Friday, August 2, 2024

Religious hate and Religious intent

I think one of the reasons some people hate on religion is because of religious extremism and hypocrisy. Another reason is because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I don't like your rules and standards and I don't want to be bound by them. I get it but let's talk about religious hypocrisy and intolerance. I see some independent media outlets and some people who claim to be Christians have bought into Muslim hate. That's why they rationalize the genocide in Gaza.

So let's dial it back a bit and talk about religious intent. We've heard the term Christian service. In most inner city areas plagued with drugs and homelessness, you'll find some Christians running food lines like the Salvation Army. I used to serve in the DTES. I haven't been able to do it for many years because it just breaks my heart. What we are doing there is wrong. In the name of compassion we promote addiction, crime and exploitation.

Yet serving the poor is the intent of religion. Christ taught us to serve the poor. In fact, the parable of the sheep and goats declares that our judgement revolves around it. So how do we process that? How do we keep ourselves unspotted from the world of evil and devote ourselves to service? There's a hymn that says they will know we are Christians by our love. Really? By your love or by your intolerance? I think some people hate on religion because of the intolerance they see from it. So let's set the intolerance aside and reexamine religious intent.

When I think of Christian service I think of Mother Teresa. She exemplified service. I remember her telling a story when she served the poor in India. Someone came to her and told her of a Hindu mother with 8 children who hadn't eaten for many days. So she went out and took them a bowl of rice. The mother was deeply grateful and instantly split it in have and gave it to her Muslim neighbour. She said they are hunger too. That is pure religion. That is religious intent.

The Sermon on the mount says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Mother Teresa taught us to see the face of Christ in those who suffer. If you can see the face of Christ in those who suffer, then you have a pure heart. That includes the Palestinians. Inasmuch are you have done it to the least of these, ye have done it unto me.

Martin Luther King taught anyone can be great because anyone can serve. As the Dalai Lama said "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." Everything has it's time and place but we should always remember the intent of religion.


  1. I fear the Mossad more than any cartel or criminal organization.

  2. It's like the Christians who want God to punish their enemies, if you feel like that then your hearts are so far from God. He wants us all to be saved

    1. Yes he does but in the end God will punch the wicked.

    2. Yeah, I actually like that better than "punish"....

    3. Yes but reality exists. Everyone will not be saved because of their choices. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. For the most part hell is something we create for ourselves. However, people who rape little children or murder innocent people will be punished. Mercy cannot rob justice.

  3. The Globalists aren't going to like this 1 bit ... the Catholics and Protestants coming together after centuries of bitter fighting & division ...


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