Wednesday, February 26, 2025

William Majcher Free to go. Stay of Proceedings.

Update: Examining the false evidence against Bill Majcher

Well this is good news. It's been painful trying to get updates on the William Macher trial because they keep setting a date to set a date. Last we heard the case against him was falling apart when Sam Copper was caught red handing posting completely false information about him.

February 13th there was a stay of proceedings in Vancouver Provincial court. That means it's over and he's free to go. A stay means they can bring new charges against him in the future but it's pretty clear as I said from day one, the whole thing was a complete farce. I assume the case against Kim Marsh has also fallen apart. In fact. Kim Marsh was never even charged.

There is no record of Kenneth Ingram Marsh in the BC Provincial or Supreme court records. July 2023 Global reported that Kim Marsh was named as a co conspirator in Majcher's foreign interference case but was never actually charged.

On that same day in July 2023 the CBC reported that Majcher has also been ordered by the court to have no direct contact with two other people: former RCMP officer Kenneth Ingram Marsh and former FBI agent Ross Gaffney."

"A source familiar with the investigation told CBC the FBI was 'interested' in the case against Majcher." What source? CSIS again? You would think in the spirit of ethical journalism both of these less than reputable news sources would follow up that the charges against Bill Majcher have been stayed. That means they were false and would not hold up in court and that the charges against Kim Marsh were never even filed. 

Let's end the defamation of two Canadian Patriots and ask Tulsi Gabbard what US Intelligence Agency provided the RCMP with that false information. I think Elon Musk and DOGE want to have a conversation with them. 

It's interesting to note that no other media outlets have reported the stay of proceedings. That's because they just print press releases CSIS send them and CSIS didn't send out a press release out for that. So you heard it here first.

Now we have to look to Cameron Ortis' appealMaybe Cameron Ortis will get that RCMP commissioner job after all while Wild Bill and Kim Marsh take over CSIS. That would clean up corruption in Canada. Bye, Bye Sammie Cooper.


  1. What you're suggesting is exactly what Trump is doing. Not that there would be a better way to do it. If it's a good idea, it's a good idea. Remember that show, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"? Many won't remember there was a short lived Canadian version.

    1. I totally agree with Trump's pick on the Intelligence Agencies and I think ATF finalist Brandon Herrera would be awesome. That doesn't mean I agree with everything Trump says or does because I don't.

    2. I hadn't heard Herrera was in the running but that would be great and completely in line with Trumps policy of appointing people to run these Agencies that have been victimized by them, and want to gut them.

    3. I think Brandon just started the rumor but it would be a great idea:

  2. "Let's end the defamation of two Canadian Patriots and ask Tulsi Gabbard what US Intelligence Agency provided the RCMP with that false information. I think Elon Musk and DOGE want to have a conversation with them. "

    FUCK YOU TRAITOR. Traitors like you should watch your fucking mouths. You're not gonna be able to spout treasonous propaganda like this in safety much longer. Real patriots are emerging and will handle people like you.

    1. Donny McWhirter, still uttering threats since you posted as Kayla after all these years. In the words of William Shakespeare, "There is no terror in your threats for I am armed so strong in honesty that they pass by me as the idle wind which I respect not."

    2. "Will no one rid us of this meddlesome turd". - Apologies to Henry II.

    3. That won't be necessary. The reason why some people get off without judgement n this life is so they can be separated from society when this life is over. Pay me now or pay me later so to speak. The concern is the completely shameful state of IHIT and the CFSEU for wasting tax dollars on that creep.


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