Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Government of India is causing floods in Punjab

The globalist government of India build dams and withhold water from Punjab farmers in the dry season. Then they release it all at once during the monsoon season to cause flooding and blame it on climate change. All the flooding in Punjab is another manufactured emergency.

"These dams are expected to release water in dry months (March-June) and hold as much water as possible in monsoons (July-August). Between March-June 2023, BBMB only released a total of 109,7403 cuft/s of water (or 11,755 cuft/s daily). In comparison, the average outflow for the same period in the previous four years was 227,3911 cuft/s."

"This kept the dam water level high going into monsoon season this year while depriving farmers of water in the hot summer. When monsoons struck in July, strangely, the BBMB, instead of reducing outflow, pumped up daily outflow by 100%+ to 23385 cuft/s daily (from 11755 cuft/s daily dry months)." This is a deliberate act attacking farmers and causing floods.

Hydroelectric dams are good. They generate green energy and stabilize water flow. Like the article said, they are supposed to release more after during the dry season for farmers and less water during monsoon season. They are doing the opposite. That is criminal culpability.
Likewise, the BC NDP are mismanaging the Cleveland Dam on the Capilaino river in North Vancouver. They released a large amount of water all at once which created a surge in water and drowned a fisherman. That was completely unnecessary. You gradually increase and decrease water release. It's not rocket science. As a result a lawsuit was launched and the NDP stopped using the dam for generating electricity. Instead of releasing water through the main gates to generate electricity they have been releasing it out the side through an overflow gate. Globalists don't like hydroelectric power because it's green and affordable so they are sabotaging it's use.


  1. that was my good highschool friend that died. the family sued the dam.

    1. This is big and the fake news isn't covering it.


    3. Yeah that could have easily been avoided on the Capilano river. You gradually increase and decrease the water flow. It's not rocket science.


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