Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Bill Browder Hoax & Cameron Ortis

Update: WEF: Why the Magnitsky Act is Bad

There's a book out called Grand Deception: The Truth About Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act so let's talk about it. Before we do that let's zero in on the Bill Browder Hoax. Bill Browder is hedge fund kingpin and a human rights activist. That laughable title is indeed an oxymoron. Hedge fund managers don't care about human rights. They are ruthless scam artists.

That book is by Alex Krainer who is a Croatian. The Komisar Scoop is a financial blog written by Lucy Komisar who is a long time highly credible investigative journalist based in New york City. Dec 2022 Lucy was interviewed by Regis Tremblay on the the Browder hoax.

Now let's look at the spin or the damage control the intelligence community is sending out to the mainstream media. The Daily Beast reported that "In this paranoid rendering, Alexey Navalny, the leader of Russia’s decimated opposition, is an agent of either the CIA or MI6 (or maybe both, it’s never explained) who was recruited in 2006 by William Browder, the CEO of Hermitage Fund and a onetime apologist for Russian President Vladimir Putin who had turned into a prominent Kremlin gadfly. Browder, in this rendering, was himself recruited by MI6 in 1995."

Top RCMP officer arrested investigating Russia and Bill Browder

In 2019 le Journal de Montreal reported that "The indictment of Cameron Ortis, a senior official in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), is linked to a major case of alleged corruption involving senior Russian officials, which was denounced by Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian jurist who died in a Moscow prison in 2009, according to the Globe and Mail."

"Having become a symbol of the fight against corruption, Mr. Magnitsky was arrested in 2008 after denouncing a vast financial scheme of 5.4 billion rubles (130 million euros), hatched according to him by police and government officials. tax authorities to the detriment of the Russian state and the Hermitage Capital company, through tax refunds."

"More than 14 million Canadian dollars (nearly 9 million euros) in Russian fraud would have a link with Canada,' according to a source cited by the Globe and Mail. Cameron Ortis was working on the case after a complaint to the RCMP in 2016 by William (Bill) Browder, a British financier and former investor in Russia, for whom Mr. Magnitsky worked."

"The RCMP has not opened a formal investigation into the matter, despite a meeting in 2017 between Cameron Ortis and Mr. Browder, also CEO of the Hermitage Capital fund, according to the Globe and Mail. Mr. Ortis 'seems to be the last person you would expect to be a spy for a foreign country,' Bill Browder told the English-language daily, indicating that the police officer was also responsible for his safety during his trip to Canada."

"According to the Global channel, citing security sources, Mr. Ortis was director general of intelligence at the RCMP and as such controlled counter-espionage operations."

Interesting to note that "Last year, after a Swiss police money laundering investigator met with Russians about the same case Ortis was working on, he was also charged with being a spy."

Swiss police investigator working same Russian fraud case as Ortis also removed

"A Swiss federal police officer who was also working on the Russian money laundering investigation involving Browder met with a Russian federal lawyer and was then placed under criminal investigation by Swiss prosecutors. The officer is being investigated for corruption, abuse of power, and violating professional secrets.”

"Swiss Police have charged Mr. K. with being a mole. According to Fox News (March 02/18) Mr. K. (name redacted) went to Moscow and met with the deputy Prosecutor General of Russia, and lawyer Nathalia Veselnitskaya. Nathalia Veselnitskaya is the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. , Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner in June 2016 in Trump Tower. She was there to push back against the Magnitsky Act sanctions."

"In relation to the Swiss investigation and Browder, Veselnitskaya commented: ' is obvious to me that he (Swiss investigator Mr K.) was removed for honestly doing his work. Unfortunately, Switzerland made itself a tool in William Browder’s hands aimed at undermining the reputation and challenging the integrity of the police and prosecution authorities both in Russia and Switzerland.' Browder has petitioned to have the man overseeing Mr K’s case and other Russian money laundering cases, Switzerland’s Patrick Lamon, also removed from the case due to his allegedly being compromised by Mr K. He suggested the same possibility in Canada.”

Two people investigating the Bill Browder Hoax have been falsely accused of being a mole.

During the the Yeltsin years, Russia was plundered. Putin tried to get some of that money back.

The Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya

"The meeting was held on June 9, 2016, on the pretext that the Russians had information that would be damaging to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump Jr’s lawer. stated that Veselnitskaya told the meeting that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs Clinton. The Hill reported that Veselnitskaya reiterated that Browder’s firm committed tax evasion in Russia then donated most of the money to the Democratic presidential campaign. Violations of Russian law by a Democratic donor.”

"The conference took place July 16, 2018. Putin referenced Browder at the post summit press conference. Putin “accused US intelligence officials of helping Browder funnel $400 million worth of cash he allegedly stole from Russia in the form of unpaid taxes into Hillary Clinton’s campaign.” (The Atlantic, July 18, 2018) Putin told reporters “We have solid reason to believe that some United States intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions.”

"Abramovich is a Russian-Israeli billionaire businessman, investor and politician and the owner of Chelsea F.C. Premier League football club. He was formerly governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from 2000 to 2008. “According to Forbes, Abramovich's net worth was US$12.9 billion in 2019, making him the richest person in Israel, 11th-richest in Russia"

“An allegation emerging from a Swiss investigation links Roman Abramovich, through a former company, and numerous other Russian politicians, industrialists and bankers to using a US$4.8 billion (€3.4 billion) loan from the IMF as personal slush fund; an audit sponsored by the IMF itself determined that all of the IMF funds had been used appropriately.” (Wikipedia)

"In 2000, Swiss prosecutors probed the diverted IMF funds. Clinton stonewalled the Swiss investigation. The IMF fund diversion has never been fully publically investigated and no one ever prosecuted. Putin’s administration set about trying to recover the money that they believed was illegally taken from their country during and after Yeltsin’s presidency, and since 2012 the sanctions imposed by The Magnitsky Act tied their hands internationally. The Act was used to sanction Russian officials from getting legal access to international banks."

“Navalny,” documentary nominated for March 12 Oscar, is crude disinformation

Magnitsky Acts are dangerous laws based on a hoax

The Man Behind the Magnitsky Act

ICIJ Panama Papers investigators ignored William Browder

Why is ICIJ protecting Bill Browder?

1 comment:

  1. Cameron Ortiz should without a doubt be pardoned and expunged.


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