Over the years people have commented on my blog saying that Gender Dysphoria is a Distraction. I agree. It's like the problem, reaction solution paradigm. They create a problem to justify their preplanned solution. Only in this case, they create a problem so they can solve it, then lead you astray with other things. Satan will tell you nine truths to get you hooked on one lie. So in that sense the trans obsession is a trap.
Recently Donald Trump held a press conference surrounded by children signing an executive order banning men from competing in women's sports. That was a good thing and a little bit strange it was necessary. I guess seeing a women get beat up by a man in boxing was the last straw. It was insane.
All these years the left has been beaking off about woman's rights then threw them all away with the trans obsession. Letting men compete in women's sports is a violation of women's rights. Letting men use women's public washrooms is a violation of women's rights. As I said in my report card post, Donald Trump has done many good things. That doesn't mean everything he does is good. Especially when we see him say and do a few things that are defiantly wrong.
The United States has always supposed to have been the good guy who opposes tyrants. Threatening to steal Canada's sovereignty and invade Greenland defies that model. Expropriating all the land in Gaza and evicting it's residents defies that model. It's become a tyrant instead of defending people from a tyrant. The purpose of the American revolution wasn't to become the imperialist superpower that conquers colonies. Yet that is what Donald Trump is trying to turn American into. Gender dysphoria is very much a distraction from that departure from the Constitution and that role reversal.
Candace Owens, who I respect and follow, has been going off quite a bit about the theory that Brigitte Macron, the wife of France's president is trans and was born a man. Even if that was true and I'm not sure it is, I really don't see that as being relevant to anything. What if she was trans? Who cares? Why does that matter? If he had married Blair White I'm sure no one would be complaining.
So I'm not sure what the purpose of all these conversations are. Are we trying to bully her for being trans or are we just trying to expose the fact that she may be lying. I'm not sure she is. She has three kids with her former husband. Her daughter kind of looks like her. The reason I oppose Emmanuel Macron is because he's a globalist. Whether or not he has a trans wife just isn't relevant.
For me the whole thing about LGBT is balancing the extremes. I have no problem with LGBT. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words are consenting adults. Leave the kids alone. Grooming kids is creepy and abominable. I have a problem with the Q + crusade but I'll get into that on another podcast.
Mass illegal migration without criminal record checks has caused a rise in racism. Grooming children in school has created people to be anti LGBT. As always I strive to balance the extremes. How do we protect trans youth? Some people claim there's no such thing as a trans youth. I don't agree with that. We see adults who are trans. They were at one time kids.
Yet I realize kids are impressionable. Grooming kids to change their gender is abominable. Giving kids puberty blockers is abominable. Puberty blockers blocks the development of a child's brain. Giving gender reversal surgery to anyone under the age of 19 is abominable. So how do we protect trans kids?
It's pretty simple. A kid in elementary school says I'm trans. Oh that's nice. I want surgery. Oh, well you have to wait until your body is fully developed. When you're 19 you can have the surgery. When you're old enough to vote, you're old enough to make that decision. So once again, that's all common sense.
The far left has abandoned common sense and pushed the extreme to create a reaction. Then a globalist on the right comes in to save the day by protecting the children while he sweeps us all away into globalism and slavery on the right.
Several years ago I read a powerful book from the library. I thought it was by Winston Churchill and was called A Warning to the West but I can't find it. The closest thing I can find by Churchill is his 1946 Iron Curtain speech.
The point behind the book was to not let Fascism distract you from Communism. Both are bad. In Poland one could argue that Fascism was created so that Communism could save everyone from Fascism while making everyone slaves just like Fascism. Now we see it the other way around.
We have globalists on the left pushing all these crazy extremes. Then we have globalists on the right offering to save us from those extremes while they enslave us with the exact same agenda. On that note, Stephen Harper was a bad man.
Now all of a sudden Harper is in the news and people are quoting him like he matters. They completely forget the horrible extremes he brought in that were in complete violation of traditional conservative principles. Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney were globalists not conservative. Mulroney brought in the GST while Harper brought in the HST. They were both pork barrel politicians with their own insider trading shady deals that wasted tax dollars and made them rich.
