Thursday, May 2, 2024

Edmonton police knew Covid vaccination may be harmful but insisted on it, anyway

Police on Guard recently interviewed Natasha Gonek who is a professional investigator that has worked with regulatory healthcare colleges and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

"Natasha analyzed the Freedom of Information request documents received from the Edmonton Police Service and provided a detailed synopsis and recommendations from the almost 9000 pages of documents received in the FOI. Hear what Natasha has to say about what was discovered in the documents and what they revealed surrounding Covid."

Summery of Executive Report - Final Analysis Report - Western Standard Article


  1. I’m sure the EPS management were persuaded by jobs with the rcmp
    By the federal government.

  2. For someone that hasn’t watched the video, why did they insist on it if they knew it may be harmful?

    1. The same reason everyone else did. They didn't question the narrative. They were paid to enforce the narrative and crush dissent.

  3. Yes, we are all stupid idiots for not trusting and believing the science that has proven false and harmful.

    1. I think the thing is a lot of people took the Covid vaccine and are fine. Many had adverse reactions some of which were fatal. The data about the adverse reactions were clearly suppressed. They claimed it wasn't related to the vaccine when it was.

      Some people claim everyone who took the Covid vaccine will eventually die. In a sense, everyone will eventually die but it wont be related to a vaccine. Some batches were worse than others. Young men and athletes were at a higher risk to develop heart problems. Not all young men or athletes who took the Covid vaccine developed heart problems. A higher than normal percentage did and for many it was fatal.

      So IMO the Klaus Schwab Agenda behind the Covid vaccine was not to kill everyone but to increase the all cause mortality rate which we have clearly seen. They are trying to decrease global population rates through vaccines. IMO the bottom line is that these new Rna vaccines need to be optional because everything carries with it a risk.


    2. They should be optional but bill 36 and the pandemic treaty will put an end to that.

    3. We need to pull out of the treaty and ban the bill.


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