Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E Episode 4

Episode 4 of A&E's series Secret of the Hells Angels aired last Sunday. It is entitled The Brotherhood is a lie and features former Hells Angels president Charles "PeeWee" Goldsmith. The previous episode was the Killing of Margo Compton and contained her audio diaries.

This is the episode where PeeWee talks about the Filthy Few Fellowship.

Evidently Peewee wrote a book about it entitled Brotherhood: Greatest lie ever told. Someone had mentioned that he was out in bad and I was not aware of that. Evidently it's true. I don't know his story. I don't know what his beef is. I'll have to read his book and watch the episode.

This isn't some fake a*s wannabe whose claim to fame is lying to the club. This guy is the real deal who walked the walk. A lot of people say the gang life isn't what it pretends to be but when you say gang life I'm forced to ask what you mean by that. There's no brotherhood in drug trafficking. Everyone knows that. I don't think anyone pretends there is a brotherhood within drug trafficking. I think the argument is that the Hells Angels aren't just about drug trafficking.

The term 1% is kind of stupid. Some cop said 99% of motorcyclists were law biding citizens so some clown gets the idea of making a 1% patch meaning they represent the 1% of motorcyclists who are not law biding citizens and they all ran with it. So the term 1%er is a boast of criminal activity. Which in my opinion really isn't anything to boast about.

It's like the line from that AC/DC song which says if your evil, you're a friend of mine. That makes no sense whatsoever. Betraying a brother is evil. If I do that am I your friend? Ratting out someone so you don't have to go to jail is evil. Pedophilia is evil. Raping someone's mother, sister or daughter is evil. That's not OK. So this blanket pledge to evil is stupid.

The same with bragging about being a criminal. Stealing cars and motorcycles is pretty low life. Nobody likes or admires a thief. Even if it's luxury cars like in the GTA. Stealing those cars all the time raises the cost of insurance for everyone. That means people who steal cars are parasites. They're not liked or admired. Same with B&Es.

If you break into someone's house and steal their sh*t you're a dirt bag. Same with grow rips. Most Hells Angels think these rats that do grow rips are low life's that deserve to get their a*s kicked. But what about when they rob their own grow and then tell their grower you f*cked up and now you owe us. That is straight up Dr Phil. Nobody admires that kind of sh*t.

So when they say the brotherhood is a lie I say in what context? There's no brotherhood in stealing cars or fencing stolen property and there sure as hell isn't any brotherhood in selling drugs. That world is driven by greed and selfishness. That's why they keep shooting each other.

I guess that makes the term brotherhood within the Hells Angels problematic depending on what you're in it for. If you're in it to sell drugs or steal cars then you're better off not joining. You're better off staying an associate. Some guys just like to go on rides and attend parties. For them it's all about tits and a*s scooping up some of those patch pounders. Me, I just like to ride.

Those trailer trash parties are pretty sleazy. I am not a 1%er. I am a law biding citizens. I support law and order. My guns are all legal. I don't believe in committing crime but I do believe in defending persons and property. Those are sailors rights so they are.

PeeWee Goldsmith has a website with more history and background. You can order his book from there or if you have Amazon Prime you can order it from Amazon and get free shipping.

Update: OK I watched the episode and it's kind of a sad story. I wouldn't say the Hells Angels screwed him over. It was just a dumb technicality. In the US the Hells Angels really get anal about not cooperating with the police. I don't mean ratting people out I mean just giving a statement to the police. Micheal Kramer is allowed to talk to the cops. Here in BC the criminals are in bed with the PoPo. When Chad was shot they were jumping over the police tape to talk to the cops.

In fact there's a pretty funny affidavit that was submitted to the court by a former member of the club but I guess we'll save that for the hereafter. I think Peewee is a really good guy. I think he did make a couple of bad decisions but that's what life is all about. Live and learn. I think what he had with his first MC was a brotherhood but the Outlaws, Mongols and the Hells Angels are something else. That's a business. When I look at that life I once again say that is not something I want. That is not something I aspire to. It's really sad his son won't talk to him any more. Hopefully one day his son can forgive him. It's not worth dwelling on the past because it robs the future.

On that day (the fight at the wedding) I would have chosen to stand down and I wouldn't have given a f*ck about what anyone else said or thought. I think the rivalry between the big clubs is petty. There's more important things in life to worry about. Papa was a good guy but those guys did kill him. Oh wait, now I get it. Papa must have been the one that gave him his patch. Peewee got his colors in San Francisco. That means Papa's murder hit home.

