Monday, May 13, 2024

Fire Bonnie the Despot Henry

Castanet is reporting that "B.C. Supreme Court Justice Simon Coval has sided with provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry on vaccine mandates for health-care workers, largely dismissing claims they are unreasonable and unconstitutional. In a May 10 ruling, Coval states that the province’s top doctor was justified in extending COVID-19 vaccine mandates from October 2021 via two renewed orders made on Oct. 5, 2023."

Bonnie Henry is a punitive b*tch. BC is the only province in Canada that still has Covid Rna vaccine mandates for health care workers despite the fact that the pandemic is over.

This court decision is nothing to celebrate. In my interview with Dr Steven Pelech, who is a specialist in the field, he pointed out that the courts have not been hearing evidence based research yet. I say yet because Bill 36 is going to change all that.

Dr Steven Pelech is a professor of virology at UBC. Vaccines are his specialty. He expressed his concerns with the BC NDP's draconian Bill 36 which outlaws medical opinions. Bonnie Henry is a Freak. Bill 36 is her attempt to ban, censor, fine and criminalize any specialist in the field who proves her wrong. The upside of that Orwellian power grab is the simple fact that if they are going to throw medical doctors in jail for expressing their medical opinions, the court will be forced to hear evidence based research. Something it hasn't been doing.

Up until now, the court has been accepting political Medical Officers' testimony without challenge. Bill 36 is going to change that. So finally some of these Orwellian court decisions will start to be reversed. However, the fact that these raging lunatics introduced Bill 36 needs to be addressed.

They don't just want to censor doctors they want to throw them in jail. Not only that but Bill 36 completely changes the structure of the College of Physicians. As Dr Pelech explained, the college used to consist of specialists in the field elected by a group of their peers. Bill 36 changed all that. Now they are no longer specialists in the field and they are no longer elected by a group of their peers. They are simply appointed by the highly politicized government. That's insane.


  1. Adrian and Bonnie should be sued once this makes it way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

  2. Good post, I was wondering what happened with this lawsuit but this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Time to retire BC means bring cash and call it for what it is…BEYOND CORRUPT.

  3. All we need to do is vote them out.

  4. The phrase is used a lot these days, but "This is a really bad idea".

  5. Voting only does so much.
    It's time sensitive and always reactionary after the damage has been done.


    That is certainly the new BC.

    1. Voting is what drives the tide in BC. First it was Social credit. Then everybody gets pissed off with them and it goes NDP. Then everyone gets pissed off with them and it swings back to the right. The tide changes because of corruption. That's how politicians are kept accountable.

    2. We need mid term elections for MLAs, too keep them honest. Or mandatory town hall meetings in their ridings. As it stands now, they hold selective poorly advertised assemblies.

    3. Our politicians are rarely held accountable if ever.
      Parachute deals after a term and they're set, laughing at us and all the way to the bank.
      Call it for what it is.

      There's a lot of people no longer on this planet since the bio weapons were rolled out because politicians weren't held accountable.

      Accountability is something meant to deter not a reactionary after thought that has very little consequence for damage already committed.
      Where idealism and realism intersect is your own prerogative, but facts are facts.

    4. Fact are facts and the earth is not flat. Gordon Campbell left office because he got carried away and our democratic system removed him. The same will happen to David Eby and everyone else who tramples the will of the people.

    5. A drunk driving charge and High Commissioner to the UK posting.

      We showed him!

    6. I think you're missing the point.

  6. This case needs to go to Supreme Court Canada. Whoever forces vaccines should be tried for assault and treason. Whoever supports forced vaccines should be tried for treason. I declare war over it. They should all be hung by Lynch mobs.

    1. If the court isn't admitting evidence based research it won't matter if it goes to the Supreme Court. The only evidence they've been admitting is a statement from a political Medical health officer which has been unchallenged. That is what has to change. A group of lawyers launched a petition known as the Free North Declaration protesting the fact that the Canadian courts were not fulfilling their mandate to protect the Charter of Rights. That's what the Supreme court is supposed to do but weren't doing and still isn't:

      When medical experts like Dr Steven Pelech are allowed to testify, that evidence will then allow the courts to do their job and defend the Charter.

  7. Lol ol' glory hole Bonnie.
    For some their Bonnie lies over the ocean.
    BC's Bonnie lies on the other side of a hole in the wall to blow strange dudes 😭

    1. Glory holes? That chick has lost her mind. This is the lunatic they put in charge of health? God help us. Bonnie lies all the time. She needs some time with Dr Phil.

  8. They just want to throw a couple in jail, that's all they need to enforce compliance on the rest who aren't willing to get in trouble or offend anyone. "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey".

    Sometimes you have to be willing to say "f**k you and then back it up. No back up = more of the same. And yeah, we're talking about people who will send armed enforcers to your door, so you need to be ready for that too*. There's more of us than there is of them.

    *You need a camera system that automatically backs up to a cloud that's on a server outside Canada. We know they will seize computers, destroy footage and basically dare you to take them to court, where nothing will happen.

    1. They will fire a couple or throw a couple in jail to set an example and scare the rest. I really don't think Bonnie Henry is going to send someone too your door with a gun. That's a bit extreme. The club might but if anyone is going to do a hit they're more likely going to try and catch you when you're out and about not suspecting it and not armed. Cameras are fine but they just mean big brother can watch you even more closely. You can also have them saved on a usb drive from within your home. Anything wireless is insecure.

  9. Wired vs. Wireless is an excellent point. Hard wire always, but people are lazy.......and it's not always practical. You have to be able to preserve the footage where it can't be physically seized. I'm not a fan of interior camera's for exactly the reason you stated, but covering the entrances is a minimum, and audio can add a lot to your side of the story vs. theirs.

    1. You can have it go to a USB drive in your home wireless. Anything that's in the cloud can be seen by the NSA but many claim they have nothing to hide. It is a lot more continent. There's no question security cameras are a huge deterrent to crime.


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