Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bonnie Henry is a Freak and Adrian Dix has lost his mind


  1. Adrian Dix is a Marxist Lennist.

  2. Adrian Dux deserves jail! BC is a communist province.

  3. Radio in Vancouver this am had some donkey on suggesting that Boeser got blood clots from sitting too long on the 1.5 hour flight from Edmonton. No mention that vaccine side effects include blood clots in healthy young men. I don’t know what’s worse, the Canadian media spewing this nonsense or the fact that a massive amount of Canadians still believe the bullshit

    1. Yeah the number of healthy athletes who have dropped dead from heart complications since the Rna rollout has been insane.

  4. Remember your the carbon they want to eliminate.

  5. The majority of BC's passive population is the reason these 2 nutcases are still pushing through with this agenda.
    Even the most corrupt of politicians world wide have given up on this plot.
    What does that say about the majority of people in this province?

    It really is pathetic.


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