Monday, May 20, 2024

Robert Pickton attacked in prison

Update: Robert Pickton is dead

Janice Edward's court trascript about Dianne Rock

Legal application opposing an RCMP bid to destroy Pickton investigation evidence.

Global is reporting that "Notorious B.C. serial killer Robert Pickton has been the victim of a brutal attack in prison. Pickton was attacked on Sunday in Quebec’s maximum security Port Cartier Institution." Post Media fake news is reporting that "Pickton told other inmates that he was writing a book blaming the murders of women, for which he was convicted, on someone else."

That is not true. He already wrote a book and it was pulled from distribution. Someone sent me a copy. It didn't say or reveal anything new. He did not mention the Hells Angels in it. He trashed the Hells Angels associate that ratted him out but he didn't say anything about the club.

The timing of the attack is suspicious as is this fake claim about his new book. He was eligible for day parole last February and will be eligible for full parole in 2027. Why attack him now?

Dianne Rock was gang raped on the Pickton Farm. That would implicate more than one suspect. She was gang raped by bikers and cops. When the lawyer for the original missing women's inquiry mentioned a picture of Dave Pickton in a threesome with former RCMP officer Jim Brown, the Coquitlam RCMP kicked in the whistle blower's door, seized all his hard drives and deleted the evidence. Wally Oppal then shut down the inquiry and turned it into a panel discussion.
A while ago someone contacted me and said they were in contact with Robert Pickton. They were all excited and said the case is going to be blown wide open. I said I hate to rain on your parade but I don't see it happening. That story is dead and buried. I said if he names the club they will kill him and there's no venue for his story to get out. He already wrote a book and they had the book removed from publication. I said if he names anyone the police won't give him witness protection because the police don't want that story to get out. I said he could have Jim Brown. I said if he names Jim Brown the club won't kill him. That's not to say the cops won't.

In the last episode on the Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E Pat Matter revealed something he did when he was prospecting for the club. Pat said one of the members called him up and told him to pick up his GF and bring her to the clubhouse which he did. Then the member said to Pat now I want you to f*ck her which he did.

A&E had an author on that said women in the club are just property and are frequently mistreated. Wives aren't but patch pounders and prostitutes are. The member told Pat to punch his GF in the head. That was f*cked up. Pat did it. That was f*cked up. The member then told Pat to rape his GF which he did. That was f*cked up. Now that you told that story I'm supposed to somehow respect you? Not. On top of that Pat ended up ratting out his brothers to get a reduced sentence. There is nothing there that is admirable. What we do in life echoes in eternity.

Update: The very Fake News is going off about how the Devil is gone quoting relatives of the victims saying they are happy Pickton was assaulted. If he's killed, the truth is buried with him and the devil lives on. I can tell you right now Robert Pickton wasn't one of the men who gang raped Dianne Rock. If Jim Brown was having threesomes with Dave, I highly doubt he was having threesomes with Robert. The cops and the fake news want to pin this all on one person and make it all disappear. In the first missing woman's inquiry, as soon as other suspects were mentioned Wally Oppal shut it down and said the inquiry was not mandated to investigate other suspects.

That was deplorable. Dave Pickton knew where the bodies were buried. CSIS gave Dave a free pass. The judge told the jury they could convict Robert even if he wasn't the main suspect just an active participant. That means all the family members of the victims would want to know who those other suspects were. The Vancouver Sun doesn't want to you know or even consider it.
Global is reporting that "As serial killer Robert Pickton remains in hospital in Quebec following an attack by a fellow inmate, thoughts turn to the victims and their families and their pain. Alan Mullen, a former corrections officer at the Kent Institution in Agassiz, B.C. when Pickton was incarcerated there, told Global News on Wednesday that some of that pain comes from knowing that if Pickton dies now, some of the truth will die with him."

“It’s no secret that Robert Pickton didn’t act alone here,” Mullen said, speaking of the many missing and murdered women believed to have been killed on the Pickton farm. “If you talk to (Pickton) or listen to (Pickton), it’s pretty obvious that he did not act alone,” Mullen added.

“If he dies, yes, a lot of information and truth that we may be able to garner from him through further investigation, dies with him and that’s concerning to me,” Mullen added.

Knowing that, the RCMP wanted to destroy the evidence they have on file.

Loved ones of Edmonton-area Pickton victim hope pig farm evidence can be saved

Search for truth goes on, regardless of killer Pickton’s fate


  1. It could have been a new book.
    Strange they have Luca Magnotta, Russell Williams, and Paul Bernardo there also..

    1. He's not going to name the club. I know someone who is in contact with him. It's the cops that want him out of the picture not the club. That's why Post Media is on it.

