Thursday, May 9, 2024

Religious Persecution and human sacrifice in India

Let's take a look at what Netanyahu's buddy Modi is doing in India. This video talks about a huge new Hindu temple he's building in Ayodhya which is in the state of Uttar Pradesh. He's pouring a ton of money into a new temple, airport, railway, parking lot. He is investing in religious tourism. It sounds great until we find that the new Temple is being built on the site of an ancient Mosque in the north which is where Muslims in India are being persecuted.

Modi has been tearing down mosques in India and ordering police to use live ammunition on protesters. Modi is pushing a Hindu nationalist agenda which means he is no Gandhi. Gandhi was good, Modi is bad. History has recorded that. His persecution of Muslims appears to make his buddy Netanyahu thrilled. That is certainly one unholy alliance.

This is the Globalism of the new world order. You ban all religions but one. Then when you've gotten rid of all the other religions, you get rid of that one final religion and mission accomplished. I don't want to hate because I'm all for religious freedom but some things the Hindu religion teaches are just plain weird. My daughter did a semester at Kwantlen in Surrey as did my son. They both took Punjabi. My son did Bangera and my daughter took a course there on religion. It covered all the mayor world religions including Sikh, Islam and Hindu.

She asked me about some of the things the Hindu religion taught as she was a bit concerned. I said yeah, I'm all for religious freedom, but there are somethings in the Hindu religion that are very strange. For example, it's kind of pagan. They have a God of this and a God of that.

The Muslims have prayer beads like the Catholic rosary. Instead of saying the Hail Mary and the Our Father they have their own set prayers. They all start off with there is only one God. Kinda like what the Bible teaches. Like I said, I don't want to hate but there's a lot of weird stuff in Hinduism and I can see how people would object to having that forced on them.

Tulsi Gabbard is Hindu and she is a very good person. She supports religious freedom just like Gandhi did. Let's not forget, Gandhi was Hindu but he was killed by Hindus who objected to Gandhi's tolerance of Muslims just like how Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by Jews for the same reason. The people who assassinated Gandhi and Yitzhak Rabin were religious extremists who opposed religious freedom. Netanyahu and Modi are both bad men.

Speaking of crazy, did you hear a group of four hunters broke into a wildlife reserve in India and gang raped a rare lizard? They gang raped it, killed it and ate it. That was f*cked up. India has had a bad reputation for deranged gang rapes for quite a while.

Last month a couple on YouTube who are riding motorcycles around the world were attacked with knives in India. Seven men gang raped the man's wife. Modi has more important things to fix than persecuting other religions. Gang raping tourists is a serious concern.

I remember seeing a few revolting videos on 6AK's Twitter about child sacrifice in India. One had a group of men parading around with a young boys severed head on a platter and I'm pretty sure they weren't Sikhs or Muslims. Modi should be more concerned with stuff like that.

10-Year-Old Boy Killed By His Own Family in a Human Sacrifice Ritual

The Vice is reporting that "There is no centralised law that directly addresses superstition and ritualistic human sacrifices in India, but each state has its own regulations. India’s National Crime Records Bureau recorded 103 ritualistic sacrifices between 2014 and 2021. Most were sacrificed with the belief that it’ll bring prosperity, fertility or healing. 'These numbers are vastly undercounted,' Sanal Edamaruku, an Indian anti-superstition activist and the founder of Rationalist International, told VICE World News. 'I believe the real number could be 10 or even 20 times more than this.' It’s also common for the victims to be family members of the accused."

Five arrested over human sacrifice at Hindu temple

The Guardian is reporting that "Indian police have arrested five men accused of conducting a human sacrifice, nearly four years after the discovery of a woman’s headless body at a Hindu temple left officers baffled. Shanti Shaw, 64, was killed and decapitated with a machete in 2019 after visiting the temple in Guwahati, a city in India’s remote north-east. Police made no progress in the case until Shaw’s body was finally identified in January, sparking a renewed investigation that tracked down several culprits, with others still at large."

“'The five planned the killing of the woman,' the Guwahati police commissioner, Diganta Barah, said on Tuesday. “A total of 12 people took part.' Barah said the alleged ringleader, Pradeep Pathak, 52, had orchestrated the killing as part of a religious rite to mark the anniversary of his brother’s death. Last year, two men were arrested for allegedly killing a six-year-old boy in the capital, New Delhi. The culprits, both construction workers, told police they murdered the child as an offering to the Hindu god Shiva to get rich."

1 comment:

  1. "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" is apparently a training film.


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