting with each other. My simple point is that I don't believe the Del Alcazars were involved with her murder.

      The dirty cops supporting Saanich PD trolling this blog show they are trolling other blogs as well. That's what trolls do. They impersonate people and pretend to have inside information. Then they share the false information to lead the investigation astray. This isn't my first rodeo.

  11. Wait, we have dirty cops? Surely not, we can trust other police officers to take care of that, right?

    1. Funny you should mention that. There was an eye opening documentary about corruption in the NYPD during the US crack epidemic. Michael Dowd tells all after his release from prison. He said he had no fear of getting caught because he knew his fellow officers would never turn him in:

  12. It seems a lot easier to arrest and fire a police officer down south than it is up here, just my impression from the news and such. If a guy down there had that little fear, what are our guys like?


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