Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Anthony Tait: Secrets of the Hells Angels Episode 6

OK so episode 6 of the Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E aired Sunday night. Normally you can stream it the next day but this episode is locked so I can't watch it. Just as well. It's about another informant. I don't want to hate, I just want to state. That's not my thing.

I recognize the need for under cover police work. I never did that. I encourage people to leave the life and when they do, keep your mouth shut and don't cooperate with the police. That's the safest way for you to leave the life and move on. This episode is called The Head of the Snake and features Tony Tait. George Christie had interactions with Tony when he was undercover and said he's not happy with the way this episode was edited and portrayed.

George described one interaction with Tony when he was trying to get George to confess to criminal activity when he was president of the Ventura chapter and George nailed it. The guy was a red flag from the get go. Bragging about stupid sh*t you're not supposed to talk about trying to get him to confess something he had done. That's a narc. It reminds me of someone else I read about who tried to infiltrate the club because he was a wannabe who covered the life.

One time I was speaking with George Christie and he mentioned when George had a spot on the History Channel, Jay Dobbins was right in their trying to weasel his way in trying to promote himself and I was like f*ck Jay Dobbins. The guy's a wannabe. F*ck him. George did what George does and he was trying to make the peace and soften me up to Jay. I was like nope. Now it's interesting to hear George Christie trash Tony Tait. Now who needs to calm down : )

George put out a DVD called the Last American Outlaw. It was very well done. The Aging Rebel was in it. It's unfortunate the Aging Rebel and the guy that filmed it stepped back from it when George was put out in bad. I think the DVD had a great message. The term outlaw is very different than the term 1%er. Outlaws stand up for freedom and oppose the WEF.

However, this obsession with selling crystal meth is somewhat misguided.

Anthony Tait did successfully bring down a huge meth ring in Oakland. Otis Garret ran the meth outside of prison. That Aryan Nations guy called Sonny and asked him about killing Margo Compton and her daughters. Sonny lied and said he had nothing to do with that and called off the members threatening his wife. But they still put a bomb in his car and tried to prevent him from testifying against Otis for ordering the murders. Sonny was involed with Margo Compton's case.

The meth ring bust Tait was involved with was 10 years after the murder of Margo Compton.

Noel was Sonny's third wife. His marriage to Zorana lasted a lot longer from 2005-2022.

Last episode was called Midwest Meth Madness. In that episode former Minnesota president Patt Matter admitted to being a meth dealer. He rat out his supplier and his vice president to get a reduced sentence. Pee Wee said Pat tried to get him to try meth when he was a prospect but wouldn't. Perhaps that's one of the reasons Pat wouldn't give Pee Wee his patch. Pee Wee ended up going to San Francisco to get his patch before starting up a chapter in Las Vegas.

Sonny Barger played Lenny "The Pimp" Janowitz on the TV series Sons of Anarchy. Pretty abominable given what happened to Margo Compton and her daughters under his watch. Sonny Barger also proudly posed with Greg Domey who is the former president of the Salem Massachusetts Hells Angels and was convicted of selling meth. From California to the Midwest to the East coast the club was selling crystal meth from coast to coast.
George Wethern was the former Vice-President of the Oakland Chapter which Sonny Barger founded. In his book A Wayward Angel Wethern claims: "The Oakland Angels began issuing new charters and assisting chapters set up their own drug operations. The additions were designed to contribute to our image and business concerns, by providing a drug route link, manufacturing a drug, supplying chemicals, or distributing drugs in an untapped area."

As I keep saying, not all Hells Angels sell drugs. Usually it's one member and one associate under the direction of the president. If a local chapter is involved with criminal activity, the local president has approved it and taxes it. According to the A&E episode Sonny Barger's meth cook Kenny Owens learned how to cook meth from a Shell Oil chemist.

I'm kind of left wondering why George is OK with Pat Matter and Jay Dobins but he's not OK with Tony Tait. I realize Tony is not a cop but would that have made it OK? He didn't rat out his brothers to get a reduced sentence like Pat Matters did. He didn't covet the life. He didn't like what he saw them doing and he wanted to put a stop to it. That's almost admirable.

Former US Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin claimed that the CIA used the Hells Angels to help distribute their cocaine during Iran Contra. Al Martin claimed that Oliver North met with Jim Delashmit when he was a president of the Hells Angels. Jim sold drugs for Oliver North.

Michael Riconosciuto claimed the CIA were in the California meth business during Sonny's time.


  1. Kind of of topic but can anybody wear support 81 clothing evan if u not in the hells angels?

    1. I'm not a member or associate but to my understanding anyone can buy and wear support gear. However, sometimes associates wear support gear to show the club supports the criminal activity they are involved with and have their protection while so doing.

    2. Why would you want to?

  2. Amen. Fuck Jay Dobbins.

  3. Dobbins admits that getting a patch was something he wanted, not what ATF wanted. I doubt if everything he says is the truth.

    1. He definitely covets the life. Don't get me started on the ATF:

  4. Didn't Tait claim the the whole infiltration thing was done on a bet he made with an FBI agent he knew?

    1. He claimed he was having a meal with a couple of friends who were cops. He said he didn't like what he saw the members doing in Alaska and told the cops they've had lots of time to do something about it. He then said he bet them a bottle of scotch he could get a patch and they bet him.

      After he got his patch he realized it was bigger than he expected and the FBI were called in to be his handlers. I don't do under cover but he didn't do it because he was a swinger or to get a reduced sentence. He did it because he wanted to make a difference. Kenny Owens cooked a lot of meth.

    2. There you go, I knew it was something like that.

    3. I don't condone it but that's the only way police can make drug busts. I'd say he's one step better than Michael Plante. Michael Plante didn't rat the club out to get a reduced sentence. They just f*cked with him and he said OK enough.

  5. New seris on Vice TV. Hells Angels-Kingdom Come.

    1. Wow. National Geographic, A&E and now Vice TV - bringing investigative journalism back.

    2. vice is no longer relevant. they support "chicks" with dicks. bunch of weirdos. vice fell off and now most of their income comes from selling golfing merch

    3. We'll see. It looks pretty good. What do you have against golf or chicks with dicks? I'm not into either but I don't hate. People are free to do whatever they want. As long as they stay away from kids, nobody cares. Nobody likes a pedo. Doesn't matter if they're straight or trans.

    4. Wanting that stuff to be on a different channel than any channel you watch is not hating either, it's wanting not to be exposed to it.

    5. Fair enough. Like I said, most people don't care. People don't like having other beliefs forced on them. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be exposed to that.

  6. Of course not, but "they" disagree, you must be forced to see it, and forced to accept it, with acceptance going all the way up to allowing them to indoctrinate your children. These people don't reproduce biologically, but they don't need to, by this method they will co-opt yours, you get to do all the heavy lifting to get your child to the point where they can indoctrinate it against you. This is not new, Commies have done the same for over a century.
    "We must make the young into a generation of Communists. Children, like soft wax, are very malleable and they should be moulded into good Communists... We must rescue children from the harmful influence of the family... We must nationalize them. From the earliest days of their little lives, they must find themselves under the beneficent influence of Communist schools... To oblige the mother to give her child to the Soviet state – that is our task." "Pavlik Morozov, who denounced his father to the secret police NKVD, was promoted as a great positive example despite its fabrication".

  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_the_Soviet_Union


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