Saturday, February 22, 2025

Curtis Siwa runs for NYC Mayor in 2025

Curtis Sliwa understands the New York Model. He was an important part of it. The world has forgotten what that was because De Blasio flushed the city down the toilet. Curtis Sliwa can bring back peace and prosperity to New York City. 

The charges against Eric Adams are bogus. Adams won the Democrat nomination because he was the candidate most like Curtis. They even tried to prevent him from winning with voter fraud but Adams filed a court lawsuit challenging the fake results and he moved forward. If you think Eric Adams is bad wait until you see what the Democrats really want to do to the city. 


  1. Curtis as Mayor of NYC. THAT would be awesome. I'll be he and Trump would get along.

    1. Probably. Curtis and Giuliani got along because they were the authors of the New York model.

  2. Curtis' chances just got better. Eric Adams was at a rally for his campaign and a bunch of his supporters are shouting slogans at him that obviously he disagreed with, he asks them "Are you stupid?"

    1. That's why Adams won. He was the closest thing the had to Curtis. A lot of those clowns still want to defund the police. The question is, will the Democrats let Adams run again or will they pull another RFK or Ruby Dhalla.


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