  2. Wow, that guy was RCMP? What a sick f**k.

    1. Yup. He made the news when the whistle blower showed the media his online BDSM account looking for like minded willing participants.

  3. Matters and the cop who busted him became good buddies and wrote a book together.

    1. I saw that. People can change but he chose what stories he'd share. I don't like him.

    2. Agreed. The only thing that guy regrets is that he got caught.

  4. 51 year old suspect is in custody for the assault.

  5. Now what happens to the fine outstanding inmate who decided to take matters into his own hands and deliver extra judicial punishment? Imagine living in a prison full of pedophiles and choosing Pickton as your victim...

  6. Now guess what...
    The guy who fashioned a weapon out of a broom handle to attack Pickton is going to get a mandatory minimum sentence thanks to HARPER. GOD BLESS HARPER!!! LMAO
    P.S. It is going to be 25 big ones!!!!!
    Vigilantes and victims who want extra judicial punishment should leave the country.
    Bottom Line.

  7. Did wonder why Pickton is in a Quebec jail, where French is the main language.
    At one time Corrections Canada had people such as you listed above, in jail in Ontario in a special section and there wasn't any cell sharing. Having serial killers sharing cells simply does not make sense. Makes me wonder if that is done deliberately to expose them to unnecessary danger or a shortage of cells. However, there was something in the news which advised the federal system had plenty of available cells.
    Canada does not have a death penalty, which I agree with. It is not up to anyone to organize prisoners so that they are murdered by others or seriously injured.
    Don't know how long the two had shared a cell, but it does make me wonder for how long and why now.
    Some may argue Pickton got what he deserved. However, Canada has laws and it is not up to others to decide what happens to whom. It can lead to a lot of problems.

    1. I don't think they shared a cell.

  8. The timing is very suspicious. We all know he didn't act alone. We all know he's not the mastermind serial killer the fake news wants us to think he is. When the court heard that Dianne Rock was gang raped on the farm the judge gave new instructions to the jury. The judge told the jury they could convict him even if he wasn't the only suspect. The judge went so far as to say the jury could convict him even if he wasn't the main suspect just an active participant.

  9. If the cops wanted him snuffed out wouldn't it be done a long time ago?

    1. There was no need to. Wally Oppal shut down the first inquiry and the second Inquiry was a farce. The story was dead and buried. Until now. His book did not mention the HAs. Jim Brown wasn't the only cop involved. The first Inquiry was going to hear evidence that off duty Police officers attended parties at Piggy's Palace. Thanks to Wally Oppal, the names of those cops were never made public.

  10. "The plan is to stay in an artificial coma for two or three more days and then probably try to wake him up."
    Martin “Spike” Charest, 51, has not yet been charged with what Correctional Service Canada called a “major assault,” which left Pickton hospitalized in a coma.

  11. The guards are already offering excuses for the guy who did it by saying..."If he doesn't attack someone like Pickton that he could become a target himself..." Duress defense.

    1. Maybe I said it wrong....
      Latimer said the violence is worse in some maximum-security prisons where “there is a different code” that means any prisoner that did not take a shot at an inmate like Pickton “might be victimized.”

      The CSC needs “to be protecting people even though they’re not very sympathetic,” Latimer said.

      (I took it to mean duress.)

    2. I'm not doubting they said that. I'm just saying what they said doesn't make sense. The media is trying to spin this and portray him as the sole offender which is simply not true. The police want the evidence destroyed and the story buried.

  12. Pickton DID name "the club."

    1. Well that was unwise. Big Tony is dead. They should have stuck with Jim Brown.

    2. Wait, the date on that article is 2010. He didn't name them in his book. I'm sure that was just a fleeting moment like when Dave first said if Willy goes down, everyone goes down. That quickly changed after he thought it through.

    3. Saying "It was the Hells Angels" is like saying "It was the police" just because Jim Brown was present. All police officers weren't gang raping crack hoes on the Pickton Farm but more than one did. Dave Pickton told a reporter that big Tony was a Hells Angel. He wasn't. He was an associate that sold drugs for the club in the DTES. He also worked the door at Piggy's Palace. He used the name of the club for some other shady sh*t and that's why he's dead. No doubt some hang arounds participated.

  13. It is official. Pickton is dead.

    1. Evidently so. I can tell your right now, whoever contracted his murder didn't do it so the victims could have justice. They did it to hide the accomplices.


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