Saturday, May 25, 2024

El Chapo denies Cardinal Posadas' murder

The Borderland Beat is reporting that El Chapo has written a letter from prison denying his involvement wit the murder of Cardinal Posadas. "With no hope of ever seeing the light of day again, locked in a facility in the middle of the desert, the mythical leader of the Sinaloa cartel says the Mexican government used him as a scapegoat to blame someone for the murder of Cardinal Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo , then archbishop of the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, in Jalisco."

Last year Infobae reported that "On May 29, when presenting its first findings of the crime, the Mexican Public Prosecutor's Office reported that a shooting had been unleashed in the airport parking lot between the Sinaloa Cartels and the Arellano Felix Cartels. The latter reportedly went to kill El Chapo, who was allegedly mistaken for the cardinal, who arrived in a white Grand Marquis car of the year, similar to the one that would allegedly take the capo to board a plane to Puerto Vallarta. The archbishop of Guadalajara had also died in a crossfire, according to the official version." The other cartel shot the bishop mistaking him for El Chapo.

The CIA used El Chapo just like they used Manuel Noriega. Noriega and El Chapo are / were in prison but the CIA's drug trafficking network continues. Operation Fast and Furious is still in on.



    1. lol Noriega wasn't just a CIA informant, he was a CIA drug trafficker:

  2. He needs to go back to Mexico.
    If not no American should ever be released to the USA in a prisoner exchange.
    All US citizens should be forced to do their time abroad anyways.

  3. Yeah I hate to break it to you but he would not be going "back to Mexico" as you put it, being as he's Panamanian.....the former President of the country in fact. :history:


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