Thursday, August 8, 2024

IDF soldiers sexually abusing Palestinian prisoners

This is not the IDF I once knew. Pride cometh before the fall.

According to the law of Moses these soldiers should be stoned to death. I realize there is a reason we don't do that any more but there is a big difference between putting someone to death for an abomination and defiantly rationalizing and condoning the abomination. Both are extreme. That soldier has zero remorse. That is why the law used to say he should be put to death.

It's one thing to make a mistake and break a covenant through human weakness. It's another thing to defiantly mock the covenant with defiant abominations. The children of Israel are not the chosen people, they are the covenanted people. Abraham made a covenant to serve God and that covenant was renewed through Isaac and Jacob. Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. There are 12 tribes not one. When Israel broke that covenant they became slaves in Egypt. Then Moses liberated them through divine intervention.

Yet as soon as Moses went up to the mountain to fast, the children of Israel were dancing naked around a golden calf. Israel is not always right. History has proven that. Moses said God hasn't brought you to this promised land because of your righteousness, God brought you here because of the extreme wickedness of the former inhabitants. We're not talking about the Palestinians. We are talking about other people before them.

Before Solomon built the Temple, Moses built a tabernacle in the wilderness, a holy tent where Moses brought the children of Israel into the bond of the covenant. In so doing, Moses clearly laid out the blessings of obedience and the cursing of disobedience to that covenant and said see, I have set before thee life and death, cursing and blessings. Chose life that ye and your household may live. In fact, it was the duty and obligation of the Levites to read out the cursing of disobedience to remind Israel the seriousness of their covenant.

I will emphatically point out that these deranged soldiers do not represent the majority of Israelis. I can tell you right now all these mass protests against Netanyahu, do not support what these disgusting soldiers did. This defiant soldier went on TV to condemn the journalist that leaked the video. He also praised the right wing extremists who support him. That is mentally deranged. That is why the old law said guys like that should be put to death. He is the reason for the old law.

The defiant mental case said the right wing extremist know what it takes to deal with the Palestinians. Hitler said the same thing about you, you worthless POS. Hitler was wrong and so are you. I had heard allegations of this kind of mistreatment of prisoners from the IDF before but I didn't believe it. Now I see it is a huge reoccurring problem.

This is like when Moses saw everyone dancing naked around the golden calf. He broke the tables and said who is on the Lord's side? Let him come unto me. The Levites gathered and slew 3,000 of their own men. Mental rejects like this one who mocks the oath of Abraham.

Now the WHO want to poison and sterilize Palestinian children with a tainted vaccine for a virus they planted. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor. He was the leader of a violent Communist paramilitary organization in Ethiopia and permitted Netanyahu to give Ethiopians refugees in Israel a tetanus shot spiked with a serialization drug.


  1. What's wrong? Canada does it to themselves all the time. The USA did it in Guantanamo bay.
    As they say...You Can't Handle the Truth!

    1. What's wrong? What's wrong?! If you have to ask that question then you are a mental reject and I can't explain it to you. Guantanamo bay is an abomination as are all the CIA black prison sites. I can't handle the truth? Did you read the part where in the law of Moses people like you were put to death? There is a reason that law was in place and you're it. Canada does not do that to prisoners.

    2. Your dead meat faggot.

    3. Blaze again. OMG. Still on the PoPo's payroll?

    4. I had no idea that first comment was Blaze until he started spamming me with stupid sh*t only he would say. I guess it's not surprising Blaze doesn't have a problem with a man sexually assaulting another man. I do.

  2. If I see your bike I'm smashing it up.

    1. You're a pathetic little boy who never grew up and have no one to blame but yourself.

  3. 'Dat guy so funny. You should go park your bike in front of his trailer.

    1. Indeed. He's a troll that lies and spreads misinformation:

  4. The IDF have always been that.

    1. No they were not. The weren't like that in the /80's. After Yitzhak Rabin was murdered, Netanyahu and a dark wave of evil infiltrated the IDF.

  5. War makes monsters of us all.

    1. Only if you let it. What a way to shun any sense of personal accountability.

    2. War is hell. There are worthy causes and unworthy causes.

    3. Agreed, war is hell, and there are worthy and unworthy causes. I don’t believe that war makes people monsters, I believe that monsters are just prone to show their true colours during times of war. It is when there is a war that we often learn who is noble, just, intelligent, fighting for the right reasons, and eager to make peace if there is peace to be had. We also see who those are that just want to kill for the sake of killing, or those who are driven by their egos, or those who are driven by greed and willing to kill for profit. Sometimes good men do have to fight for noble causes. I’m sure the person who commented before me didn’t mean anything by what I personally viewed to be a simplistic generalization (no offence intended), but the words were interpretable as it is the war itself that makes people go bad, and I just don’t think that is an accurate perspective.

    4. Very true. Circumstances don't make the man, they reveal him to himself and to the rest of the world.


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