Sunday, May 19, 2024

Search of Trent Jeske and Jade Heffer's home empty

Remember that dramatic early morning raid where the Australian gang task force brought the media with them to take inappropriate pictures of the suspects when they were hauled out of bed? Well the raid didn't find anything. So that was a just a demoralizing publicity stunt.

Consequently the judge has amended the bail conditions and rescinded the ban that prevented the newlyweds from having any contact with each other. "Heffer's revised bail conditions still require her to live at her mother's home but allow her to stay at Jeske's home when in Sydney for prearranged legal and medical appointments. Justice Adams noted Jeske was somewhat of a positive and stabilising influence for his new wife."

"Jeske was charged with the unrelated offence of driving while licence application refused and granted conditional bail to appear in Parramatta Local Court on May 30." AYFKM? All that drama for a parking ticket? "Jeske walked free in February after a 20-month stint behind bars for being a leader of the Ready 4 War street group which distributed drugs for the Alameddine crime gang."

Yeah we know. The Five Eyes don't like rivals. "Heffer was found to be in breach of prior bail conditions which required her to live with her mother in Barham on the NSW/Victoria border."

Bail conditions for what charge? She was accused of talking to the police when they came to her home to check to see if her previous boyfriend was complying with a firearm ban. That's what she's accused of. She's accused of talking to the police when they came to her home.

Turns out the dramatic allegation of her current husband appearing in a video having sex with a dog was fake. That was defamation with a malicious intent. Turns out when SWAT tore apart his mother's home over their claim she used a fake Covid certificate to go to work was false as well. That means that was an unlawful search of her home. So who are the real criminals here?

"Mr Terracini accused Strikeforce Raptor officers of mistreating Jeske and putting her in handcuffs due to an outrageous, fantastic, made-up charge. 'They leaked it to the media ... they trashed our house after they searched it and they videoed us after,' he told the court."

Seemingly there is a gang war in Sydney between the Hamzy Crime Family (Brothers 4 Life) and the Alameddine Crime Family. The strange thing is they are both Lebanese and they both have ties to Islam. But drugs, alcohol and prostitution is Haram so it is obviously one great big contradiction. One of the Brothers 4 Life chapters started admitting Afgan members and that eventually created an internal power struggle where they started shooting each other.

Why is this suspicious? Because the CIA has a long history of drug trafficking in Lebanon and Afghanistan. The CIA crashed the Nugan Hand bank in Australia through arms dealing, drug trafficking and money laundering just like the BCCI. Now with the Five Eyes alliance, Australia shares all their intelligence with the CIA who are the ones that crashed the Nugan Hand bank.

The crimes of patriots : a true tale of dope, dirty money, and the CIA. Lying is their MO.


  1. Awesome book, you recommended it to me years ago and I still have it in my personal library.

    1. There are many. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA is another:

  2. Got it. Kindle is awesome.


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