Candice Malcolm from True North is a good person. She met her husband working for Stephen Harper's campaign. She believed in the linear political model where conservatives were on the right while communists were on the left. The problem is Harper was right wing but he wasn't a conservative. Harper and Mulroney are the reason the Reform Party was created.
The Reform Party rejected pork barrel politics and believed in fiscal responsibility. When taxes are low, everyone is working. When you raise taxes businesses move away and you have less tax revenue then before you raised taxes.
Harper and McKay supported torture in Afghanistan. I do not. Michael Ignatieff, the one time leader of the Liberals wrote a book that rationalized torture. It was insane.
As I said in my last podcast, Globalists use false flag attacks to lure the right into globalism. As sincere as Candice Malcom is, I don't think she can admit 9/11 was an inside job. That leaves her vulnerable to the Neocon globalists on the right.
Ben Shapiro on the other hand is a d*ck. He's not a good person. Ben Shapiro and Ezra Levant are obvious fronts for Mossad who are WEF globalists just like the CIA.
Netanyahu is a globalist.You can support Israel without supporting globalism. When IDF soldiers were caught sexually assaulting Palestinian prisoners, right wing extremists stormed the courthouse demanding the soldiers be released.
They admitted in court that they thought sexually assaulting prisoners was acceptable. I do not. That abominable conduct defies and mocks the commandments of God. Those are the right wing extremists that support Netanyahu. Those are the extremists Netanyahu is catering to.
Rebel News and the Daily Wire talk quite a bit about gender dysphoria but they use that to distract conservatives from the globalists on the right. Expansionism is not Zionism. Expansionism is a defiant disregard for the commandments of God. I had a friend in Belfast who was a Levite. That means he held the priesthood by birthright like John the Baptist.
Historically the Levites would read the Torah in the synagogue. I was always astounded at how the Levites duty was to read out the blessings and the cursings of obedience to the law. The cursings of disobedience was in my opinion, very extreme.
Why would God's punishment of the Jews be so extreme for disobedience? Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone. However, when I look at Netanyahu and these defiantly delusional right wing extremists rationalizing murder and sexual assault, I start to understand why God's punishments for them was so extreme. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Right title, wrong author, it was written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
ReplyDeleteActually that wasn't it. I'm very familiar with that epic speech. This wasn't him. It was more similar to Churchill's Iron Curtain speech. It was all about how Poland was screwed over by Stalin. Stalin told the Polish resistance to attack Hitler and he will outflank them. Only Stalin waited until they were all dead before he attacked so he wouldn't have to worry about the resistance after he seized power from Hitler.
DeleteWhen I was a small boy my grandfather took me out fishing and during a very calm contemplative moment said to me in his broken english 'we had to leave old country ,stalin no good"this man sold everything he had in poland in 1937 and took his family to the unknown in western canada to escape what he knew was coming,thank god to this simple peasant man to have the foresight to see what was coming or I wouldnt be here today
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I have Polish neighbors. Poland understands very well that Fascism and Communism are both bad.
DeleteTaylor Clegett from Abbotsford was disciplined by the BC NDP ( Gov) for standing against men in women’s league sports!
ReplyDeleteOh I agree David Eby is a freak. I'm just saying Gary Begg, Bruce Ralston and Mike Farnworth are good people. Many others in that party aren't. When the NDP were elected they got rid of bridge tolls which was a good thing. During Covid they were better than Doug Ford and Jason Kenny at first. It wasn't until they attained a majority government that they started to lose their mind over Covid restrictions. They started off OK then got swept away in their pride like all the others. That's why the tide has turned and the pendulum has started to swing right.
DeleteI have wondered if the modern gender dysmorphia trend is a form of MK-Ultra? To want to change your sex seems to be an unnatural goal? If you can persuade someone to believe they should change their biological sexual identity is that not effective mind control?
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about MK Ultra. I know it was real and did exist. Grooming children to change their identity is indeed brainwashing. There's a big difference between validating a child's feelings compared to planting ideas and persuading a child to have those feelings.
DeleteAbsolutely. TV programs both young and old.