Thursday, August 18, 2022

Ukraine still shelling reactor in Donbas

Ukraine is still shelling the nuclear reactor in the Donbas and is still blaming Russia. I cannot comprehend how anyone can possibly believe Russia is doing that. The Donbas is in the east. They are predominately Russian speaking. They are the ones that voted for the Russian president that was ousted in the coup. Russian has no motive to bomb their nuclear power plant.

The Ukrainian government has been bombing the Donbas ever since their coup. That's why Russia went in to protect them. The fake news is still fake. Just sayn.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

More Falun gong arrested and tortured in China

Falun info is reporting that "According to information collected by, 2,707 incidents of Falun Gong practitioners being arrested or harassed for their faith were reported in the first half of 2022." So when the Chinese Communist Party claimed they stopped organ harvesting of political prisoners, they lied. They are still doing it and that is something our Mainstream media is completely silent about. The work camps, the torture, the organ harvesting, it's all still going on and the fake news and their fake woke agenda won't cover it. Ask yourself why.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

600 kilos of crystal meth seized by BC RCMP

Update: Ted Faupel was arrested by the US so his charges would fall under their jurisdiction.

Last Summer the RCMP reported that "Federal BC RCMP officers have arrested three individuals in a drug trafficking investigation that has resulted in a massive seizure of methamphetamines over the weekend. On Sunday, August 29, 2021, the BC RCMP Federal Serious & Organized Crime (FSOC) Major Projects team, with the assistance of the Lower Mainland Integrated Emergency Response Team executed an operation as part of an investigation into drug trafficking. Three men have been arrested and face potential drug possession and trafficking charges. In total, approximately 600 kilograms of suspected methamphetamines have been seized equating to potentially millions of doses."

A year later no charges have been laid. It reminds me of the Western Wind bust that never happened because Richard Barszczewski prevented any BC Hells Angels from being charged. He ended up winning the lottery. John Stirling was caught in Oregon as well as Florida after that.

In May a Hells Angels associate from Alberta was caught in a speedboat smuggling 650 kilos of crystal meth. He said he didn't know what was in the bags. He lied. He posed in Hells Angels support gear on social media. I can't find any charges for him either. Can we see the pattern yet?

Update on the homicide outside the Liquid Zoo

Castanet is reporting that the name of the victim who was murdered outside the Liquid Zoo in Kelowna last Friday is Nicholas Epp, the father of three young children. His wife posted a picture of the suspect who murdered him. Very sad. What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Update: Turns out the suspect is not Dave Revell. Apparently the surveillance video shows an altercation which resulted in no charges being laid. The victim was fine in the ambulance then tragically died. Sounds like he hit his head on the way down. A genuine tragedy.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Tyrel Quesnelle and the Hells Angels

November of last year Tiffany Crawford did a spotlight on the Brothers Keepers and reported that "In December 2019, Keepers associate Tyrel Nguyen Quesnelle was charged with the October 2017 murder of Randy Kang, a former associate turned rival of the Keepers’ gang, and the November 2018 slaying of Jagvir Malhi." In this picture we see Harb Dhaliwal beside his brother Shrek and two steps behind them is Tyrel Quesnelle. They were attending Ali's funeral in Surrey.

Tyrel Quesnelle is a Brother's Keepers Associate. The Brother's Keepers work for the Edmonton Hells Angels. Tyrel was arrested in Edmonton. Shrek has always been a Hells Angels associate tied to Jamie Bacon. Now that Jamie Bacon is cooperating with the police, That puts Shrek and his brothers in a dangerous position. So here's the love triangle on paper.

Tiffany Crawford reported that "Postmedia News reporter Kim Bolan has reported extensively on the Brothers Keepers gang since its founder, Gavinder Grewal, was gunned down in his rented North Vancouver penthouse apartment on Dec. 22, 2017."

