Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wolf Park Roll on Zone 43

CTV is reporting that "Police in Vancouver say a 14-month investigation into a Quebec-based organized crime group has led to the arrests of five men and the seizure of two handguns and 24 kilograms of drugs. The Vancouver Police Department said in a statement Tuesday that its organized crime section had been probing the local operations of Zone 43 – a gang originally from Quebec – for more than a year before the seizures."

"Investigators say the drugs included seven kilograms of fentanyl, 11 kilograms of cocaine, two kilograms of methamphetamine, and four kilograms of mixing agents." That is significant. Was this part of Damion Ryan's latest plea deal? OK so let's talk about the elephant in the room.

The VPD claim that this was a 14 month investigation into a Quebec based gang known as Zone 43. They fail to mention the obvious. The Wolf Pack hired them after they rolled on Lil Man from the Driftwood Crips. So why won't the VPD and the fake news admit Zone 43 work for the Hells Angels though the Wolf Pack? This is like the recent shooting in Surrey by a Driftwood Crip.

Last Friday there was a fatal shooting in Surrey. Almost immediately four suspects were arrested after they had successfully torched their vehicle. How is that not suspicious? Three brown guys and one black guy from Ontario who happens to be a rapper for the Driftwood Crips who Damion Ryan and the Wolf Pack have contracted before. The three brown guys were obviously with BK who are aligned with the Driftwood Crips. Lil Man was a Somalian but he had a BK tat.

So it's really concerning that this quick arrest refuses to mention the Wolf Pack. Just like how this article about Zone 43 fails to mention a word about the Wolf Pack. Are we getting scammed again? It sure looks that way. This is the reoccurring problem with E Division. The police have the people ordering the hits in police protection so they roll on the people they hire. That way the police get a bust and Damion Ryan continues business as usual. You guys are all dirty.

Damion Ryan and his uncle are trying to take over Haney chapter. They're politicking up a storm. Jesse is a good guy. Damion Ryan is not. He's a heat bag that rats out people he hired and all his sweetheart deals with the PoPo won't change that.


  1. VPD or RCMP don’t care, in BC nothing changes. It just gets more expensive.

    1. I have heard stories of VPD officers taxing the drug dealers in the DTES. Off duty VPD officers also attended parties at Piggy's Palace a long with Jim Brown and other RCMP officers. In fact, during the first Missing Woman''s Inquiry, sex trade workers testified that VPD officers would extort them for free service.

  2. Next step after we get the RCMP cleaned out of Surrey is to clean them out of B.C. as well. It's not that we don't need law enforcement, we need it very badly, but we've been suffering with their version of it for decades and nothing ever changes, no progress that anyone can get excited about ever occurs, and it's got much worse over the last 30 years. BC Provincial Police with a BC Ports Police to focus on the massive amount of drugs coming in (only 10% is ever intercepted) but of course it's unlikely that will ever happen, for the same reason they got rid of the Ports Police in the first place, they were too much of a threat to the HA who are all over the place on the docks, and the politicians who protect them.

    1. I'm starting to think that would be a good idea. Provincial port police and a Provincial gang task force would be a lot better than what we have now.

    2. Oh man, can you imagine a Provincial Gang Task Force ran the way the Americans do that stuff? I don't think it's news that our guys can (mostly) get away with a little more, a bit of imagination could go a long way. None of these guys can justify their income for starters. Put them all away on tax charges. When you have the kind of drug money being generated in the Lower Mainland, never mind elsewhere in Canada, it's next to impossible to hide completely unless the system just isn't looking in the first place.


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