Saturday, May 18, 2024

CSIS wants to ban TikTok to censor it

Global fake news is reporting that Justin Trudeau says Canadians need to listen to CSIS about a Tik Tok ban. AYFKM? If anyone needs to listen it's that clown. This is why we need to examine Justin Trudeau's new love affair with CSIS. CSIS wants a to ban Tik Tok because they can't censor it like YouTube. This became especially obvious with the war in Gaza.

Gen Z use Tik Tok and were sharing horrific videos of children being killed in Gaza along with hospitals and refugee Camps being bombed. CSIS and the Five Eyes want to ban Tik tok because they want to censor it. It has nothing to do with data sharing.

This is why I find CSIS' new campaign on China suspicious. It's a red herring. They create a problem to justify giving them more power so they can go after people who disagree with gender ideology. CSIS and the Five Eyes support the WEF and the UN's NWO. I do not.

Dan Dicks: CSIS Says Canadians Opposed To Gender Ideology Are A Possible Violent Threat


  1. There was more "freedom" in jail 20 years ago than there is in Canada today.

  2. Sadly and Scary...They want to control what we see, but ALLOW child porn to be on the internet.

    1. That's a good point:

  3. Surveillance state. They want to control everything you see and say.


    1. Bullsh*t. The government loves terrorist plots. That's why the Five Eyes plan them.

  5. Did you even read it??

    "Disturbingly, four Global news reporters manufactured a preposterous tale about the gun being stolen in Saskatoon. Despite the total lack of any credible evidence that this was true, publications all over Canada printed this ludicrous lie. The reporters claimed they found the firearm by perusing stolen gun records but of course, had this been true the police would have found that immediately by running the serial number through the vaunted short gun registry."

    1. That part was very relevant and believable. However, CSIS and the CIA use false flag terrorist attacks to justify taking guns and rights away. That was the part I was referring to. If the right refuses to recognize that 911 was an inside job, then that is a real concern for everyone.


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