Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Brother's Keeper named in Townline shooting

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Brothers Keepers gang associate named as Abbotsford shooter." Check this out. "On a Saturday night in February, Abbotsford police responded to a gangland shooting on Townline Road. Afterwards the wounded man’s stolen car was located in Coquitlam with the help of an RCMP helicopter and other police forces. While a suspect was arrested at the time, no charges have been laid." Things that make ya go hmmm....

"New details of the alleged circumstances of the attempted murder are contained in a lawsuit filed this month by the director of civil forfeiture. The suit alleges that the shooter was a Brothers Keeper’s associate named Bati Ahmed Mohamed, who was driving a 2021 Hyundai Elantra owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. The statement of claim said the Elantra should be forfeited to the government because Mohamed used the vehicle to attempt to commit murder.” AYFKM?

“In particular, B. Ahmed Mohamed held a firearm while in the vehicle, exited the vehicle with the firearm, and used the firearm in an attempt to murder two individuals in a different vehicle,” the director claimed. “Mohamed and his accomplices to the attempted murder then used the vehicle to escape the scene of the attempted murder. After Mohamed was arrested, police located a handgun magazine containing 9mm casings, in his pocket.” So why hasn't he been charged?

"Four days later, after getting a search warrant for the car, police found fentanyl, drug paraphernalia, three iPhones and three B.C. licence plates inside. The lawsuit alleged Bati has a history of selling drugs out of vehicles owned by others, including on 10 specific dates between 2021 and 2024." So why hasn't he been charged?!

This clearly illustrates the inherit problem with seizing the proceeds of crime legislation. Police are more worried about taxing crime and profiting from it than with stopping crime. We saw this in LA during Freeway Ricky's day. After the CIA pulled the plug on the Blandon bust, the DEA became corrupted. Instead of focusing on stopping crime they simply focused on profiting from it by seizing the proceeds of crime. In the crown's own evidence they admit that Bati often sold drugs out of other people's cars including a Ford owned by Campbell’s mother.

The lawsuit admits that Bati doesn't own the Hyundai Elantra. It's owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. Kayla? That's a girl. Is it her car or her mother's car? We know that higher level drug dealers often lease a car in a girlfriend's name like Larry Amero did with Sara Trebble. Bati isn't a high level drug dealer and a 2021 Hyundai Elantra isn't a high end SUV.

If Bati was a high level drug dealer he wouldn't be selling drugs out of his girlfriend's mother's car. Huston, we have a problem. E Division is compromised. They're more concerned with seizing the proceeds of crime than they are with stopping crime.

Another black guy working for the Edmonton Hells Angels

Now for the real story. The Brother's Keepers is an Indo Canada in gang run by the Edmonton Hells Angels. Mohamed is not a Punjabi name. Lil Man was also named Mohamed and he is Somalian. After the Edmonton Angels killed Ali they brought in some Driftwood Crips from Toronto and made Lil Man a full fledged member of the Brother's Keepers. He even had a BK tat. Lil Man was the lialison between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips in Metro Vancouver.

So now we have another black guy selling drugs in Surrey for the Edmonton Hells Angels and the PoPo don't even charge him they just want to tax him. Sounds like E Division needs a reboot.

The Edmonton Angels hired a black guy and a white guy from Edmonton to kill Ali.

More recently three brown guys from Surrey and one black guy from Ontario were charged in a fatal shooting over in South Surrey. The guy from Ontario is a rapper from Driftwwod called Keyzie. Another connection between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips here in SRY.

Another brother tied to BK killed a guy in Saskatoon. They rolled on him, Lil Man and 1hunnid.


  1. Even as Western powers unite in an iron-fisted resolve to pummel Gaza into debris and dust, as tens of thousands of civilians are killed, and as tired, traumatised Palestinian men dig what’s left of their families and communities out of the rubble with their bare hands, a sizeable chunk of the West has chosen this moment in time to illustrate itself as a fair maiden unfairly set upon by a demonic Arab man.

