Monday, August 26, 2024

Justin Trudeau continues to sink in the polls

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "Facing months of devastating poll numbers, Canada’s embattled prime minister tossed cold water on those hoping for a Joe Biden-esque departure. During a Monday morning press conference ahead of the federal cabinet retreat in Halifax, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ducked pointed questions on his future as he faces record-low polling and the Liberals’ conspicuous loss in June’s Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection."

“You say you plan to stay on, despite persistently bad polling, despite the byelection loss in Toronto that your party lost for the first time in three decades because you want to ‘continue to deliver,'” asked Globe and Mail reporter Marieke Walsh. “Isn’t that what Joe Biden insisted on?”

“But you just made the Joe Biden argument, that his record justifies him staying,” Walsh said in her follow-up question to Trudeau, who appeared visibly annoyed by the comparison. “The electorate is saying they don’t want you, they want change. Your polling is worse than your party’s.” Cabinet shuffles, announcements and a summer of surprise and unscheduled photo-ops have done little to resurrect Trudeau’s image in the eyes of Canadians."

"An Abacus Data poll released last week show the Conservatives continue their domineering lead over the Liberals, with respondents saying their dislike of Trudeau far outweighed their opinions of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Angus Reid’s Trudeau Tracker suggests voters’ appeal for the PM are at record low levels, while his disapproval ratings steadily increased after the 2021 federal election to levels rarely seen in Canada."
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is having a hard time facing her denial. She can't blame the disastrous state of the nation on the current administration because she is the current administration.


  1. MSM is so biased in its question of politicians. Everyone outside of Quebec wanted Trudeau gone a long long time ago.

    1. Not everyone. That's why he was elected. Thankfully people are seeing through the BS and his popularity is tanking. In the last two elections he came in second as far as popularity vote. He won more seats. Since the last election his popularity has tanked. We can't blame everything on Quebec. We need to own our own mistakes.

  2. He needs to resign and Canada needs a majority government

  3. Canada needs to get back to having a proper immigration policy.

    The free-for-all immigration policy of Jturd and his "the economy will look after itself" policy has been a fkn disaster for Canada and its working class.

    1. Mass immigration without criminal records checks isn't a policy it's a recepie for disaster. They same with all these financial sponsorships. Immigration is great. Criminal record checks and no free money. Everyone works for what they want.

  4. Justin the Turd is lower than whale shit already, and that's pretty low.

  5. Is it just me or does that guy look like he could be young Bronson Pinchot's older brother?

    1. Nope, Paul Ruebens, also known as Pee Wee Herman.

  6. Who’s idea was it to put the elementary school teacher in charge?

  7. Double debt in 9 short years 600b to 1200b

    1. All on the orders of his Globalist cult leader at the WEF, Klaus Schwab.


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