Friday, May 31, 2024

Rebel News' blind endorsement of genocide

This isn't a hit piece. This is the expression of a broken heart. I haven't been following Rebel News lately because of their insanely biased one sided coverage of the war in Gaza. It is more than suspicious. No two people agree on every issue yet no good person can condone or misrepresent evil. Blind partisanship is blind. Every person and every party has good and bad. If we refuse to recognize the bad in our party, we become a servant of the dark side.

I remember Rebel News had Chris Sky on once. They gave him an opportunity to tell his side and respond to the claims of him being Antisemitic. Instead of refuting the false claims he lost it and confirmed them. Chris Sky is a Holocaust denier. I am not. Chris Sky started to call Rebel News controlled fake news and opposition. I'm not saying that. Rebel News has done a lot of good things. I'm simply saying their coverage of the conflict in Gaza is very biased.

It kind of confirms something Candace Owens once said about blind obedience to the brutality in Gaza. If you claim anyone who disagrees with killing aid workers and civilians is antisemitic, you actually promote antisemitism. Ben Shapiro is a bully and a dick. There's no way to get around that but I had hoped for better from Erza Levant.

True North is the same. Their coverage of the conflict is also very one sided. Yet that I chalked up to partisanship. Candice Malcolm is a good person but she endorsed Stephen Harper and he was not a good person. Globalism infiltrates both sides. We need to recognize that.

What about that Canadian IDF soldier who was scamming seniors? Is that OK? She wasn't acting alone. It was an intelligence operation with 11 other Israeli nationals who collectively scammed seniors out of 25 million dollars. Scamming out of Jamaica brings in millions while scamming out of Israel brings in billions. They busted the Wolves of Tel Aviv but there are many more they haven't touched. It's big business like organ harvesting.

Was the October 7 Attack on Israel a False Flag?

Hamas is an Israeli Trojan Horse Against the Palestinians

Israel bombs another Gaza camp it had declared safe

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