Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Canadian Freedom Coalition & Independent Candidates

Since Bonnie Henry is refusing to evolve and move past the dysfunction I thought I'd throw out a link to a local coalition in Maple Ridge who hold town halls and social events for like minded freedom fighters. It's called the Canadian Freedom Coalition. They have health care workers on their team that are still out of work. One of their supporters is a guy trying to network with independent candidates in the next BC Provincial election called Independent BC.

Dr Roger Harrington is running as an independent MLA in Peachland. Perhaps Dr Stephen Malthouse can run as an independent. He's a far better candidate than anything that Barbie girl recommends. It was sad to see the BC Conservatives hijacked so quickly. Perhaps a coalition of independents can keep them honest. Chuck Cadman made a difference as an Independent.


  1. How much you want to bet those guys are already being monitored by the RCMP/CSIS? Here's your future.....after all, we already have "hate speech" laws here in Canada.


    She was literally convicted for quoting her governments own statistics.

    Here in Canada:

    "Under section 319(1), everyone who, by communicating statements in a public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of an indictable offence punishable by up to two years' imprisonment, or of a summary conviction offence."

    No one is saying that hate speech is a good thing. The point is that you don't get to define what that is, they do. Because there can't be any hate speech, there can't be any free speech. Shut up slave, just go to work and pay your taxes, "we know better than you for you and yours".

    1. Yes the problem is they define hate speech as anyone who disagrees with them. Just like they want to throw medical doctors in jail for proving them wrong. They don't support science, they support an extreme political agenda. We're all monitored.

  2. Great idea, Stephen should run as an independent just to tip over the apple cart.

  3. Eby, Henry, Farnsworth, Dix…. Bahhhbye come October. The courts are as broken as these Nazi governments. Shame on Judge whats-his-name, your decision is pathologically partisan.

    1. The judges are shameful. Their duty is to defend the Charter and they are derelict in that duty. The BC Conservatives are ahead but it won't be a shut out. Some staunch ridings will remain unchanged. Eby will vanish. Dix has lost his mind but he does have a following. He might fall. Farnsworth is sincere. Bonnie Henry is not.

  4. Bonnie Henry is a threat to Public Health.


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