Sunday, February 16, 2025

Americans outraged by Canadians booing their anthem

Americans are outraged Canadians are booing their anthem without pausing for a second to consider why they are booing it. If Canada, England, France, China or Russia threatened to take over America you'd all boo them too. Own it. Threatening someone's sovereignty is not a joke. It's not all about you

Canada has never had a very good soccer team until now. For that we can thank an America coach. For the most part Canada doesn't care about soccer. Not like other countries do. 

When I was young and traveled around the world, American tourists had a really bad reputation for being rude and arrogant. Nobody liked them. Yet when I was in America I met a lot of Americans who were really nice. Now we're reverting back to that rude and arrogant era. People don't respect that.

Personally I'm not going to boo anyone's anthem or burn anyone's flag. I'm simply not going to attend any American sporting event. Period. Take a look at how much we pay for hockey tickets. Canada has been subsidizing the NHL for years. Maybe we should all boycott American sporting events in Canada. That would be a natural consequence of defiant arrogance. You want us to buy American made? Not any more.


  1. 'To be an enemy of the USA is dangerous, to be an ally is fatal!' - Henry Kissinger.

    • Russia › President
    Vladimir Putin

    Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.
    - W. W. Jacobs —

  2. Don't start fights you don't win?

    1. Tell that to Ireland against England. Some people never bow to any bully.

  3. Fuck the orange goof . I'm a dual citizen and I'm embarrassed by the shit there doing

    1. The booing reflects Trump's attempt to tariff the world. Nobody likes a bully.

  4. I like that idea. It would be interesting to see what a non american professional hockey league would like in canada I only feel it's not going to happen to due the canadian market not being big enough to support it but would be a interesting concept

    1. Why not? We did it with football.

    2. Yes but I think the NHL would be diminished without the Americans.

    3. So would the CFL. I think 21 players on the team have to be Canadian, the rest of the roster can be American or other.

    4. Just like the Raptors and Blue Jays.

    5. Don't know about the Raptors, I don't follow basketball at all, but baseball I do. Only 28 Canadian born players in 40 years of Bluejays baseball, and only 3 currently out of a 40 man roster. We just aren't a baseball country, unsurprisingly. If we had a 50/50 rule the Bluejays would be dead or second last all the time. As it is many of the non-Canadian players are not American either, baseball is huge in Latin America and Japan.

  5. Trump wants Canadian fans to boo the USA anthem it is part of the polarization and galvanization strategy to convince USA citizens that Canada is an enemy. It is the same strategy the sexual dismorphia advocates used. Fuelling extremism and diminishing moderates and common sense.

    1. That's why I see him as an agent for China. He's pushing everyone to join BRICS.

    2. Trump an agent for China. Never saw that one coming.

    3. He's pushing the world towards them.


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