Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trudeau says he won't quit after stunning byelection loss

The National Post is reporting that "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday he is taking his party’s unexpected loss in a Toronto byelection Monday as a clear sign of voters’ frustrations, but insisted he won’t be leaving the party leadership. Trudeau’s Liberals lost the byelection Monday in Toronto—St-Paul’s, a riding they have comfortably held for over 30 years."


  1. I have never seen a politician so hated by the Canadian public or world citizens as this POS.

    Zero self awareness.
    Pure narcissist scum!

    Less than 30% of eligible voters elected him and in his mind that gives him the consent to radically change the country??!!


    1. I will not shed any tears when he's replaced. Good riddance.

  2. https://torontosun.com/news/canada/trudeau-should-repent-half-brother-says

  3. And a lot richer now than when he became PM.

  4. He's like Macron---he thinks being a WEF Young Global Leader is all the Mandate he needs.

  5. It’s my opinion that he was only voted in because people liked his father and he said he was going to legalize cannabis.


  6. Whether the prime minister is actually sad is another question. Trudeau has never scored highly on humility or self-awareness. It’s therefore more likely he’s angry.

  7. He aint going anywhere,hes going to work the system

    1. He will not leave until he's forced to when he voted out.

  8. "He's like Macron---he thinks being a WEF Young Global Leader is all the Mandate he needs."

    So true and so sad that this is actually a reality.

    Literally sworn to a higher allegiance.

    Man do our political systems and their accountability need a reconfiguration.


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