Saturday, October 10, 2020

Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime

As everyone ditches Netflix for their deplorable endorsement of pedophilia and child exploitation through the revolting show Cuties, Amazon Prime rise from the ashes. I started watching Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. They have season two but I'm just starting on season one since I'm behind the times. I'm like, this seems like Jim From the Office.

Sure enough it's the same actor, John Krasinski. It's kind of a funny Office remix except way better. I realize there was a certain dynamic that kept the Office together for so many years but I never got into it. In the remix, Jim is called Jack and is in a new office at CIA headquarters in Langley. There's a cute coworker that smiles at him, brings him coffee and does favors for him like Pam in the Office. Wendell Pierce, a character similar to Stanley is the new boss instead of Michael and he does a way better job. It's not so goofy. It's a little more dramatic.

OK yes it covers CIA terrorism which is Fake As F*ck, but if you take that story line with a grain of salt like James Bond or the comedy Covert Affairs, it's kinda fun. IRL there hasn't been a terrorist the CIA hasn't trained and they are deeply involved with the drug trade in Lebanon, here and everywhere else. Nevertheless, Jack Ryan is a fun dramatic remix of the Office.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

For those consumed with Trump hate

Before I pause to deal with some personal issues, I want to talk about hate. Buddha once said "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned." Martin Luther King said " I've seen too much hate to want to hate, myself, and every time I see it, I say to myself, hate is too great a burden to bear." Indeed it is. Holding on to hate consumes us like a fire. We are the ones getting burned.

I know a couple of people that are so consumed with Trump hate they can't see anything else. They are blinded by their hate. This is the spirit of the left in our day. Without diving too much into the tenants of hate, I will simple point out that this is why Brandon Straka left the left and started the #Walk Away movement. If you are blinded by your Trump hate I ask you to set Trump aside and look at some of the other conservatives. Either way, one more term and Trump is gone.

Set Trump aside and look at Rand Paul. Rand Paul is not an idiot nor is he a hillbilly. Rand Paul is rock solid. Set Trump aside and look at Candace Owens. Is Candice Owens a racist? I think not. Candace put out a funny skit where she told her parents she was a lesbian and a conservative. Look at the Hodge twins. Are they racist? I think not. Look at Brandon Straka. Is he homophobic? I think not. How about Blaire White? Is she Transphobic? I think not. All of these people have conservative values. That is what I have. That is what I believe in.

Lynzee Domanico from The Closet on the Right broke our hearts with her coming out story and how she experienced more hate coming out as a conservative than she did coming out as lesbian. She is a very intelligent young woman. The Democrats are so consumed with Trump hate they want to use draconian lockdowns to destroy the economy so they can blame Trump. They are crinimally insane. We need to move forward. People are allowed to hold and express conservative values. We need to see past the hate and rise above it.

Dr Kulvinder Kaur MD: Why is western world living in fear?

Alberta takes next step toward possibly getting its own provincial police force

The National Post is reporting that "The Alberta government has selected PriceWaterhouseCoopers to study whether or not Alberta should get its own provincial police force, joining other provinces such as Ontario and Quebec, and possibly scrapping its contract with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police."

This is why we need to reject the BC Liberals. The Alberta Gang Task force isn't compromised like the BC Gang task force is. They actually make drug busts in Alberta. BC does not.

Trevor Bolin leads the BC Conservatives

In this snap power grab election where John Horgan broke his agreement with the Green Party, Horgan has also promised to ensure British Columbia reaches net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. That means I am not allowed to drive a car or motorcycle. That is straight up Communism and Fake Environmentalism. Human beings exhale carbon dioxide. Trees need carbon dioxide to survive. That is the balance of nature. We need to support business and our natural resources.