So here we are. Choose which road you will travel but be aware of where that road leads. Be mindful of the direction you're heading because if you don't change directions, that is where you'll end up. Mind how ya go. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. Peace.


  1. You're imposing your template for a honorable life on a bunch of scumbags.
    Apples to oranges.

    1. Actually apples and oranges are just different. One is not morally any better than the other. This life is an opportunity for us to change. There are a lot of good people who have left the life that I respect. I hold less hope for the mercenaries who think they are better than everyone else and sold their sold to the Devil.

    2. I've seen church going people do as much dirt as any of these alleged "devil worshippers". It's just satanic panic hysteria. They do it because it gets a rise out of the bible thumpers.

    3. That's a little bit Dr Phil. There are indeed a lot of born agains who are crazy hypocrites like Jimmy Baker and Jimmy Swaggart but overall religion, not just Christianity, strives to make bad men good and good men better. Killing Margo Compton and her daughters was really f*cked up. There's no way to rationalize that.

    4. The daughters part went too far I agree. We don't really know how much of her testimony is accurate regarding being held against her will, but many employers in the legitimate world have binding contracts which you cannot just walk out on and NDAs regarding what occurred. It would appear she violated both aspects by ceasing her employment with them and then reporting them to the police. Sorry but I don't see the part where I'm supposed to pity her. The children was too much though.

    5. AYFKM? That is mentally deranged. That sounds like Blaze trying to rationalize shooting Brittney Irving in the back over a lie. They took advantage of a battered wife and forced her into prostitution. Then when she wanted out they kidnapped her kids. There is nothing acceptable about any of that.

    6. I don't know much about this blaze idiot. Was Irving the one who was killed over a few kilos of weed? That case is really confusing and a scumbag move if true.

      I've seen a few cases like that where it's just unnecessary violence for small-ish amounts of drugs. Especially in BC where weed is abundant. Sometimes people just do a robbery on top of a planned hit to make it more profitable.

      Irving looked kinda like a tweaker, hard to find pity for meth addicts.

      But this blaze guy sounds like a methed out loser as well, probably missing teeth. He sounds even worse.

    7. You're such a bag of sh*t. At least you're not posting under the name Kayla today. Brittney did not look like a tweaker. She was pretty and healthy. She wasn't killed over some stolen weed. Joey was paying for her hotel after the clone show she was living on was busted. Joey told a witness he had to do it. They made him do it to pay off a fake debt and Blaze was there. Instead of doing his time like Joey he cooperated with the police and he still trolls this blog after all these years. He's the one that needs to get a life not me.

  2. it's funny... the HA have a rule not to cooperate with the police, however in Quebec they had a meeting with the police to clam the war going on there with the BFM (Blood Family Mafia) and shortly afterwards 35+ members of BFM get arrested.. so it's okay if SOME cooperate with the police but not others... and what Pee Wee said it's all up to the Chapter (Charter) to decide on who gets booted in bad standing.. all a backstabbing game with some Chapters...

    1. Exactly. Some members can cooperate with the police others aren't allowed. What Michael Kramer did was appalling. That was not OK but he's still making money for them so somehow it's allowed. I think you're right in that it's up to the chapter to decide. Which in one way is quite democratic but in another way it's just political. People who want your spot will betray you to get your spot.

    2. The French HA are a different breed than any other HA members in the world. It comes from their French roots in France.

    3. Yeah the BC guys are yuppies compared to the Quebec members. I kind of get the feeling the Quebec members share the drug profits with each other more than the BC members do. In BC usually it's just one member and one associate acting under the permission of the chapter president. The rest of the members don't get a cut. That's why everyone here is politicking for positions to get a piece of the pie.

    4. I agree, it seems that the Quebec HA whole purpose for being a member of the club is to participate in that type of nefarious lifestyle.

    5. So that would imply the Quebec members share the proceeds with each other while the BC members don't.

  3. Not being allowed to talk to members who are "out bad" reminds me of Scientology's "disconnection".

    1. Yeah it's kind of weird. The club tells you who you can and can't talk to. Maybe that's why his son won't talk to him. Maybe his son is still a member.

  4. Sounds more like Pirate Code, Chasse-Partie, Jamaican Discipline, etc.


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