    1. Not really relevant to the post but you are right in that the situation is Gaza is horrendous. Seeing all the Israelis protest against Netanyahu helps me understand it's not all Israel. It's the same globalist cabal seeking to take over us and the rest of the world through lies and deceit. Thankfully no lie can live forever. Unfortunately a whole lot of people in Gaza will continue to suffer until those lies finally get exposed.

  2. Can’t help but to respond to this thread, but not really focusing on the Israel/Palestine conflict. I think that tensions between those who focus on globalization efforts and those who oppose such efforts are long-standing, and quite complex. I believe that it’s a topic that has been a root cause, or contributing factor, in several wars throughout history. On one hand, I do understand the draw towards globalization, both from an economic standpoint and what I am beginning to believe is just an unrealistic, overly idealistic notion that our human species can benefit greatly from some sense of togetherness. The problem, however, is that we are not inherently good. None of us. It takes a lot of effort to not do the things that we know we shouldn’t do (especially if doing good inconveniences us, or is truly of no benefit to us), and those who say otherwise aren’t likely being all that truthful. I think that for many people who have accumulated too much power and money (globalist, or not), it becomes so much easier to stop listening to that part in us that makes us try to do right just for the sake of doing right. This is not to say that there aren’t many rich and powerful people out there keeping up a good facade as if they are our great moral leaders, and it’s also not to say that there aren’t the rare souls out there who actually keep being good people no matter how much power and money they accumulate. I’m not really sure what to think about the WEF tbh. Ultimately, I just see it as little more transparent version of the Bilderberg group. Maybe there are some truly evil people in that globalist crowd, maybe there are also just a bunch of people who are complicit in evil because they see some benefit in it for themselves. It is possible, though, that people are just reading too much into it all, and we just need to chill a bit while things run their course. No point in fighting with other people unless it becomes painfully obvious that there must be a fight.

    1. The WEF have no interest in the greater good or in world peace. They use lies and deception to turn consumers into slaves while they get richer. It is simply greed. Togetherness is a good thing. The WEF aren't offering that.

    2. That's a really good post. The fight always comes soon enough, no need to hurry it. People always think of what they can or must do, often the option of doing nothing and as you say "things run their course" is less used, unfortunately. Yet you can always ask someone if they don't remember a time in their life when they were trying to decide on a course of action and things resolved themselves one way or another without their input, and they always do. So it's an idea, known, but possibly less used than it might be. In the same way as lies do not last, neither do unbalanced situations. It can be a matter of whether or not one can stomach a longer timeline or not. Sometimes they need to be pushed rather than waiting for them to jump. The graceless often refuse to take the hint anyway. Justin Trudeau, looking at you buddy.

  3. You are 100% correct Dennis, this is also why they don't go after the top guys they need to have the money coming in for the cops to take. They give 0 fucks about stopping Fent sales "we don't give a shit about a fent lab". The whole rat out your friends/enemies scheme, you let them do busts of people with assets or cash they can take and you can do whatever the fuck you want. The cops get the money the public thinks they are doing something and the top players continue making money crime doesn't actually decrease justifying ever increasing police budgets and reliance. Everybody wins except the general public. We are all dupes in this and are getting played by the cops, politicians and criminals. We are like Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver "Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets." he's referring to god maybe that's what it will take to fix this shit.

    1. That cop saying they don't care about Fentanyl labs was pretty bizarre. LA in the /80's was really bad. The cops were seizing the proceeds of crime to fund their budget and pocketing finders fees. I don't think BC is anywhere near there yet but they are on the wrong path. I did hear of a cop in Vancouver taxing the drug dealers and I have heard of a cop in Kelowna pocketing proceeds of crime he found in a bust.

      Yet the formal court applications to seize the proceeds of crime aren't enough to to fund their budget. They never seem to go after the big guys except for the HAs clubhouses of course. Normally they just go after the little guys in a punitive manner.