So does John Horgan's zero emission pledge mean that by 2050 he will stop breathing? Please advise. This net zero emissions scandal has been rationalized to eliminate natural gas which is cheap and clean burning. Electricity is not cheap and burning industrial coal to generate electricity is completely toxic. Meanwhile, back on the ranch the BC Liberals are pledging to f*ck over Surrey and spend more money on a referendum to further delay the city's formation of a municipal police force. Surrey is the largest city in Canada without it's own police force. Gangsters out supports Doug McCallum and a municipal force.

I am fed up with Communists and fake Conservatives. It's time for BC to rise up and embrace common sense. Trevor Bolin is the new leader of the BC Conservatives who is running for a seat in Peace River North. I endorse him. The BC NDP and the BC Liberals are untrustworthy.

John Horgan got rid of bridge tolls. That reduced taxes. John Horgan reduced ICBC premiums after jacking them up to pay for the BC Liberal fraud. ICBC was breaking even. The Liberals extracted a dividend from it to balance their fudge it budget. All this ridiculous fraud needs to come to an end. This legislated zero emissions pledge is straight up Communism and fake environmentalism. We need to support natural gas over coal. That is real environmentalism.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Vancouver daytime shooting: Update

Global is reporting that "One man is in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries following a brazen daylight shooting outside an eatery in Vancouver’s Dunbar neighbourhood late Tuesday afternoon. Vancouver Police Const. Tania Visintin told Global News a man, woman and child were exiting a restaurant near West 29 Avenue and Dunbar Street just after 5:30 p.m., when possibly two suspects began firing at them."

“The suspects fled the area in a vehicle,” said Visintin, “but were found by police and arrested. It is unknown at this time if it was targeted. “The one male victim (the only victim with an injury) has been taken to hospital for non-life-threatening injuries.”

CBC is reporting that "Two men have been charged after a man carrying a baby was shot outside a restaurant in Vancouver's Dunbar neighbourhood. Police said a 42-year-old Vancouver man was injured in the shooting which happened near West 29th Avenue and Dunbar Street around 5:45 p.m. The man, who was carrying the baby in a car seat, was also with a woman and a three-year-old at the time, police said. Liban Hassan, 35, and Ahmed Ismail, 24, have been charged with attempted murder."

Shaking hands with the devil

In today's world, the devil has many faces. During the holocaust, it was Adolf Hitler. The world rose up against that atrocity but since then the world has slept through many others. Stalin murdered more people than Hitler. Did we do anything about it? No we did not. Mao murdered more than both of them. Did we stop him? No we did not.

It's reminiscent of the movie Shake Hands with the Devil which was a true story based on General Roméo Dallaire's experience with the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. General Dallaire stood as a witness to that which the world did not want to see.

It's also reminiscent of the Rohingyan genocide in Myanmar in 2017. This isn't 1914. Chairman Mao didn't die until 1976. We said never again but since then we have dropped the ball.

Now we are looking at people from Toronto, Vancouver and London all speaking out about a modern day genocide in Communist China. That is nothing to admire or aspire to. Justin Trudeau is criminally insane. All he does is spend other people’s money. The Bloc demanded Justin Trudeau resign for his involvement in the We scandal. It was HIS charity. It was His scandal.

Now Jagmeet Singh shook hands with the devil and made a deal to keep him out of jail and shut down the inquiry. That is evil. Jagmeet Singh is a fake Sikh just like Erin O'Toole is a fake Catholic. Their religion teaches one thing while they teach the opposite. That isn't just hypocrisy, that is dishonesty. He is hiding Justin Trudeau’s scandal. India is protesting against Communist China and Jagmeet Singh is upholding them. Jagmeet Singh is a traitor to Canada and India.
Rebel Media: Doug Ford is no longer a conservative: "On yesterday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra explained how, in his opinion, Premier Ford has abandoned conservatism: He's simply stopped being conservative. He's become a bit of a Justin Trudeau/Theresa Tam mini-me. Just doing whatever the big government public health bureaucracy tells him to do. And he's getting a really authoritarian tone about him. He denounces pro-freedom protesters."

Rex Murphy: Should we be calling him Deputy Prime Minister Singh?