The RCMP have launched a Gang Watch Forum at: http://www.justiceinourtimes.ca
Unfortunately there is no forum on it and despite reaching out to credible people for their input I just get the feeling that there is the same old underlining propaganda rationalizing the Judicial complacency in BC. This is where I break ranks with the establishment and stand in support of Jim Chu from the VPD.
I completely agree that politicians need to take more heat and be more accountable for passing law an order legislation. I do take issue with politicians exploiting our misfortune and using it as a platform to promote themselves and their political party instead of laying party politics aside and doing what is in the country’s best interest.
Nevertheless, I take great offense to the extent of the propaganda passion rationalizing the Judicial screw ups we see on an ongoing basis in BC. My beef starts with the lawyers. Lawyers are by nature arrogant. They refer to each other as “My learned Friend”. If you don’t have a law degree you’re not a learned friend, you are in essence a civilian.
Lawyers see themselves in a different class from the rest of the world and if you don’t have a law degree you don’t understand the courts. Period. It’s compounded by the fact that judges were at one point lawyers. I had one person ask me how is it that a crooked lawyer becomes an honest judge? Is there some kind of epiphany that takes place? Not likely.
The perfect example of this credibility gap was Wally Oppal. He was a former judge and the Attorney General who went to a great deal of effort convincing the public that our judges were fine. He was not reelected and I was not the only one that felt his defeat was related to his stand on the judges.
One page I saw on that RCMP Gang Wars site was the goal to make hearings public so the public can understand why some decisions are made. That is offensive. Here we have the propaganda doctor restating the lawyers misconception that they know everything and the public knows nothing. This is the founding premise of most dictatorships.
It’s not about the charter. The charter of rights is a good thing. It’s about bad judges who are either scared, inept or corrupt. If they are scared I can understand that. Let’s spend more money on protecting our judges and less money on protecting the Bacon brothers.
Nevertheless, defending the charter has nothing to do with throwing out evidence that was acquired after a search warrant was acquired. It has nothing to do with throwing out evidence because the police didn’t knock on the back door after they knocked on the front door to execute a search warrant. The list is long and shameful but we do have a problem with bad judges in BC and if that puts me on a black list for exercising my charter right to say that then so be it.
When the line in the sand is drawn and the masses lobby to rationalize judicial incompetence I will stand on the other side of that line and support people like the mother of Michael Levy who said “I’d like to slap that judge’s face.”