      The real concern is the Rat out your Rivals program. They let guys sell drugs so they can get Intel on their rivals. That way they can get a bust here and there so it looks like they're doing their job without actually doing any work or making any difference whatsoever.

  4. I lived in Belfast. Brutal

    1. Anyone can make an anonymous post claiming they lived in Belfast. If you had lived in Belfast you'd know what's going on. Loyalists are pushing back because they see a United Ireland inevitable. I'm certainly not condoning it.

      However, it appears you must be referring to illegal immigration riots like in England. It's all insane. The riots are insane and the counter riots are insane. This was their plan behind mass illegal immigration. It is a manufactured emergency with an even more sinister agenda behind it.

  5. Ireland being united is pretty much inevitable, just a matter of the time line.

    1. Unfortunately that just means they'll become slaves of the EU.

    2. They already are. Ireland, Portugal and Greece are the three biggest recipients of "aid" from the rest of the EU.

    3. I'm not sure what you mean by aid. The EU crashed the banks in Ireland as soon as Ireland started to prosper. Waterford crystal in no longer made in Waterford. All those skilled jobs were lost.

  6. Ai is officially in your comment section.

    1. You mean bots or people using AI to help them write comments? We remember that private company in Israel that was using fake profiles to influence elections:

  7. Are the brothers keepers a pupet club? For the hells angels

    1. Yes. They sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels.

  8. Didn’t they try to use a private Conflict Resolution company to try and resolve the Townline gang conflict when it involved high school kids a few years back? Looks like it was a failure based on the number of deaths that occurred. Or was it a low level resolution that allowed one side to win with law enforcement support and the other to lose. Another rat out your rival program using a third party company that hires law enforcement officers to work for them.

    1. I'm aware of the Townline conflict as it was pretty intense and went on for a long time. However, I don't know much about it. That's Abbotsford and I'm in Surrey. The BC CFSEU do take sides.

    2. The conflict resolution company has a CFSEU officer moonlighting for them. It all sounds very compromised. Using a third party to hide from public accountability and not follow rules.

    3. It's like the RCMP's monopoly on talking to kids in schools about gangs. They get paid overtime to do it while Kal Dosanjh from Kids Play does it for free. Kal does a better job.

  9. Turning Point Resolutions, Raj Dhasi and LEO Jordan Buna

  10. Sounds like someone trying to take over the Bacon's old line..

    1. That's a good point. The Bacons were from Abbotsford.

  11. What about Stan price former red allert member now works with Kal.dosajah

    1. What about him? He's solid. Kal has real former gang members talking to kids. When they speak, kids listen.

  12. I was completely oblivious to the severity of our crime in Canada until your content struck me around the 2012 era.. around the time you were covering Josh Petrin. When he did all those gruesome acts including ordering the murder of an innocent mother. I have been reading your blogs frequently since then. However, fast forward today and the new crime is scary. I don't want my kids to grow up in Canada where there's a homicide and a burnt car with no arrests every other day. This isn't the Canada I grew up in. Do you think they will ever stop these gangs Or do we just have to suck it up?

    1. I think gang shootings are the least of our worries. If you don't sell drugs you're not a target. It's the random violence addicts create that's the real problem. Our judicial system for repeat offenders needs to be repaired. We don't need to lock people up for 30 years. If an addicts keep committing crime they should be locked up for 3 months with no drugs. That would be in their best interest.

      The Whiteboy Posse did indeed do a lot of gruesome acts. However, Josh ordered a hit and the guy he hired went to the wrong house and killed Lori Santos by accident. A horrible tragedy that could have easily been avoided. Aside from being immoral, it brings the heat on big time.

  13. Stan price used to go to my old gym in newton surrey area he was a very down to earth type of guy very well.spoken wish him the best in his new life

    1. Yeah, he is a good guy. Having him speak to kids is worthwhile.

  14. Stan Price is the real deal.

  15. Maybe Surrey is such a shitshow they let Edmonton have it because there's other markets with less drama?

    1. Perhaps but Ali wanted a piece of it and Edmonton said no.


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