The Brothers Keepers have had quite a violent history of internal strife. After all, the founder was gunned down in North Vancouver and he wasn't gunned down by a rival. If the Hells Angels were to take over the Brother's Keepers, they had to get rid of it's founder first just like they did with the Death Riders in Laval. Tiffany Crawford is quite right. Kim Bolan has been right in there giving us a direct link to the CFSEU's spin on the Brother's Keepers from day one.

The UN did not kill Chad or Ali, the Hells Angels did. In fact almost all the Hells Angles ever killed in BC have been killed by the club. The Brother's Keepers had a huge respect for Ali. They would not kill him. That's why the Edmonton Hells Angels had to get someone from Edmonton to do it.

Tyrel was a rapper. I didn't report on the BK / BIBO beef because I didn't want to promote rappers shooting each other over petty sh*t. However, we need to be very clear what that beef was really about. Gary Kang did not kill Ali, the Edmonton Hells Angels did. Ali wanted the proceeds from the Brother's Keepers drug sales since he did all the work and the Edmonton chapter said no. That's was their money. So they killed him.

No doubt that created more internal strife within the Brother's Keepers tumultuous history. Ali was the one that held it all together. Killing him no doubt rekindled the previous conflict about servitude to the Hells Angels. Gary Kang was tied to Jamie Bacon and the Red Scorpions.

Gary Kang led a faction within the Red Scorpions that the Hells Angels felt threatened by. The Club embraced Jamie Bacon because he was an idiot who could never make it on his own without them. Gary Kang was a concern because he could make it on his own. He had his own supply contacts in Mexico and didn't need the Hells Angels so they killed him and everyone else that was a threat to Jamie Bacon's leadership in the Red Scorpions.

Then that little millennial b*tch had the audacity to claim the bikers stole from him. The bikers taxed him. Without the bikers, he would own nothing. So before Jamie Bacon started cooperating with the police, the Hells Angels were killing anyone they saw as a threat to his leadership in the Red Scorpions. After he started cooperating with the police, they started killing people who worked for him. You won't see that in the Fake News because IHIT and the CFSEU don't want to admit they are responsible for the spike in local gang violence. They'll just keep blaming those immigrants and refuse to charge the people that hired them. All roads lead to Rome. Or in this case, the Wolf Pack, who roll on the people they hire and the Edmonton Hells Angels.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Cameron Ortis' fake trial begins in September

The Communist Broadcasting Corporation is reporting that "Cameron Ortis, the RCMP official accused of preparing to leak sensitive information, has a new lawyer as his case moves toward a trial date later this year. An eight-week criminal trial is scheduled to start September 6th."

"Earlier this week, Attorney General David Lametti announced that Ian Carter, who has defended Ortis since his arrest back in 2019, has been appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario in Ottawa. Jon Doody, who works at Carter's firm, is taking over Ortis' defence."

"Ortis, who served as director general of the RCMP's national intelligence co-ordination centre, is charged with violating the Security of Information Act. He is accused of trying to share sensitive information with a foreign entity or terrorist organization and has been charged also with sharing operational information in 2015." Not.

"Trying to share?" This case is a complete fraud. First they claimed he was giving classified information to Communist China. That was a lie. Then they claimed he was sharing operational information with a CI. That was another lie. Vincent Ramos was working for the RCMP.

Afghanistan in Crisis

Afghanistan is in crisis because the Taliban stopped the production of opium again and have adversely affected the CIA's lucrative drug trafficking network. Gary Webb was right. The CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80's. Operation Fast and Furious showed us that Iran Contra never stopped. What the CIA did secretly in Vietnam, they did openly in Afghanistan.
Women's rights are a lot worse in Saudi Arabia than Afghanistan. The CIA don't care because they want their opium back. That's all they want. That's why the fake news about Afghanistan is returning. Operation Mass Appeal is still in effect.

Jordan B Peterson addresses farmers in the Netherlands

Victoria bans the construction of homes heated with natural gas

True North is reporting that "Victoria councillors have banned the construction of homes that rely on fossil fuels like natural gas for heating after the year 2025. This week, city councillors touted its 'zero carbon' policy, which will require all future developments to be heated using renewable energy only." That is bat sh*t crazy and falls under the definition of fake environmentalism.

Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. This is like banning farming to save the environment. It is a lie with a sinister agenda. Natural gas is clean burning but it's also cheap. Heating your home with electricity is expensive and will get a lot worse when natural gas is phased out. BC Hydro has a ballooning debt the government keeps deferring because Gordon Campbell privatized the Independent Power Producers that sell power to the public company at above market rates. Phasing out natural gas reinforces that fraud and magnifies that debt.
Victoria needs to elect a new City Council ASAP. Those clowns need to be replaced.

Dennis Watson on Islam and Iran

CTV is reporting that "The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie was taken off a ventilator and able to talk Saturday, a day after he was stabbed as he prepared to give a lecture in upstate New York. Rushdie, a native of India who has since lived in Britain and the U.S., is known for his surreal and satirical prose style, beginning with his Booker Prize-winning 1981 novel "Midnight's Children," in which he sharply criticized India's then-prime minister, Indira Gandhi."

"The Satanic Verses drew death threats after it was published in 1988, with many Muslims regarding as blasphemy a dream sequence based on the life of the Prophet Muhammad, among other objections. Rushdie's book had already been banned and burned in India, Pakistan and elsewhere before Iran's Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or edict, calling for Rushdie's death in 1989. Khomeini died that same year, but the fatwa remains in effect. Iran's current supreme leader, Khamenei, never issued a fatwa of his own withdrawing the edict, though Iran in recent years hasn't focused on the writer."

Hadi Matar, the suspect charged in the stabbing was born in the United States to Lebanese parents. CTV referred to the stabbing as a targeted, unprovoked, preplanned attack which it was. True North quoted a "charity" that referred to it as a terrorist attack which it wan't.

True North is reporitng that "Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses, published in 1988, forced the author to go into hiding for nearly 10 years. The book’s title referred to verses of the Quran, which Rushdie claimed had been removed." Trashing relion is not nice.

I have two points to make. Hadi Matar is not a terrorist and Ruhollah Khomeini is not a nice man which leads me to the topic of Islam and Iran. I understand that Candice Malcolm's husband is a Muslim from Iran. He is a good man and they make a wonderful couple.

I support the freedom of religion. I don't care if you are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Sikh, Buddhist, or Baha'i - I don't care. People have a right to their beliefs. I realize that Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims sometimes fight with each other like Catholics and Protestants did in Northern Ireland. That defeats the purpose of religion. People have a right to their beliefs.

"God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Acts 10:34-35

I believe in the separation of the Church and State and I oppose the adaption of a State religion. Yet Israel has the right to form a Jewish State just like Iran has the right to form an Islamic State.

Israel's Jewish State is problematic just like Iran's Islamic State is. What happens to all the non Jews living in Israel and all the non Muslims living in Iran? They all become second class citizens. In fact, if you are a non Jew, you can't become a citizen of Israel. I'm not saying I oppose their right to form a Jewish State. I'm just saying it's problematic and that's not the society I choose to live in. I'll vistit there and adhere to their customs but I prefer to live in a free republic.

The CIA demonize Iran because they want their oil. That's what Operation Ajax was all about. In fact we have MI6 and the CIA to thank for the religious extremism that exists in Iran. Yet women have far more rights in Iran than they do in Saudi Arabia. The CIA ignore that because of their ties to Saudi oil and Saudi's support of the CIA's arms dealing and money laundering.

Iranians are Persians not Arabs. There was a wonderful YouTube series about a couple from Norway that toured Iran. In Iran the women rock their hijab back slightly to show part of their hair. All my Syrian neighbors would never do that. Obama wanted to sell Iran nuclear reactors which would give them the means to make nuclear weapons which in my opinion is unwise. Yet I don't support sanctions against Iran. Let them live they way they choose and let them have their oil.
The Muslims in Communist China's prison camps have seen exactly where Justin Trudeau's lies ultimately lead. We need to look past the CIA's Globalist lies about Muslims and embrace them in our common struggle against the World Economic Forum's Orwellian agenda.