Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Justin Trudeau falls 20 points behind Conservatives

Clinton Jaws posted a video of Laura Stone a reporter from the Globe and Mail asking Justin Trudeau why doesn't he resign as leader for the good of the party since the Liberals are now 20 points behind the Conservatives. She says the public seems to have an overwhelmingly negative view of you personally. Ya think? All bad things must come to an end. No lie can live forever.


  1. He'll be on a beach in Cuba eventually.

  2. Sure after 12 years in office,why wouldn't he be.

  3. Jail and nuthing less after the blackface crimeminister is voted out! We need to hold these politicians accountable for their lies and theft. His net worth has got up enormously since he became PM.

    1. Jail for what? Vote him out, move on.

    2. Being a traitor

    3. There's no way that charge would stick.

    4. Why not? He has easily qualified for the charge.....if you mean wouldn't stick because a crooked judge would throw it out, you are probably right about that.

  4. Embelziment of tax payers money.

    1. OK whatever. You see my point. It's time to move on.

  5. I'm going to disagree with that, the guilty need to be seen to be punished, because otherwise it's just the "next wave" of those who've identified government as their path to riches and influence. No one cares what you say about them if they have a certain amount of $$. The ambitious are attracted to this "opportunity", society needs to send the message that for those who do as he and our "elected elites" have done, the only opportunity they'll have is breaking big rocks into little ones.

  6. It might be worth pointing out that just "moving on" is where we were 8 years ago.....moving on before we resolve problems to their conclusion just leaves lots of unresolved problems in our wake.

  7. OK guys I'm just calling it the way I see it. I don't believe JT will ever be charged with anything because he was elected to office. The whole treason, betraying the people, bla bla bla is a red herring. We need to vote the clown out. That's what we need to do. Then we need to watch the next clown because they all f*ck up eventually.


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